Chapter 1

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"Miss, Her royal highness requests your presence in the library" I turn away from the window and focus my attention on the young maid who had come into my room. I nod my head in thanks and she bowed before walking away. I had arrived on Asgard a month ago and since then Thor has been away returning the nine realms to peace and Loki has been locked in the dungeons, I'm not allowed to see him so he probably thinks I've abandoned him. I get up from my position and make my way to the library.
When I entered I saw the Queen sat by herself surrounded by books. "Your majesty, you wanted to see me?" I say as I come to stop in front her and bow slightly. "Avery, please sit" she gestures to a seat, I cautiously lower myself into one of the chairs. "Thor spoke of your powers and how you wish to control them better" I nod "That is correct, my Queen"
She waves her hand a little "Please call me Frigga. I shall teach you what I know and I would also like you to take up fighting lessons with the Lady Sif whilst she is here before she goes off to war again" I smile excitedly and she returns the smile "But can you do something for me?"
"Of course, your-Frigga" I stutter. "Can you visit my youngest son, Loki? I fear he has become too lonely and loneliness can do terrible things to a person" She asks but I frown slightly "I'm not allowed in the dungeons" Frigga just smiles and I can see where Loki got his mischievous side from even if they're not related. "Trust me, you'll be allowed" I nod and she dismisses me so I make my way down to the training fields, I would visit Loki tomorrow.  On my way, I make a quick stop at my room and get changed into some armour so that I'm more prepared to train.
I finally arrived at the training fields and see Sif put a warrior twice her size on his back before she notices me. I smirk happy that I'll be getting training from her, she helps the warrior then jogs over to me. "Avery?" she asks. "That would be me" She nods then points to the field "Right, 40 pushups, 30 squats, 20 sit-ups and 10 burpees then come find me by the weapons table"

I do exactly as she says then meet her as she said by the weapons table. "You're fast" Sif states as I look over the various weapons "Thank you, I ran around New York chasing aliens, I must be in shape to do that"
"Pick a weapon, I suggest a sword or spear but that's my personal choice" she says as she picks out a short but sharp sword. I run my fingers over the various weapons from swords to axes, none of them take my fancy until I notice a pair of daggers at the end of the table, they had a blue blade unlike the normal silver.

I pick them up and they felt right in my hands, I even gave them a twirl to see if they were any good

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I pick them up and they felt right in my hands, I even gave them a twirl to see if they were any good. "I like these" I say to Sif who raises an eyebrow "Daggers? Are you sure?" I nod and she shrugs leading me to an open space near the warriors.

She shows me the proper stance to fight then lunges at me, I quickly move backwards and block her sword with my daggers crossed. She backs up a bit "Now there are two important things to remember" she says lunging at me again "Don't let the enemy get you on your back, they can kill you in a second" I block her sword but she kicks my legs out from underneath me and pins me down on my back. I get up, ready for another go "Second, don't turn your back on your enemy even if they are injured, they can still harm you if you aren't paying attention. Now try again" I swing one of my daggers towards her face hitting the sword, I pull the other up but she grabbed my hand and pushed me back then came at me. I block her attacks but we get stuck so I swing my arm around to knock her sword out of her hands as well as my daggers. I run at her and punch her in the stomach whilst sweeping her legs from beneath her. Sif grabs the top of my arm and pulls me to the ground as well, I quickly scramble to my knees just in time to stop her from reaching her sword. I grab her arm but she twists and kicks me in the face and I reel back, I see one of my daggers and manage to take it. I throw the dagger so it lands just in front of her face so she pauses, I make it to my feet and grab the other dagger. I press my knee against her lower back and extend my leg so it presses against the sword preventing it from being grabbed as well as placing my dagger against her throat not giving Sif any way to escape. "I yield" she says and I get off her back whilst picking up the sword. "That was impressive, I'm looking forward to training you some more." I nod and give her, her sword back. "Can't wait" I say out of breath and slowly trudge back to my room, the aches of the fight only now making themselves known. As soon as I got to my room I stripped out of my armour and collapsed onto my bed, falling asleep instantaneously.
The next morning I was awoken by a maid and they helped me into a dress as I didn't have training today.

I was escorted to the library after I had my breakfast

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I was escorted to the library after I had my breakfast. I open the doors and see Frigga already there waiting for me but she had cleared a space so we could practise. "Avery, how was your training session with the Lady Sif yesterday" she asks, flicking through some books. "It was good, can't wait for the next one. I'm going to visit Loki later if that is still ok with you?" I reply sitting in one of the stools. Frigga nods and also sits. "Right today we will focus on your telekinetic abilities then each day we will focus on a different ability then do the same next week" I nod as she explained what we are going to be doing whilst I was here. "First things first" Frigga places a book in front of me on the floor. "Lift this up to eye level"

I focus on the book and raise it with my eyes not needing to use my hands "That's good, now move it towards me and put it in my lap" I do as instructed and the book lands safely in her hands. She then throws the book at my face, I quickly react holding out my hand and stop the book in mid air and lower it back to the ground. "It's good to know you have quick reflexes" That's all Frigga says "We're gonna try that again but this time I want you to repel the book onto those cushions." She points at the pile of cushions then picks up the book again, I was given a second to prepare before she throws the book again. This time I send a ball of energy at the book and it is repelled right into the cushions and I smile at the small victory. Frigga also smiles "You're doing really well, it seems you are quite powerful. I want you to close your eyes." I shut my eyes "I'm going to throw the book at a random time and you have to stop it but without opening your eyes"
"I understand" I say and wait for the book but I got hit in the face "Ow" I mutter rubbing the side of my face. "You weren't focusing, you need reach out and see the area around you" Frigga explains as she picks up the book "Right, try again" I close my eyes and focus, calming my mind and reaching out. For a brief second it was almost as if I could see the library again before a book was thrown and I stopped it with my hand. I didn't open my eyes and raised some other objects but I didn't realise that I was beginning to levitate, my eyes shot open promptly losing their blue glow. I fell to the floor and the objects around me clattered to floor as well. I look apologetically at Frigga "I'm sorry"
"It's ok, for your first time you did really well. I think that's it for today, I shall see you tomorrow" I nod and leave the library, only slightly tired.

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