chapter 13

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(If you want to save yourself two chapters of me totalyy forgettiong about the plot of this story, then skip to chapter 15, however if you unexpectedly happen to like unneccessary parts of a atory or an overload of filler, like for example half of naruto, then read)
Atsushi pov
We were all sitting in the office, working, mostly still on the ridiculessly high amount of work, that had been schedueld for Dazai on the previous day, it was unbelieveble how much work he had to do all the time, he had at least three times more paper work, than I and Naomi had, whose only job was paperwork, since she was still in school. I was desperatly trying, to write a case report, wich was really hard, because unlike most of us, Dazai as well as Ranpo did not use any note books to write down details, but always wrote their reports on memory, so I had neaarly nothing to go on.  When the door was thrown wide open, the first onw to enter was a very confused looking Kunikida, after him a less confused looking man with orange hair-- wait he is port mafia. I wasn't the only one who noticed, as the whole office jumped up and got into fighting position, only to drop to the floor in disbelief. After them coming in through the wide open door, Fukuzawa chatting with the port mafia boss, about some kind of medizine. He completely ignored us and went straight into his office together with the head o the mafia and the oranged hair guy, while Kunikida sat down on his desk without a word, sighing as he was reminded of Dazais work, wich he now had to do as well, knowing, that he didn't write a single note. Ranpo, who seemed highly unimpressed, went into the bosses office as well.

Then I remembered, what Fukuzawa had told me in the hospital, about him Dazai and the current head of the mafia. I sighed. I guess it made sense, that they came together in a situation like this, after all Aktugawa and I had managed to team up once as well.  I tried to focus on the report, but I had nothing I could write, so I started to trail off and stumbeled across the thought, why they were back already. I turned to Kunikida, who kept looking at his watch.

''Ehm Kunikida?''
''Yeah?'' He looked up, probably knowing what I was about to ask.
''Why are you back already? And why is the mafia here without any fighting?''
''When we went there, we ran across Dazais ex-partner from the port mafia, Chuuya, apperantly the Mafia boss and Akutagawa had been there as well, after that Fukuzawa mumbled something about Dazai keeping a promise, then Dazai coughed and a doctor came in telling us his condition got worse overnight. Then Dazais heart stopped, apparently for the fourth time, and it took his organs down with it. Fukuzawa pulled me and Chuuya out of the room, outside he looked like he was about to break down, so I sat him down on a bench, while Chuuya just stood in the hall. Then Mori, the head of the mafia, walked in on us and sat down with Chuuya. Then Fukuzawa and Mori started fighting about whoses fault it is, that this happened, something about an orphanage, a graveyard , immunity to poison and chess. Mori left and came back with food, I questioned it, but the boss said, that even if we were to change the food with them to make sure there is no trick behind it, they're immune to poison, so it's no use, and it's senseless to poison someone inside a hospital. Then after half an hour a doctor came to us. He told us, that Dazai needed a surgery, immediantly, and if he makes it another one in a couple of days, butanesthetics wont work eithout further damage and that they can't do it without one, in case he is in a vegetative state of coma, it would damge him through unbearable pain physically and mentally. The surgery would take three So Mori and him started a discussion about how to mix anesthetics. Once they were done, we said goodbye and good luck to Dazai and left with them to wait here until we receive a call of the results. ''

Now it made sense why they were here. So it seems like we have a situation of peace for now. I couldn't focus, so I stood up decided to take a walk. ''If you get any news call me'' I told Kunikida, then I left the office. It was unusually quiet in there, I've never been there without Dazai. Or not I haven't given it a single thought until now. I didn't really know where I was heading, but in the end I found myself at the river. Not just anywhere, no, it was the spot, Dazai and I first met. For a moment I felt myself freeze in my movement. Back then I had pulled him out the water, because he was trying to commit suicide. Suddenly my head was empty. All I could think about was. WHY? WHY? WHY?

Then my phone rang, I quickly looked at it. It was Kunikida, but that couldn't be, I had only been out here for fifteen minutes, it's way too eary for Dazai to be done. I was starting to panik, what if something happened. Or or what if -- No! I told myself mabe he's just calling because of something else, but what on earth could be important right now, other than Dazai? No somthing must have happened. It couldn't be, the only reason the hospital would send for us is, if......he......were dead.

