chapter 7

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Atsishi pov
It was then I finally reacted, I jumped up and ran out the room, to get a doctor, but then. -------
the monitor waves turned into a long beeping (idk if that's the word for it in german it's piepen and I think that's what you call it in english, sorry). Doctors stormed the room. Fukuzawa heaved himself up and pulled me out of the room. Now his face was blank, there was nothing on it. For some reason I was starting to get the feeling, that Dazai was more than just employee for him, but who knows what wa true and what wasn't I'm not that much of a genius as that I was able to figure that out by just his expression.

From inside there were sounds of a defibrillator and voices. ''three, two, one, go'' and another defibrillator sound. then silents. I looked at Fukuzawa, he seemed to be completely worn out. I couldn't express what I was feeling, all I could think about was. 'Please be alive, Please be alive, please be alive, please be alive'

Suddenly clapping like an applause. Fukuzawa sighed in relieve. ''He's alive'' he wispered. I fell to my knees in relieve. Fukuzawa tapped me onthe shoulder and signaled me to stand up. We sat down on a bank in the hallway. I lay my head in hands and sighed. Then I remembered Fukuzawas stressed eraction to this. He wasn't the kind of person to act like this, no matter what was happening.

''Sir? May I ask, what is your personal connection to Dazai? If it's not inappropriate to ask''
''Not at all, but why you ask?''
''I've just noticed, that you seem very worried about him, more than anyone else and also not in a way, that a boss would worry about his employee''
''So you've noticed?''
''Well it's hard not to sir, the only one looking as distressed as you, is Kunikida. And Kunikida is his partner so they're always together, so it's no wonder they're close. And you and Dazai aren't seen together so ofthen.''
(Please don't hate on me for what I' about to write, I know that it is most likely not entirely true, but I really feel like writing an emotionell story like this, without any shipping, so)
''Very well. It all started 14 years ago. back then Ogai Mori, the current Mafia head, and I were.... well you could call it befriended. It was before the agency was founded and before he joined the port mafia. Back then I came across a child. the boy had been terrible abused, both physically and mentally, beaten up and raped. And probably other things as well, but that's what was obvious, or told to me by him. I found him in the underground once, as I was on my way to visit Mori, who was leading a illegal hospital. It was winter and he was laying in cold on ground, not moving, wearing only an old pair of pants and a worn out shirt. The rest of his body covered in old, dirty bandages.''
I stared at him in disbelieve.
''He didn't move, was just laying there in the freezing mud. I ran up to him. His body was cold, he seemed to be unconsciouss. He was malnourished. So I took him with me to Moris hospital. When he came to he was terrified but at the same time, he looked like he had given up on himself. He, after a lot of convincing, told us, his name and that he was 9 years old. We kept him in the hospital for five month for save keeping, then we put him into an orphanage. Two month later Mori joined the port mafia. About a month later on june 19th I came to his orphanage to give him a gift for his birthday, only to find the house burned down. It was a ruin. Inside many dead two women who worked there and many children. I feared the worst, but I still had to try to at leat find his body.''
I couldn't believe what he was hearing. It sounded like a horror story. Fukuzawa continued to tell him. ''I found him badly injured and brought him to a hospital. It was then I found out, how the fire was caused. one of the kids had a fire ability, but couldn't controle it. The kid had destroyed the whole orphanage. From what I could tell, I guess it was then Dazais ability awakened. His ability activated itself, the moment he had passed out from the fire and injury. See an ability always wants to protect his master. Once he was healed, more or less at least. He carries these scars until today, not to mention, that his eye turned blind eversince then, it was injured by the fire. YOu can'T see it and he does a good job hiding it. I put him in another orphanage. I visited him every once in a while. One year later Ranpo and I founded the agency. Dazai was about 12 years old. I and once or twice Ranpo and I visited him. His ability was incredible powerful. This way said, his ability stands above all other abilities, because any ability that tries to attack him is canceled. Even if it was to help him.''

