Chapter 1

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"Miss Foster, Mr Stark has requested your presence in the lab" JARVIS's voice broke me from my reading. "Thanks, JARVIS" I reply. I mark my page, place the book down and make my way to the lab where Tony and Bruce were waiting. I have been living in the Avengers tower for two years since I left Jane and Thor in England. I hadn't had any contact with Jane since then, I forgive her for the comment but I can't forget how much it hurt so I decided I would stay away but Thor drops in (literally) every once in awhile to make sure I was okay after Loki. I jog downstairs and open the door to Tony and Bruce's lab, Tony had kindly let me stay here after I sold the apartment as I realised that being alone in my flat with uncontrollable powers wasn't the best idea. I make my way over to Tony, nodding to Bruce as I passed him. "What did you need me for?" I ask Tony, coming to a stop in front him. He sits up from whatever he was working on and looks me in the eye. "So the suit you have currently is good but not really up to date." He pushes a sheet of paper towards and I lean in to see a new design for a super suit "Me and Bruce think that you deserve a new one, one that can withstand your new powers" he continues and I notice that Bruce had come over and was standing next to me. "Tony..."
"Before you continue, this is getting made whether or not you accept" he interrupted with a smile. "I couldn't possibly accept this, you've already done so much for me." I say with a shy smile, he shrugs and pulls the paper back. "That's fine, it'll be ready when you need it. You've become worse than Banner refusing to use your powers unless absolutely necessary, they're going to have to come out at some point, you're an Avenger being an uncontrollable mess is part of the job description." I grin, thank them both and make my way back to my room. Ever since a part of the aether made itself home inside of me, I've been extremely careful what I say or do just in case I set something off and change reality, I really don't want that.

I begin making dinner then ask JARVIS to call the rest of the team to the kitchen/dinning room to eat something. Once everyone was seated, I dished out the macaroni cheese and sat in-between Nat and Steve, it was silent for a few minutes whilst everyone was eating before Steve spoke up. "We have a lead on Loki's scepter, it's believed to be in the hands of Baron Strucker. We attack the base; retrieve the scepter and get out. This is the last remaining Hydra base so it most likely is going to be there and no falling for any mind tricks that thing may induce."
I nod "When are we going?" I ask, putting down my utensils no longer hungry. "0600 hours, be ready to go. Goodnight." Steve gets up and places his plate on the side. I also get up, collect the plates and place them all in the dishwasher before wishing everyone a goodnight and going up to my living quarters. I sit down at the window just gazing at the stars, until now I haven't used my powers to attack or defend anyone since I obtained part of the aether. I know tomorrow I will have to use them and that terrifies me.
I drive through the woods, with Steve, on a motorcycle and drag one of the Hydra soldiers through the snow before throwing him into a tree. I follow Cap as we drive through trees and knock several soldiers in the face with the backend of my bike. I sharply turn right while Cap goes left to avoid Thor, then rejoin the group as I drive over a mound and land on the other side. Tony blasts a barrier out of the way so that Cap and I can easily pass through as he flies ahead to the compound up ahead. "Shit" Tony remarks after hitting the forcefield surrounding the base. "Language!" I hear Cap from beside me and I glance at him, "JARVIS, what's the view from upstairs?" I ask focusing back on the dirt path. "The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken." he replies and I sigh. I quickly see a vision of Tony taking the scepter from a stand. This must be in the next few minutes. "Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last." Thor remarks. "Thor's right, I had a vision of the scepter, it is underneath that building" I say whilst pulling a gun from my holster and shooting two Hydra agents that were in my way, did I mention that Nat's been teaching me how to shoot? 
"Shouldn't you be focusing on the bike not visions?" Steve shouts behind him. I roll my and purposefully speed up to cut across him to shoot my soldiers. "Hey! watch it"
"Yes dad" I mumble and go even faster. "'At long last' is lasting a little long, boys." Nat says and I frown, try saying that 5 times. "Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise." Clint chimes in. "Wait a second. No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said 'language?'" Tony asks and I snort as me and Cap drive away from an explosion. "I know." Cap throws his bike at some oncoming soldiers in a truck and I slow to a stop "It just slipped out."

