Break in the Clouds

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Sorry for the interruption! I just needed to tell you guys that I'm taking a three week break, and then I'll be posting every OTHER week instead of every week. I know, that seems like a long time! It's just that, as a senior in high school with 5 college classes on top of 2 honors courses, I really don't have a lot of time. Like... at all. 😅

I can really only write on Saturday, and occasionally on Friday, which gives me one and a half days to write every week if I'm lucky. I promise I'm not abandoning the story, it's just going to take me a little longer to get chapters out!

I'll try and make the chapters longer/more parts when I can to compensate, and if I have a particularly productive week or something, I might even post early! Similarly, I might post late if I'm particularly busy. I'll try and let you guys know beforehand what's going on via Twitter and my account message board, so stay tuned! If you wanna find me on twitter, my @ is always catsired

Anyway, sorry for the small chapter this time around! I hope you enjoy it anyway!! Thought I'd give another "break" chapter like Chapter 6 was since a lot has happened since then.

Anyways, I'm really sorry about the changes! I'll do my best, and thank you for reading!! 💛💛💛

(Also, again, thank you for all the support!! And constructive criticism is always welcome, too! 💛)


 Izuku glanced around anxiously before lifting his phone to his face to check the blinking numbers on the digital clock for the nth time. All Might was late. He was supposed to meet him outside the local cafe at 5:00 to discuss Kacchan's possible participation in practice, but 5 o’clock had come and gone and still there was no sign of the Pro Hero.

 Izuku sighed. He had tried to talk to him about it during training, but the other man had just lifted a hand and said, "Hold that thought, Young Man! This is starting to sound like something we should discuss over lunch!"

  Luckily, Izuku didn't have work that day and was able to agree to a meetup, and so All Might had left for home so he could change and grab his wallet, and Izuku had done the same. Now, the green haired boy sat on a wooden bench right outside the large cafe windows, sinking ever lower into his baggy brown sweater and watching kids jump over cracks in the sidewalk as he waited. The wind that was previously comfortably cool was now un comfortably chilly, and the green haired boy pouted into his sweater despite the fact there was no one around to see it.

 Honestly, Izuku had a suspicion that All Might didn’t even truly need to think about it much- he’d just wanted an excuse to spend more quality time with his pupil. Izuku wasn’t going to complain, though. Just a few months ago, Izuku was sure any conversation with the other man would be an imaginary one carried out through the television at 1am on an otherwise stale Saturday night; never in his wildest dreams would he have foreseen a future like this. If this was the only big surprise he ever got in his life, Izuku would be okay with that.

  "Midoriya, my boy!" A booming voice sounded, sending all the birds nearby high-tailing it to the clouds and Izuku's butt hopping an inch off his seat.

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