Flashback 13 years ago
I arrived at my destination, but instead of the beautiful orphanage, I had given the child to, there was an almost black ruin. I could smell it in the air, there had been a fire not long ago. The house was outside the city the only house standing on a hill. ''Oh no Dazai'' I ran up to the house. I walked inside, there were two dead children. I looked closer at them. I sighed, none were Dazai. ''Dazai?'' I yelled his name. No answer. I feared the worst. I summoned myself. I had to at least find his Body and burry him. I rushed through the hallways. On my way seeeing more dead children and two women, dead as well. My hopes were fading, of finding him. Why hadn't anyone noticed the fire. ''Dazai!'' I yelled again. I continued my search. I was searching for about an hour now. Many dead but no living. Then I got to the bathrooms. It was so silent, but suddenly I heard heavy breathing and slight coughing. I began to run towards the sound. In the last bathroom the last stables were still standing, they had burned and started to melt, but the metal was still standing. I ripped the burned wood and melted plastic away and found a boy, unconsciouss and bleeding. I checked his surroundings, it seemed as if the fire had suddenly stopped as soon as it reached him.
I brought him to a hospital. An ability user, who can heal wounds (not yosano), tried to heal him, since she felt sorry for the boy. A child shouldn't have scars like that, but when she tried. His body didn't heal instead canceled the ability with a blue seal (I know it's not technically a seal but I don't know how to describe it differenty in one word). It was then I realized, what had happened. The orphanage was burned by a fire ability user within such a small time, that no one had the time to react and Dazai survived because of his ability.. After he healed I brought him into another orphange. I visited him evey once in a while, but he looked lost. No wonder considering what had happened to him in the past. One year later I founded the agency. Once I brought Ranpo with me to visit him. But Dazai didn't speak much. He continued to wear bandages, but now over his eye as well.

''Two years later he dissapeared from the orphanage. The next time I saw him., he was standing in the middle of gunfire wearing a black coat comanding people from the port mafia. So it didn't take much to figure out, that Mori had taken him in. It was about the same time, that Dazai dissapeared, that rumors said, Mori had become head of the mafia. One year later I started to hear rumors, that Dazai had become executive, his reputation was devastating. Three years later he had dissapeared from the port mafia. After that I ofthen saw him on a graveyard, but I never talked to him. until two years ago, when Taneda, a minister of eternal affairs, introduced him to me.''
I was speechless, he had expected a lot, but not a story like this. The way Fukuzawas voice had changed, while he was talking. It sounded so caring.

I was ripped out of my thoughts, as I was remembered in what situation we were right now, when a doctor walked up to us. Fukuzawa stood up. ''You are acqainted to Dazai Osamu right?'' We nodded. ''We were able to stabalize his heart for now, but we can't say for how long he will remain stable. His system is heavily damaged and the pills are still inside him. Most likely, if he makes it until tomorow morning and is stable enough, we'll perform another surgery, to get as much of the stuff out as possible, If we don't get it out in time, it will fade inside him and it will damage his body further, wich means his survival chances will fade even more.'' The man told us. 'So basically you're trlling us, that if he isn't dead by tomorow morning, you'll cut him open again, to search for the poison things that have already almost dissolved inside him, either way, you'll weaken his body even more' I thought.
''Thank you for your hard work, I know that this is a new situation for you as well''
''I have to thank you for your calmness. Usually relatives and friends are freaked out, when they simply hea, that someone has attempted suicide, then again, the way he looks this wasn't...'' The man stopped his sentence, as he realized what he was saying
''It's ok to say it, in the end I doubt you've seen a body this damaged of ..... self harm'' Fukuzawa said with a sad undertone.
''To be honest, I haven't seen such a demaged body before at all, he is covered in scars all over, not only cuts, but also burns and incorrectly healed injuries. However it's really not my place to talk about it to you.'' He said his goodbye and left. Fukuzawa went back inside and I decided to go back to the agency.

////that's it for this episode. I'm gonna leave Kenji, Jinnichiro and Naomi out, because I really don't know what I should write to them.

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