chapter 12

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Kunikida pov
As I came to the realization, that he was gonna die, if there wasn't some kind of miracle. I was still holding onto that string of hope, that he might make it.
Fukuzawa, Chuuya and I were still sitting infornt of his room, we didn't know what we were supposed to do. It has been 15 minutes, since Fukuzawa pulled us out of the room. I didn't know, why he did that, but he seemed to have decided to take both me and Chuuya out of the room. Although from the way it seemed, there was a time of peace between us and the mafia for now.

Then I saw Mori come back with four rols of bread. he handed Chuuya one and then gave one to Fukuzawa and me. Why would he give us food, I didn't buy it. Fukuzawa however started to eat. ''Shouldn't we make them change with us, to make sure there is no poison in it?'' I wispered to him
''Why, didn't you listen to him earlier, they're immune to poison. So even if we did, that wouldn't be any use, besides that, he'd be stupid to poison someone in a hospital'' He said and continued eating.

About ten minutes later, the door finally opened. Two doctors came outside and one of them walked up to us. We immediantly stood up.
''You are the ones visiting him I take it?''
''Indeed'' Mori answered coldly, the doctor seemed slightly frightened, by him, not without reason though, he did seem scary. Fukuzawa interfered ''What did you want to tell us?''
''Well as you heard, two alarms went of. One was his heart and the other one was from a monitor, checking his organs. This time, not only his heart stopped, but his organs also gave in with it. We were able to get his heart back on track, it's still not fully right, but it's pumping and that's good enough for now. His organs were a bigger problem. On a short cut, we're taking him into surgery now. We'll attach a mechanical biotechnology, to keep his heart pumping while we're performing surgery. This is not the way Dr. Jackson, I'm sure you've met him, he was here all yesterday and night, had planned it, but from the way he sees it this is the only option. Dazais Body rejects most of our medication, wich is why he is so unstable. Our guess is, that if we manage to take out two more of the dissolved pills, he will be more stable. So his wounds can heal better. In the end he needs at least two more surgerys, but even if he is highly unstable, he needs one right now.The problem is, that we can not put him under the aneasthetics we previously used, since they damaged him too much last time. We could take him into surgery, the way he is now, however sometimes, when people fall into a coma, they are still able to hear and feel everything around and on them, so if that's the case, he would be exposed, to an unbearable amount of physical pain and mental trauma. So we're kind of stuck''

Then there was silents. None of us wanted to make that decicion. Although what kind of decicion was that, there was no arguing, he needed that surgery, but.
''And what if you dosed the anaesthetics with water and only injected them around the stomach area?'' Mori asked.
''That was also an option, but we've never done that before on a case like this''
''Then why don't you try this, give 45% of the strongest aneasthetics, you have, 30% water and 25% blood, that'll make it easier for his body, to take it easier for his body, to accept it and dissolve it afterwards''
''That sounds reasonable, but why would we use blood?''

Mori and the doctor were now full on discussing, how to best mix the anaesthetics. I stared at them.
''Oh I see now, that is brilliant, sir, how are you so familiar with these things?''
''I used to work as, well let's call it doctor'' Doctor? The head of the mafia, who killed over a hundred people a year, used to be a doctor?
''Very well, that's how we will do it''

I couldn't believe it. I had no idea what they had talked about, since all these words were unknown to me, but I was somehow relieved, that they had found a way, to compromise.

''Can we go to him one more time, before you take him into surgery?'' Chuuya now asked, in a strangly begging voice.
The doctor nodded and led us into the room.
Dazai didn't look much different. Doctor Jackson and a woman were standung beside him, when they heard us, they turned their head to look at us. They stepped back a little bit, not showing any sign of leaving. First I walked up to him, I didn't know wether I was supposed to say somthing or not, so I just stroke his cheek and stepped back with a concerned sight. Then Chuuya stepped forward. ''You know I'm gonna be real pissed, if you die now, that'll mean I never get to kill you myself'' The doctors looked at him shocked to what he had said, but not daring to enterfere/interfere (please someone tell me how to spell that word). The next one to go up was Fukuzawa. He took his hand, whiped/wiped (I'm just now realizing, english spelling is a bitch) the sweat of of his forehead and said. ''remember the promise you made me last night, I want you to promise me the same thing, alright. The same thing, I know it's asking a lot right now, but please. I know I failed giving you the care that you needed, back when you were a kid, I should have kept you with me. I'm sorry for that, I truly am.'' He stepped back and let Mori step forward, somehow it seemed as if Fukuzawa completely trusted him.
''Hey kid.............I know it's been a while since I got to give you an order, but don't die! That's an order from the boss'' the doctors seemed really confused as our words made no sense to them, to be honest, neither did they make any sense to me.

''I know this must be hard for all of you, sending your friend into a surgery with less than 50% of survival'' The woman said. I swallowed hard, I had forgotten about that part.
''Lila, don't say that to them just like that.'' Dr. Jackson interfered, then he turned to us. ''I will do my best. We have reccently lost a friend of ours to suicide, I'm not willing to lose another life through that. Not everyone here is over it yet, that's why the story made the round so fast and why some say things so inappropriate.  but I can assure you with all I have. We will do everything we can, we will do our best, to be as fast and careful as possible.''
We nodded, so that's why he was so eager to stay here and take care of him all the time.
''The surgery will at least take three hours, I advice you to get outside the hospital for that time. Beeing stuck here in the atmosphere, wont have a good effect on you. From all I know, two of you are from the armed detective agency, why not go back there and take of some of his work?'' The woman now said

''We will consider your advice, thank you'' Fukuzawa said. Then we were banned from the room. Before I could think about what I was gonna do next, we were walking outside the hospital, together with the mafia head and an executive, like a casual sunday walk. Fukuzawa and Mori were discussing something, but I really couldn't focus enough to listen. Chuuya seemed to be wearing headphones, I just walked behind them. After a couple of minutes I was starting to wonder where we were headed to

////////Ok so two things. first, I have to prepare a presentation for school, so I probably wont update as much as I did till now in the next couple of days.
second: Should I have them walk to a cafe sit down and drink a coffee, OR walk into the office of the agency and sit down in Fukuzawas office drinking tea there (Like Fukuzawa, Kunikida, Chuuya and Mori)

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