Chapter 2

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Kunikida pov

What is taking them so long? Dazai coughed up blood once again. I was starting to panick, usually I don't panick so easily, but on the other hand, I never imagined Dazai was serious about this whole suicide thing. And the fact, that Yosano wouldn't be able to heal him, wich never really bothered anxyone before, since he was to good at predicting moves, to ever get hurt so badly, somehow started to stress me out just now. I could fell his bodyheat rise, he had definetly developed temperature. His breathing and heartbeat drop. I started artificial respiration (is it called that? I'm not native english speaker-sorry) and pushed into his chest to keep his heart pumping.

Finally I heard sirens, soon after I heard voices. ''Hello?'' One said. ''Mr Kunikida Doppo?'' Another yelled. ''Where are you?'' A third voice said.
''We're here, second floor, third door on the right, through the bedroom in the bathroom behind!'' I immediantly yelled. ''We're coming right up!''
The moment they arrived, you could see both shock and pitty in their eyes. And as if someone had requested it, Dazai coughed once again. I quickly got up and stepped away, as I knew, that they needed space. The three men surrounded him. One lifted his wrist up and checked his pulse. ''Low'' was all he said. Another one put a respiratory mask onto him. the thrid one checked his body for further injuries. ''There isn't much we can do here, we'll take him to the hospital, there we can take care of the situation.'' The oldest one of the three men said. I, now no longer panicking, nodded understanding. They put him on a stretcher and brought him to the ambulance car.

I followed. Once he was inside, they immediantly shut the doors close. only one man was still outside, waiting to talk to me. ''Sir, first of all, thank you for your calmness, we don't get such reasonable people that ofthen.''
''Oh that? That was nothing, I just knew, that I wasn't gonna be much of a help and would be in the way, we get that a lot at work so''
''Still we appreciate it, even professionals panick, when their partner is in such a condition.... Anyhow, we need to get him to the hospital, to even gat a chance at saving  him. These pills are very dangerous, usually one could never get their handds on them, they are only used while under watch because of the sideeffects. So I can't assure anything....'' And by that he got into the car as well and left me standing alone in the road.

I had to call the agency and much more, I had to get to the hospital. Quick. I started walking back to the original meeting place and looked at my watch. 35 minutes had already passed, since Atsushi and I parted. I pulled out my carkeys and my phone. I had five messages on it. from Atsushi, he was confused, as I am usually on time. I got into my car and started driving. While I was driving I tried to call the agency, but I was too stressed to find any of the contacts, so I called the emergency call number, usually used by our customers. The call was answered almost immediantly by Naomi who had recognized my number. ''Kunikida? Where are you atsushi said you wanted to be here like five minutes ago and why are you calling this number?''
''put me on speaker''
''sure hold on a second''
I heard her speak through the phone ''Guys it's Kunikida, I think he wants us all to listen'' Naomi said ''Didn't he want to pick up Dazai?'' Miyazawa/kenji (I forgot his name and googled I'm just gonna say Kenji, cause it's shorter, tell me if it's wrong though) asked ''Kunikida? Why would he call this number?'' This question was asked to obviously everybodies surprise, by Rampo. ''Kunikida, what do you want to tell us?''

I took a deep breath and took a sharp turn around a corner. The way to the hospital was about ten to fifteen minutes, but it felt like forever right now. ''Ok so. I don't really know how to say this, but --- I'm on my way to the hospital right now and you should probalby get there too, because--''
''Hospital?! Should I feel offended or do you have a good explanation for not calling me first?'' Yosano interrupted
'' Why are you two on the way to the hospital?'' I heard Fukuzawa ask.
''It's rather me than the both of us, well somehow, but techniocally-''
''Cut the crap, what's wrong?'' Yosano asked getting impatient.
I sighed ''After I went to pick Dazai up, because he was almost anhour late.... At his apartment, there was no one.... then after searching, I heard coughing. like three times, until I found him, in his bathroom, the door was locked and when he didn't tell any sign, I broke it open. there he was laying on the floor, passed out.'' On the other side of the line it was dead silent. I found it hard to form grammarly correct sentenses
''Blood drizzles, like someone had coughed it up everywhere. on the sink, the toilet, two on the walls, the bathtub, and three around his head on the floor. I ran up to him and tried to wake him up, but he wouldn't wake up. His face was pale and contorted, he was trembling, his skin was hot, he was sweating and blood was dripping out of his mouth. He after coughed up  blood. I looked,  I couldn't find a one eh single injury. His breath and beat of heart was slow. I phoned- called an ambulance, while on call, I found a pack of pills on the sink.''
''Dazai...'' Fukuzawa mumbeled
''After the call He started coughing and a lot more blood came up. I had to keep his heartbeat and breath up. When the hospital people arrived, He cougheed again. The took him with them to the hospital. And all they told me was, that the pills are really dangerous, usually only taken in the hospital under constant watch, in small amounts and that there is no garantee. I am on my way there right now, I just wanted to tell you... So yeah ehm...''
''what kind of pills did he take?'' Yosano asked
''I'm not sure, but I believe the name was schrinustat or something''
''What!? But then...'' Yosano stopped her sentence as she felt it was unnessesary to say.
''Kunikida, I'm gonna come over, the rest should stay here and continue their work for now, I'll send someone to cover your mission.'' Fukazawa said. ''I'll call you once there are any news, the hospital isn't that far away.'' He told the others.  Naomi then spoke up and said ''Kunikida, don't stress too much about it ok?''
I didn't respond, as I felt it was unneccesary. ''Kunikida, I'll meet you at the hospital alright?'' ''Yes Sir'' the conecction to the other side was broken.

