Chapter 2

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I make my way to the lab, it had been a few days since the fight at the Hydra base and Tony and Bruce haven't been seen since we got back. I knock on the door and peek my head around the door, I had finally mustered up enough courage to ask Tony about the suit he made me. "Hey Tony. Can I ask you something?" I question as I step into the lab. "Yeah what do you need?" Tony replies looking away from the scepter and at me. "My suit got damaged at the Hydra base..." I begin to explain but he interrupted me. "No need to say anymore, your new suit is through that door." Tony pointed to a door in the far corner. "You finished it?" I ask walking over, he nods and resumes examining the scepter. I open the door and let out a slight gasp at the suit that hung there.

I took it out of its case to get a closer look at it, it was like Nat's but had blue lines that ran the length of the suit and the material was made so that it wouldn't degrade when I use my powers

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I took it out of its case to get a closer look at it, it was like Nat's but had blue lines that ran the length of the suit and the material was made so that it wouldn't degrade when I use my powers. "What do you think of it?" Tony asks, I turn to him with a grin "I love it, thank you" I exit the lab to leave them to their work.

I smooth down the dark blue dress as I look in the mirror before walking out of my room to where the party had already begun

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I smooth down the dark blue dress as I look in the mirror before walking out of my room to where the party had already begun. I could hear music and the sound of people chatting and having fun. I enter through the door and sigh at the amount of people at this party. I need a drink.
I go up to the bar and see Nat mixing drinks, "Hey Nat, fancy making me one of your cocktails." I say sitting down on one of the bar stools. She turns her head in my direction and begins to pour a liquid into two glasses. "So Steve hasn't caught you yet?" She asks, pushing a glass over to me. I pick it up and take a large gulp of the drink not even flinching at the strong taste. "Nope" I say popping the 'p'. "At least not yet" I finish the last of the drink and Nat raises an eyebrow but gives me a bottle of beer and I take a large swing of that too. "You'll regret that tomorrow" Nat warns but I shrug "No I won't, can't get drunk" I say but notice Steve walk up the stairs with another man. "See you later, Nat" I say and run up the stairs before she can say anything.
"I don't think I can afford a place in Brooklyn" Steve states as I walk up to the two men. "Well, home is home, you know?" The other man remarked and they both fall silent as they look out on the party. "How do you like the party?" I ask coming up behind the pair. Steve jumps slightly "Avery, it's good" the beside him coughs slightly and suppress a smile "Oh, Avery Foster meet Sam Wilson a friend of mine"
I smile and shake his hand "It's nice to meet you Sam and I don't go by Foster anymore" I say to Steve
"What is your last name then?" Sam asks.
"Don't know at the moment don't really care but I would like to find out about my true parents at some point" I explain taking a drink of my beer and I see Steve frown from the corner of my eye. "Is that a beer?" He states
I look at the drink then at him "Yes it is."
"Aren't you a bit young to be drinking?" This time it was Sam who asks. "No, I'm actually 23. I am over the legally age and I can't get drunk so Captain" I turn to fully Steve "I'm going to be taking full advantage of this. Excuse me, Gentlemen" I nod my head alto both and go down the stairs to rejoin the party.
It was coming to the end of the party and only the avengers plus Maria and Dr Cho were here. I sip from my drink eyeing Thor's hammer on the table. "But, it's a trick!" Clint exclaims as he spins drumsticks
"Oh, no. It's much more than that." Thor explains giving me a side glance.
"Uh, 'Whosoever be he worthy shall haveth the power!' Whatever man! It's a trick." Clint continues and everyone goes quiet.
"Well please, be my guest." Thor holds out a hand towards his hammer, now everyone is paying attention. Clint looks at him with slight shock before standing up and slowly walking towards the handle. "Oh this is gonna be beautiful." Rhodes comments and I sit back taking another drink.
"Clint, you've had a tough week, we won't hold it against you if you can't get it up." We laugh at Tony's comment and Clint grasps the handle.
"You know I've seen this before, right?" Clint grabs Thor's hammer and can't lift it, I smile as he turns to Thor "I still don't know how you do it."
He steps back and looks at all of us "Smell the silent judgment?" Tony waves an arm at all of us with a smirk. "Please, Stark, by all means." Clint gestures to the hammer and I knew this was going to get very interesting. Tony gets up and unbuttons his suit jacket showing that he meant business "Never one to shrink from an honest challenge." he slips his hand into the strap and prepares to lift up the hammer. "It's physics."
"Physics!" Bruce scoffs and I knew already that he wont be able to lift it. "Right, so, if I lift it, I...I then rule Asgard?" Tony asks and Thor is just relaxed as he replies "Yes, of course."
"I will be re-instituting Prima Nocta." Tony then pulls as hard as he can but the hammer doesn't budge, he unstraps his hand "Be right back". A few minutes later Tony comes back with his armored hand and tries to pull the hammer up and even gets Rhodey involved but still it doesn't budge. Then Bruce tries and even fakes changing into Hulk when it doesn't lift up for him, I grin behind my drink as everyone looks slightly wary. Steve gets up to try and I lean forward, if anyone can lift it, it would be him. Steve grasps the handle and pulls; to my surprise the hammer budges slightly making a squeaking noise on the table. My eyes widen but see that only Thor and myself notice and Thor looks extremely relived that Steve couldn't lift up the hammer. "Widow?" Bruce asks but she replies "Oh, no. That's not a question I need answered." Nat leans back and takes a swig of her drink. I sink into the couch but Tony calls me up "Psychic, you haven't had a go"
I put down my drink and stand up sending a grin to Steve; I step up behind the handle and grasp ahold of it, almost immediately I'm sent into a vision.

