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In spite of the pouring rain,

I tread on with a smile on my face;

Knowing that the road shall turn bright,

With the destination to the Holy Land of the Most High.

Because of these hardships that threaten

To hinder my faith, I grow in strength;

God keeps me strong, that I may continue on

In this journey, holding onto His pristine Word through it all.

With Him by my side, I know that I can overcome

Anything in this life; He is the God

Who can bring the dead back to life

And heal the ill of their strife.

Those who place their hope in Him

Are bound to experience genuine joy

In this world; they will be given strength

To persevere; wickedness they shall avoid.

Up until now I am standing here

Because of His loving grace; hence, I shall be free of fear

As I prepare to face more battles to fight,

I will surely survive; for He is by my side.

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