I took a secret short cut and arrived at about the same time as the ambulance, that Dazai was in, did. He was lifted out of the car. He was still wearing, that mask to make him breath. His body looked limp and weak, that was all I could see. But it broke my heart anyways. I couldn't standt the sight (btw. the way it looks right now is the cover of the story ot the link I put in the description). Dazai was rushed inside through the emergency entrance and I was guided into the waiting hall.

I sat there in silents, usually I never had to worry about anyone in the agency like that, the only one Yosano can't fix with her ability is Dazai, luckily he doesn't get hurt much and when he did never badly. But now, Dazai had serously attempted suicide in a way he never did before, to be honest, after a couple of failed attempts I started to think, that this was just his way of living, like I'm strict and take being on time and doing perfect work serious, while Yosano takes plesure in casualties or Naomi acts towards her brother like hia girlfriend, and Dazai just liked to attempt suicide, without acctually dying. So I stopped taking it as acctual attmepts, as in 'Tell him to call me about the mission, once he's done', but.... My thoughts were interrupted by a hand that was placed on my shoulder. My head shot up. I must have completely lost myself in my thoughts. Fukuzawa was standing next to me, his face showed both a kind smile and a worried gaze.

''Sir, I-''
''It's alright Kunikida'' he said and sat down with me ''You didn't expect, that he was late, because he tried to kill himself for real, did you?''
''No, I didn't think he was ever acctually serious about the whole suicide thing''
''To be honest, I didn't think he would take such strong pills either. But I did know, that he wasn't entirly k'joking about suicide either. Before he came to the agency, he was in the mafia, you know that right?''
''From all I know he almost succesfully attempted suicide with taking an overdose back then, apparently Ogai Mori made him throw them back up again. I read that in one of the little files I have on Dazai, and besides that, I've seen what's under those bandages, so I knew there was a littla trruth behind it, but it really didn't seem like he was so desperate to die.'' he sighed
''I just never IMagined he'd go this far without a word''
Before we could continue our conversation, one of the men, who had picked Dazai up, came over to us.

''Sir Kunikida Doppo, I would like to talk to you for a second''
I stood up and after me Fukuzawa did as well.
''Are there any news on Dazai?'' I asked hopefull and scared at the same moment
''Well, we were somehow able to neutralize the pills, but the effects aren't gone, they're just not geting worse. In order to get rid of it, we would have to perform surgery. However his body is very weak and fragile right now, so a surgery would be a high risk.''
''And if you don't perform surgery?'' I asked
''If we don't, he won't regain conscioussness and will most likely die of the sideeffects, within the next 3 hours''
'' And how much of a risk would a surgery be?'' Fukuzawa asked.
''there is a great chance, that his body will reject the anesthetics and medication, wich would resolve his death. Since you are the only people familiar to him right now we have to ask you unless you can call family members, if there happen to be some.''
''I don't think Dazai has any family and if he did he has no contact to them, I could think of someone who has known with him when he was a child, but I doubt, that he has interest in him now, that he joined the armed detactive agency'' Fukuzawa said, half lost in thoughts.
''So one of you will have to make the decision''
''Sir, what should we do?'' I asked my boss
''if I'm being honest, I think we have to take the risk and send him into surgery. That seems like a bigger survival chance than leaving it be''
I nodded. ''Then let's send him into surgery''
The man nodded and left.
''Kunikida, I'm going to make a call I will be right back'' Fukuzawa said and then left.

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