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Because Of God's Grace

Because of God's grace, I have been saved;

He helps me to walk in all of His ways

And does not allow me to be led astray;

So in the end, I will have won my race.

Because of God's grace, I have found the light;

When He called me into the Church Of Christ,

Now nothing deters me from doing what is right;

As I have been delivered from the devil's lies.

Because of God's grace, I am safe from calamities;

When I feel down, He is there to comfort me;

He is my fortress in times of peril;

With Him, my strength does not crumble.

Because of God's grace, I prosper in this life

And shine before the world like a star in the sky;

Although I am surrounded by chaos and strife,

I continue to keep my eyes on the prize.

Because of God's grace, I am no longer a slave

To sin; this blessing that He gave

Is greater than any other gift I can receive

Blessed are the true servants of the Lord Almighty.

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