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Without God, I Am Nothing

No matter what trials I face,
I shall serve God for all my days;
Even if I am in deep sorrow,
It is in Him Whom I place my hope.

Nothing can push me down
Or bring to my face a frown;
For as long as God is by my side;
He is the best friend and guide.

Without Him, I am nothing;
And so I turn to Him in all things;
It is He Who knows what is best;
With Him is the purest happiness.

There is no one greater than He;
Kind and wondrous are His deeds;
He wants what is best for us;
Hence, He is worthy of our trust.

He protects me from my enemies,
Saving me from my miseries;
For as long as He is with me,
I know in my heart I will succeed.

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