One Shot #1

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Hey guys! I like this universe and so, while the story is officially over, I wrote a little one shot for this universe that takes place in UA. There might be more to come at some point, might not. Either way, I hope you enjoy this little tidbit of fluff! :D


 “Kacchan!” Deku’s sweet, overly-excited voice rang out. Katsuki grimaced at the noise, glancing at his ‘friends’ to see if they heard. Of course, they did, Kaminari’s eyebrows wiggling at him teasingly while Kirishima whooped.

 Katsuki turned to see Deku waving excitedly at him, decked out in full costume, and he groaned.

 It’d been a few months since they’d started at UA. They’d just finished their internships, the sports festival having come and gone — something Katsuki still cringes thinking about for two reasons: his humiliating, half-earned win against that bastard Icy Hot, and the destruction of Deku’s fingers, something he’d been forced to watch.

 A shiver ran down his spine remembering how helpless he’d felt then. He’d been about ready to jump out from the stands and knock Todoroki out of the ring right then and there, but, funnily enough, it had been one of Deku’s friends that helped calm him down.

 The entire class knew, from the moment they had walked through class 1-A’s homeroom door, that they were a couple. Katsuki had lifted their joint hands and screamed out a warning to any motherfucker who thought they could snag his boyfriend, and he’d held onto a smug smirk the whole time. Deku was a fine piece of ass, they all knew it, and he was his.

 So Uraraka knew just how on the verge he was to losing his mind, sitting there watching Deku break his fingers over and over and over. And it didn’t matter that Deku had that determined smile on his face, didn’t matter that Recovery Girl was in the room over, none of it mattered because those moments with Hisashi back in Deku’s old apartment were playing in his head and he was scared. Scared to see those green eyes close again, see his body go limp and the color drain from his face.

 But Uraraka understood, at least on some basic level, and she’d whispered calming words of reassurance next to Katsuki until his palms stopped smoking. He still refused to admit she’d helped as much as she did, but their friendship had grown stronger since then.

 No matter how long he spent there, though, training day and night alongside these bastards, he could never seem to get used to the teasing. He’d been so damn cocky that first day, showing Deku off like a trophy, but now he blushed as red as a fire hydrant everytime Deku so much as brushed his hand because he just knew those little gremlins he called friends were lurking nearby, cooing at them like they were babies.

 Deku jogged across the training field to stand by Katsuki’s side, a cheerful smile taking up most of his face.

 “Hey, Kacchan! Did you hear? All Might is teaching us again today!”

 “I fucking know, he teaches us everyday, dipshit.”

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