Chapter 6

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I stare at the phone as the rings echo around my hotel room. It was Steve. The rings go quiet and I slowly pick the phone up, did he know? Did he know that my father was not only a dangerous Hydra assassin but his best friend? Is that why he was suddenly so overprotective because I was the daughter of Bucky Barnes.
I click on the voicemail that he left and placed the phone to my ear. "Hey Avery, I know that you haven't been picking up my calls but I just wanted to let you know that we are planning on stopping Ultron from evolving. I hope you enjoyed your time away and that you feel better, if you do then you can meet Tony and Bruce back at the tower, they are going to destroy Ultron's new body. If not that's fine, I'll see you when the battle is over." The call cuts off and I lower the phone back to my lap. I was feeling slightly better but I can't go back out there, it would just be better if I remained out of the action.
I walk up to the musty window with a cup of tea, it wasn't much of a view but at night the city lights illuminate the street making it looks strangely beautiful but also creepy. I take a sip but was violently thrust into a vision.

I look around and notice everyone was there except for Thor and Nat, I even notice the twins and see them standing behind Cap. In the center of the room is a giant coffin type of structure, that must where Ultron is making his new body and by the design it was using Helen Cho's regeneration cradle. Tony and Bruce had looks of horror and Pietro stood with the cables in his hands, he had just cut all the power to the cradle. "No, no. Go on. You were saying?" I watch as a bullet fires through the glass he was standing on and he falls downwards, landing below. "I'm rerouting the upload" Tony states and tries to start but Cap throws his shield stopping him. There was a bit of a tussle before Thor comes through the door and jumps onto the cradle. He summons the power from the room and probably the whole tower before aiming at the body in the cradle. In the midst of all the lightning, my vision was taking on a reddish tinge like the vision I had when Wanda put her spell on me. I squint my eyes and all was silent for a beat. Suddenly, the body blasted through the cradle, throwing Thor back, and perched on top of it. My eyes widen at the sight of the humanoid figure, he was predominately red with silver plates that encased parts of his body and a yellow stone was in the center of his forehead. He looks up, immediately locking eyes with Wanda. He looks around at the rest of them before settling his gaze on Thor, he shoots forward but Thor manages to throw him towards a window where he stops. He floats down to the ground, materialising an outfit for himself in the process, he looks at the Avengers that were now surrounding him. "So this is how a city looks at night, it's so peaceful. It almost makes you forget about the horrors that come during the day." He steps forward with a thoughtful look on his face "Every day innocent lives are taken for what, science?" he says seemingly out of random and glares at Bruce and Tony "Mutants are the next step in human evolution and you kill them without mercy. If androids and mutants are to ever find peace, free from the humans then humans must be wiped out, completely and utterly. Starting with those who stand as idols to said humans." My face turns to one of horror as the android's face turns to a snarl and the stone in his head shoots a yellow beam, it eliminated all my friends in one fell scoop. He nods before crashing through the window and flying to places unknown.

The sound of my mug crashing to floor was the first thing I heard as I came out of my vision, the scalding tea burned my bare feet but I took no notice and stepped away from window, Tony is going to continue Ultron's work and finish building his final body. I couldn't let this body destroy my friends, I look over at my bag that held my costume that I hadn't touched since I came to this motel. I walk over to it and pull out the blue material, I sigh. I might not want to fight but I can still warn them, I stuff the suit back into the backpack and pulling on my shoes, my feet had already healed. I leave the room without a backward glance, time to save Tony and everyone else from the android.
I land on the helipad and cautiously walk inside and see that all the lights were off. My breath quickens  and I run throughout the tower, I skid into the main room but instead of dead bodies I see all of them standing around the android. "What the fuck?" I question with my mouth hung open and I drop my bag to the ground as they all turn to face me. Steve was the first to react and jogged over to me "Avery, I'm glad you decided you would join us" he says and I let myself be guided over to the others. I shrug off Steve's arm and take a step back from the group. "No, this is, this is just a sick mind game" I whisper to myself and the others look at me completely perplexed. "What do you mean?" Steve asks and tries to get closer but take another step back "You're all supposed to dead, he killed you" I point at the android with a shaky hand. I shake my head trying to get rid of the vision but everyone stayed. "What are you talking about?" Tony questions with a perplexed look on his face. "I-I had a vision that he was on Ultron's side and he wiped you all out using that stone, I thought you were going to die but I didn't expect him to be on our side unless..." I trail off as I think about the red tint of the vision, I frown and turn away from the group and just stare at the floor, my cheeks flushed. "I don't want to kill Ultron." Vision speaks up and I look up at him "He's unique, and he's in pain. But that pain will roll over the earth, so he must be destroyed. Every form he's built, every trace of his presence on the net, we have to act now. And not one of us can do it without the others. Maybe I am a monster. I don't think I'd know if I were one. I'm not what you are, and not what you intended. So there may be no way to make you trust me. But we need to go." As he says that he picks up Thor's hammer and hands it to them. I scoff in disbelief, I was so wrong. Thor takes the hammer and Vision walks off leaving everyone else in shocked silence, I turn around and exit the room.
I sit in my room when all the sudden Vision walks through the wall, I almost have a heart attack and let out a sigh when I see it was only him. "Please don't do that again" I say as my heart rate goes back to normal. "I just wanted you to know that won't kill your friends as I said before I am on the side of life. I was curious though that you seemed to have a vision that didn't come true, that is very unusual." he came and sat next to me. "It's because of an incident involving something called the Aether a couple of years ago." I explain before Thor barged into the room, I throw my hands up in the air "Just invite yourself in why don't ya?" I exclaim. "What happened with the aether?" Thor asked and I realise that I never actually told him I was exposed and absorbed apart of it. "When you hit Malekith with your lightening, the blast sent the Aether in all different directions. I creating a path for you but was thrown backwards and I somehow absorbed part of the Aether." I revealed and he looks at me in shock. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"You were with Jane and I didn't want to ruin your time with her. I thought I would be alright, that I could control my rapidly expanding powers. Obviously I was wrong, I can't trust my own visions anymore because I'm seeing alternate realities; I can't control the chaos inside me and that terrifies me Thor. I don't want to hurt anyone or accuse anyone of wrong doing when they're innocent." I glance over at Vision before looking at the floor. Thor stays silent for a beat before pulling me into a hug "I won't claim to know how hard it is to gain new powers and losing Loki as well must have made things even more difficult but I promise to help you through this" he looks me in the eyes and I smile in appreciation. "Now, Steve says to suit up, we're going to Sokovia to fight Ultron and save the citizens" I nod and he leaves with Vision.

I place my bag on my bed with a sigh, I pull out the suit and lay it down. It was time to stop hiding, as long as I take care then I should be fine besides I'm helping the citizens as well as crushing a few robots, that'll make me feel better. I pull on the suit and slide two daggers into the pockets then join the rest of the team on the Quinjet. I stand next to Vision and everyone seemed to relax when they noticed I wasn't claiming they're dead or trying to attack Vision. Steve stood by the pilots chair "Ultron knows we're coming. Odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire, and that's what we signed up for. But the people of Sokovia, they didn't. So our priority is getting them out. All they want is to live their lives in peace, and that's not going to happen today. But we can do our best to protect them. And we can get the job done, and find out what Ultron's been building. We find Romanoff, and we clear the field. Keep the fight between us. Ultron thinks we're monsters and we're what's wrong with the world. This isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right." We all nod and I feel the ship lift off the ground, let's go get this bastard.

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