I took a deep breath. And picked it up. No matter what it was, I had to know sooner or later anyways. ''Hel-lo Kuni-ki-da?'' I stuttered.
''Atsushi get here, now'' he said and hung up. I completely paniked and started sprinting to the agency. Five minutes later I arrived at the headquaters. I slammed to door open and stood in the door. Inside the room everyone was now staring at me. To my surprise, the two mafia members who had previously entered with Fukuzawa, were standing right in the middle of the room, next to the rest the group. They looked I wouldn't call it calm, as their faces were filled with worry, but calm.

''What happened?'' I asked, fearing the worst.
''We've decided to go back to the hospital, to wait for Dazai there.'' Fukuzawa annouced, from the way it lookeed, the two mafia members, Kunikida, Fukuzawa and ......Ranpo?, were going to the hospital.
''You want to come weretiger?'' Mori asked impatiently. He called me weretiger, really? was this a good moment for things like that?
''Look kid, I just don't know your name, so just decide, wether you're coming or not.'' He said as he saw my offended look. I nodded. So we walked our way down to the hospitlal. Once we arrived there, we sat down next to a big group of people, Fukuzawa lay his head in his hands and sighed lud in worry. Kunikida and Chuuya seemed to be discussing something, about being partners with Dazai and Mori was visible thinking about something really hard. I just sat there not knowing what I was supposed to do or think. I've never really visited a hospital before, only the small emergency room at the agency. Then suddenly a man from the group next to us, started to talk to us.

''Hello, is everything alright, you look quite troubled?''
''No we're visiting a hospital for fun'' Chuuya answered sarcsticly
''Chuuya! Sorry about him, one of our......well...ehm....good acquaintences has been here since yesterday when he was found taking an overdose'' Mori corrected Chuuya. I wasn't exactly sure what happened next ,but all of the sudden we were in a deep conversation. ''Sir, why are all of you here may I ask, now that you know why we're here. '' Kunikida asked.
''One of our friend is finally, after five year getting a lung transplantation. she is in surgery right now and we're waiting for her to be done.'' A blond woman of the group said.
''Oh in that case congratulations'' Mori said. He was talking to them as if he was a simple nobody, I was speechless, or perhaps he was just seeking for distraction.
''May I ask your names?'' Another brunette woman asked. ''Of course, my name is Kunikida, This is Ranpo and this is Atsushi...'' he said, pointed at me and then hesitated to go on. I guess he didn't know, wether he could say the mafia names and Fukuzawa didn't look, like he was up to talk. ''My name is Mori'' ''I'm Chuuya''

''Alright, nice to meet you, I'm Hanna, this is Kyo, Akira, Nozomu and Jina.''The brunette woman said and pointed at each person. (I know it seems like I'm trailing off, but I need the timegap and don't want to make a skip)
''I'm sorry for your friend, I'm sure he's gonna be fine'' the so called Kyo said now. ''I hope so, but if I miscalculated, then-''
''If you miscalculated?'' I interrupted, forgetting who he was. He looked slightly annoyed by it but said ''Dr. Jackson and I were discussing how to mix the anesthetics without harming him beeing harmed to much further, but still having an acctual effect on his immune body'' Then he he turned back to Kyo ''You calculated how to mix the anesthtics, are you doctor?'' Akira asked. ''I used to be, yes''
''but wait, you said anesthetics, that means your friend is in surgery as well''
''Yes, he has not regained consciousness since he took the pills. He was in surgery yesterday as well, but they could only get about nine pills, aince they were already dissolving. He was very unstable, coughed blood and other things. Today at noon, he broke down completely and they had to take him into surgery. He doesn't react to most medication and the strong one they used yesterday damaged him too much as to use it again, so a new mix of anesthetics was created, with no test before use.'' Ranpo said
''he should be out in two hours'' Kunikida added
They were honestly just telling them everything, like they've known them for years, how can they just trust them?

Bungou stray dogs: Dazai overdose Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant