chapter 15

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Mori pov
It felt like it had been forever, when I felt Fukuzawas head, wich was leaning on mine, move up and look into the direction of the elevator. I looked up as well. Dr.Jackson was there. He looked tired and exhausted. He walked up to us pretty fast. We stood up

''Sorry for the long wait, I tried to be as quick as possible'' He said, without taking much of a break as he knew what the first question would be. ''He's alive, he survived the surgery, barely, but he survived.'' I felt a huge weight lift from my chest. The atmosphere immediantly lifted. ''The powerout hit us by surprise. Usually we have a fail save, that turns on a batterie that replaces the hospitals elictiricty. However we don't take risks like a sudden power out and relie on it while performing surgeries, at least not for surgeries, like this on. Our surgeons had placed a batterie in the heartcage (Don't kill me for such a stupid name, it's the best I can think of right now, for a machine to keep the heart pumping, not an acctual cage around the heart, that would be stupid) and as soon as the power went out, it jumped into action, so we only had to focus on his breathing. We added a Batterie to that as well and were back on the surgery after  one minute. We were able to take out three pills this time, so he should be more stable from now on. However I wouldn't count on him regaining consciousness any time soon. He is severely damaged, not only from the pills but also from the mediacation we gave him. Amd he had previous internal ex- and internal injury, wich never properly healed. We thought about fixing them, but for now it'S not that important. After the surgery we removed the heartcage. It took a little bit, but his heart started pumping, it's not exactly what I would call an even heartbeat, we put him on life support for now. Added to the other problems though, he still has high fever and we can't explain why?  I would like to ask you to come back tomorrow and visit. To give us the time to sort out the problems of the power failure.''

We nodded and decided to obey and leave. There was one thing, that didn't fit though. falsly healed internal injury. Both the mafia and the ageny have capable doctors, so where would he have internal damage from. I highly doubted, that it came from the two years when he dissapeared. We left the hospital and partet our ways. Chuuya and I went back to the mafia. And the rest of the group went to the agency I guess, I didn't bother nor care to ask. Back in the mafai, there were three people we informed about the situation, Akutagawa, Kuoyou and Gin, the both of them didn't bother to visit, but asked about him, so we felt it to be necessary.

Ranpo pov
I was so relieved, that Dazai survived, I had to admit though, for a moment I had doubted wether he made it or not . But luckily he did. And for the first time it seemed like there was good news. Yes he was currently weaker, than before, but at least he was more stable now. What worried me the most wasn't his breathing, or heartbeat, it was his fever, I couldn't find a single reason, why he would have fever and a temperature of 106°F/41°C is almost abnormally high. Still he seems to be considerable fine for now. And that lifted a weight from all our shoulders. I had been especially worried about Fukuzawa, well I was worried about Dazai most of all, but from the people around it was Fukuzawa.

The others hadn't noticed, but from the looks of it he didn't sleep last night, he also didn't eat much. Like everyone, he was blaming himself, but in the difference to the rest he had more than just, 'We should have talked to him why he wanted to commit sucide and stopped him' to offer. He had ,ade acctual mistakes with Dazai wich I never dared to mention, but to me it was obvious, that sooner or later Mori was gonna get him and take him with him into the mafia, he had the brain, the ability and the body to become a high ranked member. And he did in no time. I saw it coming, I wasn't able to predict him, but I could predict others and his choice to join after an offer like that.

Imagine: You're an aboused, raped, beaten, cut and mentally tortured child, sitting in your second orphanage, after the first one burned down, scared your body and turned you half blind. Every once in a while a guy comes over and looses to you in litteraly any game you could think of. The other children are afraid of you, because your body is full scars, so you hide them under bandages, but they're still afraid of you for wearing so many bandages. The workers there don't give much about the individual kids, sure, they care a lot, otherwise they would have a different job, but they don't give much thought to their mental state. And try to avoid you, because you're 'too mentally broken, to be fixed'. None of the people, that come there even look at you and just take the smaller or more normally looking ones. Then one day a man, that used to know the guy who always lost to you, and offers you to come with him. Who would say no to that?

But I didn't imagine he would just betray them without ever giving it a second thought. He was youngest executive, had one of the highest killing count, compared to how long he had worked in the mafia, master of torture, rumor has it there was not a single victim that didn't talk after he asked the questions, involved in uncountable illegal activities, seen to be future head od the mafia, was deeply honored and notorious, yet he left and joined the enemy side with not the least bit of hesitation. To be honest, I even now had no garante wether he was really our allay or not, from the way it seemed, the mafia still had a thing on him, his name was still a threat in the mafia and their members would follow what he said.

We were entering the office and immediantly told them everything, then I asked Yosano to tell me possible reasons why he could have fever, so she started list
''Well ther is always a possibility, that he has a cold or a flu, but then the doctors would know alread. The others would be, sideffect of the pills or medication, his body beeing overwhelmed, an infection or let's , for the devils sake, not to have his soul in hell, hope he wasn't so determined to die, an undetectable poison'' I nodded. we could skratch infection and flu or cold. The rest however had a chance of being true. I didn't know what to do next, so I just sat down and did my work without wating any time.

///////ok so I hope this part was better, I'm really sorry for what I did in 13 and 14 I wrote a warning at the beginning, to skip to this chapter if one doesn't want uneccessary fillers. Please tell me wether this ones style is better than the two previous ones or not, so I know wether I can ontinue writing like this or not

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