Chapter 5

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I open my eyes and immediately notice I'm in a medical room. I sit up and rub my head, the pain was almost gone and the voices had now quietened to being whispers in the back to my mind and only became voices when I focused on them.

I looked up at the sound of the door opening and two men stepped into room, one looking vaguely familiar. "Avery Foster, we would like a word, please follow me" the first man states. I nod and follow him wordlessly with the second guy following not far behind us. He lead us through the facility and a caught a glance at Thor's hammer still in the rock before I was directed into an interrogation room. I sat down at the table and the familiar agent sat across from me. "I'm Agent Coulson and that is Agent Barton." he nodded to the agent who was stood behind me. He places his hands on the table and leans slightly toward me. "So Miss Foster, what were you doing outside of a restricted SHEILD base, screaming at the top of your lungs?"

I cross my arms "I wanted to see the hammer everyone was talking about in the town and I just happened to get caught up in the storm as I tried to leave. As for the screaming you wouldn't believe me if I told you" Coulson sits up slightly "Try me" is all he says. I tilt my head slightly with a smile and place my arms on the table "Alright, like I said I came to visit the hammer but got caught in the storm. At the same time I got the migraine of the century rendering me unable to move for pain. Whilst I was writhing in pain, I saw images of what was happening such as the blonde man unable to lift the hammer and Agent Barton ready to shoot his arrow at Thor." My smile got wider at the slight shock on their faces. "Then I went into a dreamscape and spent I'm guessing an hour or two there; I opened my eyes to find the voices had been tuned down to just a whisper."

"Voices?" Barton interrupts, moving to stand next to Coulson. "Oh how could I forget, I can read minds" I say as I relax into my seat. "That's not possible" Coulson states. "As I said, you wouldn't believe me" he just looks at Barton and he shrugs not knowing what to believe. "Sir" another person comes into the room. "Someone named Erik Selvig has come to collect a Donald Blake and Avery Foster." Coulson stands and exits the room but not before commanding Barton to watch over me. "Is it true? Everything you just said" Barton asks as soon as the door closed. I look into his eyes. "Why would I lie?"

At that moment Coulson came back with a slightly annoyed expression. "Looks like you're free to go, Miss Foster but just note if you try something like this again then I'll have no choice but to lock you up." I nod and Barton escorts me out where I see both Thor and Erik waiting for me. You're being watched, kid. I turn to face Barton in confusion. Just be careful. I smile and then make my way to where Erik and Thor were standing.
We got into the car and Erik started to drive home but I noticed that Thor was more down than when I last saw him. "Thor? What's wrong?" I ask as we both sat in the back seat of the car due to Erik still being annoyed at us. He just looked at me with sadness and hopelessness in his eyes, something that I had never seen before. "I can't go home; I've been deemed unworthy by Mjolnir and my father died due to stress." he paused to gather his emotions, "I never got to say goodbye. What am I meant to do Avery. I'm nothing without my hammer"
I sigh "If your nothing without your powers then maybe you shouldn't have them" he looks at me in shock. "I know it sounds cruel but you need to find strength and bravery without your powers so you can prove that you are indeed worthy to wield that hammer of yours again. If its any consolation you can stay with us until you figure out what you want to do"

"Thank you, Avery" he says with a look of gratitude and determination, he then looked at Erik, "Erik, my friend, why don't we go for a drink as my apology to you". He sighed "Sure, why not but after we drop Avery off at home"
"What? Why?" I ask sad that I'll miss out on a drunk Erik as he rarely lets his guard down. "You're too young, this isn't up for debate so don't even try". I cross my arms but I wasn't annoyed just sad I'll miss out.
They dropped me off at the lab and went to the local bar. I went inside and saw Jane was spending the night in the caravan. I shrugged off my clothes and collapsed onto bed, surprisingly tried for someone who had a power nap earlier.

I awoke on the edge of town in the morning obviously meaning whatever is going to happen it will do so tomorrow. I flinched back as four people appeared in the mist of cloud and rainbow. These were dressed much like Thor in my previous dreams so they must be his friends. I watch as they march into town in search of Thor, I'll help them tomorrow.

The scene blurs and I find myself in a room full ancient artifacts and at the very end stood Loki in front of a giant gate. He slams the staff down and the gate opens to show a robot kind figure that I had only sketched once. "Ensure my brother does not return. Destroy everything".

A small vision comes into view showing the destroyer flattening the small town and Loki sitting on the throne watching the destruction emotionlessly.

My eyes flew open "He's coming"

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