chapter 8

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Atsushi had just come back, from the hospital. Like the Kyouka and Kunikida he hasn't said much. I knew, that Fukzawa must be really worried about him, I still remember, how we visited Dazai in the orphanage, twice. And how sad Fukuzawa was, when he found out, that Mori had recruited Dazai to the mafia, how worried he was about him, when he heard he had disappeared and then watched him sit on a graveyard all day. I can also still recall the happy expression, when Taneada 'introduced' him to us. Him and I got along well from the start, we didn't work together that ofthen, but it is so much easier with him to plan a mission, than it is with anyone else. Naomi, Jinnichiro and Kenji had decided, to just go there for a moment, to pay their respects and not stay long. I was currently working on my report, wich I really had to finish today, but I just couldn't focus. I kept staring at Kunikida, who despite that he was sitting infront of his work staring into it, didn'T seem to be doing anything, but gettig lost in his own thoughts. Who could blame him though. In the end it was his partner who was barely holding on to his, to say it in all honesty, crappy, life. I sighed, I just couldn't focus. Just then Kunikidas phone rang. and he answered.I couldn't hear much, but what I heard was
''Hello'' ''Yes'' ''Crap'' ''My Apologies'' ''My patrner'' ''Hospital'' ''Forgot'' and ''On my way'' . It was pretty obvious what had happened.
About half an hour later, Naomi and the others came back, so I took of, in direction hospital.

I could imagine, what I was about to see. And I still couldn't figure out why, obviously something had happened in his private life, but then again, he doesn't really have a private life, and on the other hand, it wasn't like he hadn't tried to kill himself before in several different ways, so it could have just been a random idea he had, then finding out how easy it was for him to get such pills, then another visit on the graveyard, stumbling across his own thoughts, maybe a nightmare and he would have taken that many pills as well. He was the one person, I could never figure out, I could never predict his next move, I could never see through him. Another thing could be, that he predicted all this and didn't only take pills, but also an undetectable poison as well, to make sure he dies. Or maybe he didn't think anything about it, then again, he was never thinking nothing, nothing he did was without reason and right now it was thriving mw crazy, that I couldn't figure out, what his intentions were.

I was currwntly walking down the hallway until i stood before the door, that was supposed to be his room. I entered. It was quiet, I walked into the main part and sat down without a word. Fukuzawa greeted me in silents, he looked tired and exhausted, but that was to be expected. Dazai really didn't look good.
''His heart stopped earlier'' He forced out. I didn't know what I was supposed to say, so I stood up to look at his face. Pale almost like a corpse, I brushed a strand of hair out of his face and sat back down.  And as if I had asked he started to tell me the important details''They might have to put him in another surgery. If he even makes it, and is stable enough...  he has fever and keeps coughing up blood. His heart and breath is continuously unstable. I just-'' He stopped himself in the middle of the sentence. Despite how strict he always acted around the others, we had become close friends. I knew how much he care about all of the people in the agency and especially Dazai.

''If he just didn't have that all powerful ability, then he-''
''then he'd have died in the fire that day''
''You're right, it's just, once again, there is nothign I can do to help him.''
''You mean the port mafia?''
''I let Mori abduct him, wich led to make him suffer even more, then I allowed myself, to let him sit on that graveyard for two years and now there is once again nothing I can do''
I sighed. I didn't want to admit it, but he did have a point. We should have picked him up from the graveyard. He was so glad, when Dazai joined the agency.
''Come on, let's go and get you something to eat, you look, like you could use some distraction'' I said and pulled him out of the room and into the cafeeteria. I forcifly sat him down at a table and went out, to get two pieces of chake, it was already past 4:00 pm but I managed to get some. I sat back down at the table, handed him his piece and a coffee and we began to eat.

''Hey, can you tell Yosano to bring some stuff with her when she comes?''
''Sure, what should she bring?''
''a thermometer, I want to know how high his temperature is, but they all refuse to tell me''
''sure, anything else?''
''No that's all.''
''yeah I'll send her a message''

I pulled my phonee out and texted Yosano. Once we were done eating, we went back upstairs to Dazais room, only to find two doctors inside. We stopped infront of the door and listened
''Why does he keep coughing up blood? And why is his temperature still rising?''
''I don't get it, but we have to keep him alive somehow. If not, we would lose another life to suicide''
''What happened to him anyway? I mean look at him, full of scar of different kinds?''
''Does it really matter, let's just hope, that he satys stable this time, at least for a while''
Then Fukuzawa suddenly decided to oopen the door, he acted as if he was surprised to see two doctors.
''Sir, are you Family of his?'' one of them asked him
''No, I am his boss. Dazai does not have any family and neither does he have friends outside his working place'' He answered and pulled me around the corner.

''May I ask, did anything happen while we were gone?''
The smaller one of the two men sighed. ''He coughed again and the unstabalized, forced motion of it, ripped the blood infusion out, so we had to put it back in.''
They quickly left the room and we went inside. It was truly strange seeing him like that and from all I had heard and seen until now, it seems that he was still pretty unstable. Fukuzawa sat back down in a rugh and tired motio and grabbed Dazais hand. I sat down next to him and stared at Dazai, whose upper body was currently blank, no longer covered with a blanket, probably to bring his temperature down. All of the bandages had been removed. There truly was very little untouched skin left, however these scars didn't seem like self harm, they were different, stabbing, strangling, bullets, boiling, burning and others.

Now that I thought about it, his life has brought nothing but pain for him. It was really pittyful, but still unfair. What had he ever done to the world- ok he killed over a 120 people himself, had many executed from other peoples hands, badly injured over 300 more and was involved in robberies, blackmailing, high leveled scam and other illegal things, but he hadn't done any of that before the port mafia, so... I sighed and stood up, I hated to, but I had to get back to work.

''Imma go head back and send Yosano, she'll take you with her afterwards and bring you back home.  See you tomorrow'' I stood up. Before I left the room I decided, to say goodbye to Dazai as well, since this could likely be the last time I see him alive. I walked up to him, put his hair to the side and grabbed his other hand. ''See you tomorrow, don't you dare dying, we still need you at work you know'' I wispered. Then I left the room.

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