"There may be no way to trust me but we need to go" I hear someone say and the familiar sound of Mjolnir being lifted.
"I knew it" Thor exclaims and I see Mjolnir being held by an out of focus person, I couldn't make out who it was exactly but it looked like Steve which is confusing as he can't lift the hammer now. Does he have something to hide? Or was he just faking it so that Thor's pride wouldn't be damaged?

I slowly come out of my vision and take my hand off of the hammer, Steve is stood next to me with a worried expression on his face "You alright?" he asks. I nod "Yes" and sit back down no longer wanting to try lift the hammer. "All deference to the man who wouldn't be king, but it's rigged." Tony interrupts and takes the attention off of me. "You bet your ass." Clint calls as we all split up to stand in different groups. "Steve, he said a bad language word." Maria calls out referencing how he acted like a grandparent in the previous battle
"Did you tell everyone about that?" Steve asks Tony from beside me. "The handle's imprinted, right? Like a security code. 'Whosoever is carrying Thor's fingerprints' is, I think, the literal translation?" Tony suggests and I raise an eyebrow at that. I had been there when Thor was an arrogant prick and he couldn't lift it. "Yes, well that's, uh, that's a very, very interesting theory. I have a simpler one." he gets up, then lifts his hammer and flips it "You're all not worthy." I grin at the chorus of disagreement from the others.

Suddenly there was a loud screeching noise and I winced covering my ears; I turn to see one of Tony's iron legion suits (a badly damaged one) had stumbled into the main area. "Worthy... No, how could you be worthy? You're all killers." The robot spoke and I slowly got up with the rest of the team "I'm sorry, I was asleep. Or... I was a-dream?"
Tony tries to fix the problem but JARVIS wasn't responding "There was a terrible noise... and I was tangled in... in... strings. I had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy." the robot continued as he staggers about leaking oil everywhere. "You killed someone?" Steve voices the question I had. "Wouldn't have been my first call. But, down in the real world we're faced with ugly choices." I frown wondering were this robot came from and why does it have psychopathy tendencies. 
"Who sent you?" Thor asks his relaxed demeanor gone. The robot makes a rewinding noise and a sound recording of Tony echoes through the room "I see a suit of armor around the world."
"Ultron!" Bruce exclaims and I turn my head to him who or what should I say is Ultron? "In the flesh. Or, no, not yet. Not this... chrysalis. But I'm ready. I'm on a mission." he continues brightening up slightly that someone knows who he is. "What mission?" I finally speak up and the head swings towards me and my hands begin to glow. "Peace in our time."
I duck down as two Iron legion robots burst out of the wall behind Ultron and start to attack us. I crush one of them but another kicks me into the wall near the stairs, I briefly see a robot grab Loki's scepter. I shake my head and throw the robot off me and fly up the stairs to see the blue robot snatching the scepter. I thrust out my hand and stop him in his tracks before pulling it towards me; grabbing the scepter and crushing the helmet with my hand. I spin around and knock another one that was coming towards me backwards but he held onto the scepter and I was taken with him. He began to shake me but I levitated a few meters and managed to gain control of the scepter before shooting him with it and turning the robot to dust. I lower myself to the ground but yet another bot came toward me, I try to stop him but the uncontrollable feeling returns and I force myself to stop. In that second, the robot takes one side of the scepter and pushes me backward. I struggle with him for a moment not realising the second robot coming up behind me, it grasps onto my neck and hits my temple with an electrical charge. I scream and drop to the floor in pain, the voices that I worked hard to control had suddenly risen to the surface and I couldn't concentrate but I notice the scepter being taken away, I outstretch my hand to stop them but the robot comes over and shocks me in the head again. I screech and turn away from them. I get a glimpse of someone's feet rushing toward me before I blackout just for the pain to end.

You should have accepted me when you had the chance then you would have stopped the scepter getting into the wrong hands. This is all your fault.

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