I get ready to set off again but Steve stops me "Woah, where do you think you're going?" I look at him in disbelief. "I'm going to help Nat, you seem to have this area under control" I reply and rev the bike. "Just be careful kid"
"I'm not a kid" I say for what feels like the hundredth time but he just smiles "To me you are"
"Yeah, yeah whatever, old man" I say under my breath and set off in the direction that I last saw Nat with the large bunkers that seemed to want to take out her and Clint. I rode over another mound and in midair my bike was knocked out from underneath me. I flew to the side and rolled to a stop, I flicked my braid out of the way of my face and saw a young lad with brown hair that faded to white. "What? you didn't expect that?" he taunts as I stand up only now aware of the pain in my side. "I don't make a habit of falling off my bike in midair" I say as I form balls of blue/red energy in my hands. He runs at me and I manage to stop him and throw him into a tree, winding him for a second before he jumps up in a blue blur. I look into his head and see a similarly looking, brown haired woman with red, misty powers that he seemed to love, I was knocked out of his head as he throws me onto ground "You have a sister?" I ask but only sit up as I feel my powers bubbling to the surface and I was trying to maintain a grip on them. "How do you of her?" he demands. I reach up and tap my temple "It's all here, in your head...Pietro"
He gets angry and runs up to attack me; my eyes widen and shout out "WAIT!!" he doesn't listen and goes to punch me but a blast of red and blue energy shoots out of my palm and hits him directly in the chest and he falls to the ground. I hear the ringing in my ears and look at Pietro...He wasn't moving. I scramble to my knees and slide next to him "No, no, no, no, no" I mumble, my shaking hands checking his pulse. I sigh in relief when I find a weak pulse but then I notice a large gash in his chest from the hit. I place my hands over the area but I wasn't quite sure what to do, my mouth opens slightly when pure blue tendrils cover my hands and the area then glow so brightly that I turned my head from the sight. When it died down, I removed my hands and saw no gash, I guess I had healing abilities from the start and not apart of the aether inside of me. I saw him begin to stir and I stood up before shooting upwards using my powers to fly but it was jerky and I kept dropping every so often. I land in front of the jet and Steve comes out with a slightly angry, slightly worried expression on his face "Where were you? I contact Nat and she tells me that she hadn't seen you then you don't answer through the coms. I thought you had been captured or worse and what happened to your suit?" Steve demands going full on parent mode. "Sorry, I had an encounter with an enhanced and I accidently hurt him really badly so I healed him" I explain then look down at my suit only now noticing the rips from falling on the ground and the singed edges of my sleeves " must be from when my powers exploded out of me, I guess I'll be taking that new suit Tony offered"

He looks relieved that I was here alive and even hugged me, I frowned slightly and hugged him back, where was this parental side of Steve coming from. I first began noticing it when he came to live in the Avengers tower after destroying SHIELD/Hydra a year ago, he would be protective than usual and sometimes wouldn't allow me to go on missions sometimes. I tried to get into his head but he would always be thinking of random things and I couldn't find out why he was being so overprotective but I kind of like it to a certain extent. I follow him onto the jet and sit down on the seat, I gaze at my hands as the jet takes off and we were on our way back to the Avengers tower. "You should wash your hands" Nat says from beside me after she finished talking to Bruce, I look at her in confusion. "It will help a little" she continues and takes a wipe from the First Aid kit and cleans Pietro's blood off my hands. "Thanks, I guess I'm still a little shaken up from accidently almost killing him even if he was the enemy" I say locking my gaze onto the floor. "Well, Tony's having a party before Thor goes back to Asgard. That might cheer you up" Nat says throwing the wipe in the onboard bin. I grin and look up at her "And how is that supposed to cheer me up?"
"It's a party"
I roll my eyes "Yeah a Tony party"
"I see your point but we all have to be there maybe Steve will let you try one of my famous cocktails" Nat tries to convince me and I grin "I'm 23, legally I'm allowed to drink"
She smiles "Get some sleep, we have a few hours before we reach the tower" then she walks off and I lay down on the chairs, falling into a dreamless sleep.

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