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The Greatest Sense Of Peace

The greatest sense of peace

Can be found in the Lord Almighty;

A love that does not cease;

The house that does not bend amidst calamity.

With the Lord by your side,

You will never feel scared;

He will watch over you day and night;

You will feel safe under His care.

Though people may spit nasty words

And try to harm you,

The strength to endure

Remains in your spirit; to Him you stay true.

Words alone are not enough to describe

The power of the Most High;

Our finite minds cannot comprehend

His greatness; praises be unto Him!

Hence, as long as you remain faithful

To the Lord, avoiding evil of any kind;

You shall never be found to stumble;

He will be there to guide you in your plight.

Your triumphs are only beginning;

More blessings are coming;

Just keep waiting;

While bringing glory unto Him in all things.

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