Drowning in Sunlight (Pt.2)

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  Damn, Katsuki thought, staring at Deku’s sunlit side-profile, hand hanging heavy with the weight of the palm in his. A lifetime of dreaming and conjuring fake, outlandish scenarios, and never once, in any of his endless fantasies, had he ever imagined he'd be in this position — standing under a wide, garish sign with the words ‘Fun Fair’ spelled out in small, blinking LED bulbs on a first date with his childhood friend and rival, Deku.


 “The fair!” Deku beamed. “I’m so excited! I didn’t think I’d have time to go this year.”


 “Barely found any damn tickets,” Katsuki grumbled, pushing onward before Deku got a chance to glimpse at his beet-red face. “Everybody and their damn mom is here.”


 The hand in his squeezed, and Katsuki peered back to see viridescent irises glittering with untold awe and affection. The warmth in those eyes made something in Katsuki melt.


 "Thank you, Kacchan! I always thought about what it would be like to go with you after we stopped being friends. Who would've thought it would actually happen after all this time?”


 "Tch. Sap."


 Smile bright, Deku chuckled wearily, shifting his attention to the park sprawled out in front of him as they passed through the arching entrance. A squeal of delight left him at the endless food and game booths stretching in all directions and the tall rides that towered up into the sky. Katsuki, admittedly, had splurged a little when looking for a fair to go to, and he almost groaned because there was a one-hundred and fifty percent chance he was going to be massaging sore feet for days after this.


  Fuck it, sore feet or not I’m gonna be the best at dates, too, he thought proudly. He’d take Deku on dates so amazing the nerd wouldn’t even think about going on dates with anyone else.


 "Kacchan, look! An All Might themed roller coaster!”


 “Typical nerd,” he poked fun, even though the sight of All Might’s giant face plastered on the side of the ride made Katsuki just as excited. “C’mon, let’s go get in line.”


 Said line was enormous, predictably. Dozens of snotty nosed kids running circles around their mothers were crammed together in a tight queue, all jumping and shouting, but Deku didn’t appear the least bit fazed.


 “Wow!” Deku pointed to the giant sculpture of All Might’s face plastered to the side of the ride. “They got the wrinkles above his left brow right! I wouldn’t have expected such detail from a fair!”

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