Chapter 3

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I awoke to find myself in darkened room, to my right Jane suddenly appeared out of nowhere and she seemed to be holding some kind of device. "Darcy?" She called out but was attracted to a stone monument that emitted a red glow. I followed at a distance as Jane walked around the stone, I noticed that the top half was hovering above the bottom half with some sort red liquid floating in the middle. Suddenly, Jane is pulled to the rock and as she retracts her hand the top half drops onto the bottom as though something had been removed. She staggers away from the rock, rubbing her hands viciously; I see her look faint then she collapses onto the floor. I try to get to her but the vision tilts and I am unable to move.

I am again with Jane but she is hovering on her back with the red liquid flowing around her. She was in Asgardian clothing but she was different and her eyes were black, it was if the red stuff was possessing her and using her for it's own gain. I was horrified when she dropped and I fell with her. I run over realising I could now move and knelt beside her, I brush hair out of her face but reel back when I see the dead look in her eyes, I sit back on my bum and cover my mouth in shock. She was dead, I see the red liquid rise from her body and a hand outstretched to take it. I cover Jane's body as the red liquid covered everything; the area turned black and the creatures of the dark came out to play.
I feel myself falling and my back hit the soft mattress, I sit up quickly and clamber out of bed. I pause at the state of my room, everything that could move had including the table in the corner had been dragged to the middle of the room. However, that wasn't the most disturbing part, some of the furniture had been crushed into a ball, I glanced at the once chair to see a ball of wood and fabric. I shudder and hurry away, I run outside to the stables and pick a rather handsome black stallion. I saddle him up and get on him not bothering with the bridle, I had to get to Heimdall as quick as possible.

I ride him across the Bifrost bridge, the setting sun getting in my eyes, I slow to a walk as I notice the Bifrost being used then when it had stopped, I get of my horse and walk into the observatory room. "Why was the Bifrost being used?" I ask confused because the prisoners of war were being transferred tomorrow and Thor had arrived earlier today. "I could no longer see the Lady Jane so my prince went to see what is going on. Is something wrong?" He replies as I walk closer, I shake my head and sit down on the steps, waiting for Thor to come back.

It was about 10 minutes later when Heimdall opened the Bifrost once again and I duck as a piece of a police car flies over my head, then Thor and Jane appear at the opening. Jane looks around in awe then notices me and Heimdall, "Hi" she says a bit out of breath. Heimdall closes the Bifrost and I stand up "Welcome to Asgard"
The next hour was busy to say the least, we took Jane to the Asgardian healers but still couldn't find out what that red stuff was; Odin came in, ordered her to be taken home but the red stuff defended itself but made Jane look extremely weak. Then we learnt about the dark elves and how it was something called the aether that was inside Jane and that it was supposed to be destroyed but wasn't. I guess lying to your kids is family tradition. I walk out of the library and Jane calls out to me. "Avery, wait!" I turn to wait for Jane catch up to me and she slaps me in the face, literally. My head shoots to the side with the force "What was that for?" I ask rubbing my cheek slightly. "That was for leaving me"
I scoff "You were bugging me every day and night about if I had had any more visions about Thor. I had to leave, besides I'm supporting you now, is that not enough?" I say continuing to walk forward. Jane hurries to catch up "Why now? Did you have a vision of me?" she questions still not leaving me alone. "Yes but I would rather not talk about it" I say continuing to pace down the hall. "If it was a vision about me, I deserve to know. What happened to me? Please, Avery? AVERY!?"
"YOU DIED!" I shout at her finally stopping in the main hall, she looks at me in shock "You died, okay? That thing inside you, killed you and there was nothing I could do about it. I was worried about you" I say turning away. "If you truly cared, you would've come and told me not go near that thing not stayed up here." Jane says from behind me. I halt and bite my lip in annoyance "I couldn't do that because I had the vision whilst it was happening" I turn to face her again "It was common sense not to go near that thing, here I thought I was the younger and dumber sibling."
"We're not siblings" she whispers before looking at my shocked face "I know about how my parents took you in. A girl who was experimented on that turned out like a freak, you're not my sister, you're just someone I grew up with"
I could feel my eyes beginning to burn "Is that how you feel?" my voice breaking "Yes" she states not looking from my eyes. I nod and walk out of the hall, desperate to find some peace from my overcrowded mind.
As soon as I had exited the hall, I ran into the gardens and fell down a slope onto a cool hard surface. I stand upright and looked around, I seemed to be in some sort of cave but it was drastically different from the rest of Asgard.

I run my fingers across the groves on the wall, entranced by the blue crystals dug into the walls and the glow they emit. I was knocked out of my trance by a cold laughter coming from deep in the cave, I follow that laughter and see a large smooth crystal. It was so smooth that I could clearly see my reflection until that reflection smiled at me. I stepped back, blinking, thinking it was just a trick of the light. "Oh don't go, I only want to talk" the reflection says. "Who are you?" I ask, not moving an inch. "I am you or at least you with all your powers, not the pathetic versions you have now but proper powers. Including the ones you learn from Dr Strange." she answers with a smile. "Who?" I am still completely in the dark at what was going on. The reflection hit her head as she remembers something "I keep forgetting, you don't know who that is, do you? Not to worry, you will." She continues without letting me speak. "Look, I will never become anymore powerful than I am now and I certainly won't be learning anything from anyone  especially when I can't even control the powers I have now." I snap, fed up with her not giving me straight answers but she just smiled even more "We shall see besides you will have a friend to help you, Scarlet Witch. Apart you both are extremely powerful but together you can wipe out worlds with a single word, it's all been written"
I shut my mouth, realising it was open "I don't want to wipe out worlds, whoever this Scarlet Witch is I'll probably never meet her and if I do, I don't want to work with her to destroy innocent lands AND I certainly will never become like you it doesn't matter what's been written" The reflection tilts her head slightly, her eyes glowing the galaxy blue that mine do when I'm using my powers. "You won't have a choice"

At that moment the cave shook as though someone was attacking the earth above, I look back at the cave wall but find no reflection. I shake my head and run back to Asgard.

The Connection They ShareOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora