Chapter 4

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I quickly jump back up to the main level as men begin shooting at us, they must be Klaue's men. I whip out a dagger and slice of the head of a robot before running to the side to avoid the bullets. I see Tony still battling Ultron and knock out a mercenary as he runs past me. I come out of my hiding position and kick another mercenary in the nuts before hitting him in the head with my elbow. I turn and see Pietro getting thrown down as he tried to hold Thor's hammer. I smirk and jump down to see him. As he gets up I pin him with my magic and Steve comes in to push him further into the boxes, making him disorientated "Stay down, kid" he orders and I run off. I notice Wanda had not been apart of the fight, I had to find her. I throw my dagger and push it through several robots, tearing out the wiring and shutting them down. I see Wanda and go towards her but is blocked by a robot, I immediately slice the head off but Wanda had disappeared yet again. I hear Steve ask for a status "The girl tried to warp my mind. Take special care, I doubt a human could keep her at bay. Fortunately, I am mighty." Thor answers but I see he had frozen in place. I run up to him "Thor?" I ask but he wasn't responding, I set him down on the ground and look around for Steve but see he was in the same state on the stairs. I realise that most of the team was down and dodge out the way of bullets, I reach for my other dagger and look round the corner before throwing it and hearing the sound of gunfire stop. I walk out and jump over the railing but sense something coming up to me. My hand moves and I look to the side to see Wanda being halted by my powers, "Do you really want to do this?" I ask.
"Yes, Stark took everything from us now it's time to take everything from him" She says with confidence. I look away before meeting her eyes "I know what's like to lose someone you care about but I don't let that influence my choices, I choose not to take revenge because I know I'll regret it." I say with sincerity but I could see she wasn't listening not really so I free her from my powers and she stands up. She comes towards me but I don't fight her "Do it." I say and she looks shocked "But do you really think this is going to end here? After he's destroyed us do you think he'll stop? That he will be happy? Ultron believes that humanity is what's wrong with the world, he will do anything to wipe it out" I could see Wanda hesitating but her red powers hit the side of my head and I close my eyes as I'm consumed by a vision.
You see the thing is that instead of being transported to my worst nightmare, I was seeing a vision of the future or at least what I think is the future but I could move around. It was all very confusing.

I open my eyes to see I was standing on some sort of rock and I couldn't see anything except a small amount of light coming from somewhere in front of me. I walk forward and my foot hits something, I crouch down and wipe of the ash to see Steve's shield but it was broken as though something had been hacking at it. A scream echoed from in front of me and I stand up quickly; I run toward the sound scrabbling over rocks to see Nat being thrown to the ground by tall, dark figure. I try to get to her but my hands and feet hit soft things underneath me. I look down and Steve's piercing blue eyes staring up at me, I shout and I get off him but my hand meets Tony's suit with the arc reactor cracked and not lit up. I sit up and look around everyone was here, my eyes sting and I could taste a salty liquid on my lips. Suddenly my arm was grabbed, I let a scream to see it was Thor; his hair had been completely cut off and he seemed to be wearing some sort of gladiator armour. "You could have warned us, saved us from him. Told me to go for..." he whispers and his grip loosens, I take his hand swallowing thickly "T-Thor stay w-with me" I stutter but his eyes become dull and lifeless. I bow my head and a shadow falls on me "They tried their best but in the end, I am inevitable" I slowly look up at the familiar voice of Thanos, I glare at him, he holds up his hand that had a metal glove with glowing stones on them "This time, I wipe them all out" He says before snapping his fingers.

I could only watch in horror as the corpses of my friends fades to ash in my hands, I meet Nat's eyes before she too fades to dust. I stagger upright as Thanos disappears through a portal "No" I whisper "No, this is just a hallucination, something Wanda made up" Thor's body vanishes and I scoop up a pile of ash and watch as it falls through my fingers "NO!!!" I scream and the scene turns blue and red "This won't happen, NEVER!!" I fall to my knees and let out an ear piercing scream; the vision shatters around me and I lean forward breathing heavily.
I lift up my head and see I'm back in the warehouse but there were several robot parts scattered around me. I had destroyed them when I got emotional in the vision; my powers got out of hand. I stand up and notice that Steve and Thor was shaking their heads, my scream was enough to break them out of their dreams. I turn to go but see a leg sticking out of a doorway, I slowly step toward it and open the door fully. I raise my hand to my mouth, the mercenary's bones had been broken every way possible and he resembled more of a pulp than a body. I almost threw up but I couldn't tear my eyes from the scene in front of me, he must have been in range when my powers burst out and it caused him to die in a most gruesome way. I stare at his eyes and see they are blue, I killed him. I could kill Steve or Tony, anyone who accidentally gets in the firing line. What if he had a family? Maybe he only did this job to provide for that family. What if...

That's how Steve found me, staring at the body with a distant look in my eye. He took me gently by the shoulders and guided me to the Quinjet, I vaguely register that Tony and Bruce were already on the ship as we arrived with the others. I don't remember Steve strapping me in or where we are going but at this moment in time, I couldn't care less.

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