Chapter 14

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Kunikida pov
We were talking to the group of people, who were here for their friend, that gets new lungs today. Except for Fukuzawa, he was sitting at the other end of the bench, lost inhis thoughts, I had thought about including him, but it seemed best not to. ''So when will your friend be done?'' Chuuya, who had become surprisingly polite, asked, to keep the conversation up I guess.
''She should be done in half an hour, but then once she's awake, we need to wait a little before we can go to her, incase, there is a problem. So we can see her in 1 1/2 to 2 hours. We decided to wait in the hospital to wait for her.'' Jina declared. (I'm sorry for the names, I don't want to write a woman, the names really aren't important, but I want someone, who is in no connection to Dazai, so, just keep reading) We kept talking for a while, then a doctor came and told them, that their friend was fine and that the surgery was a success, she had already regained conscioussness and was in no need of any mechanical support, but they still have to wait a little while. They were really happy about it and started to tell us about their friend

We sat there, for about ten more minutes, until suddenly the ligths went out, the automatic doors got stuck and the monitors went out as well. Fukuzawas head shot up. ''No....'' was all he said. Then Mori sad in a desperate voice. ''Not a power failure... please....'' Doctors and nurses were running around, I started to panik, a power out, not now please. ''What's happening?'' Atsushi asked, frigthened, he knew exactly what had happened, he just didn't want to believe it. ''The power'' Chuuya said cold ''Is gone''

The group next to us seemed worried as well. ''Guys, it's ok, alright, she's fine. They said Lara doesn't need any machines, so this is no problem'' One of them said, after that they seemed to calm down and noticed our paniked looks. ''I'm sure your friend is fine, hospitals are prepared for such situations''
''His heart depends on a mechanical cage, that keeps it pumping while the surgery and he couldn't breath on his own already before, his life depends on these two machines'' Fukuzawa spoke up for the first time. ''I apprechiate your kindness, but this was it. Even if they now have power again, if it was out for so much as five seconds, then...'' Mori now continued Fukuzawas speech. ''You mean Dazai is...'' Atsushi attempted. ''Dead'' chuuya finished. Ranpo, who usually was the first one to say something, when it was to guess an outcome, kept quiet the whole conversation. It was obvious that the other group of people knew our or his situation, they had naturally been worried about their friend, who was already out of surgery and stable, but Dazai had been right in the middle of it.

They looked to the floor, not knowing, what to say. Then the lights went back on, the doors started moving and the monitors were working again. Many people in the waiting hall were relieved, others, like us, were afraid, or better knew, that this had been it. It was over, he was dead. ''We need to call the agency'' Fukuzawa said. ''I promised to call immediantly when something happens'' I nodded and pulled my phone out. I handed it to Fukuzawa. The group other group was silent, as they looked back up and looked into five faces of pure shok. ''Hey Yosano?'' Fukuzawa said. he put them on speaker and we heard Yosano say ''The elictricity went out right?'' she asked numb. ''Yeah, how do you know'' He answered. ''It was out in the whole city, just for a couple of minutes, although we hoped, that the hospital hadn't been effected'' From the back was a voice to be heard, it was Naomi ''Are there any news, yet, you know about Dazai?''
''No not yet, but the odds are really bad, because of the electricity so we decided to give you a call'' Ranpo anouced with a slightly shaking voice. Then the call ended.

It was official, we were paniking. Akira was trying to calm Atsushi, who was totally paniking. They had already recieved news, as their friend send someone to inform them. Chuuya was suddenly very quiet and Fukuzawa and Mori were in a very unexpected situation, or should I say position. Fukuzawa and Mori were sitting next to each other, holding hands (not in a strange way!!!!!!). Their heads were leaning onto each other and their faces hidden. I just sat there. Many people in the hall had already been informed and either went further into the hospital or left. It was chaos. But from all I knew, there has not been a single information from anyone, who had been in surgery, I had talked to a couple, who's best friend was in surgery right now as well. They didn't have any information as well. I looked at my watch Dazai was supposed to be out in an hour, if he was still alive that is. And there was nothing we could do, but wait. One, two, three, four, five, it felt like the time was running in slow motion. Hanna stood up and walked over to Chuuya and me. Atsushi was being accompanied by Akira and Kyo, I guess they needed distraction as well. Jina and Nozomu sat there not knowing what they were supposed to do, in there eyes was pity. Hanna, just stood there, saying nothing, then we heard steps coming towards us. We all looked at who was coming.

to our dissapointment it was just a doctor telling them, that their friend was allowed visitors now. They said their goodbyes and left quickly. As time passed by more and more people were being informed and left in one or another direction. After fourty minutes, we could barely take it anymore, we seemed to be the only ones left. They had closed their doors for today, to reorder and put things straight. We were there all alone, being ignored or better avoided by everyone, who walked by. The nurses at the info stand obviously knew, who we were here for. But they  avoided getting near us. They knew somethng, we didn't. And it was killing me.

Fukuzawa pov
I couldn't describe how I was feeling right now. There we were Mori and I sitting hand in hand (Still not in a strange way!!!!!) worrying about the damaged child, we had fought over so many times before. Just that the child was no longer a damaged child, but a broken adult, in more than one way. It was true, Dazai was more than important, he had repeatendly been the key to the success of a mission, he was a genius and had experienced fighting skills. His ability was no use for fighting, but then again it was, in the end it outclassed every other. I remember his entrance exam, many have only learned, to completely controle their ability, because of mine, but Dazai was in no need of this. He had perfectly mastered his ability by himself, then again most mafia members had controle over their power. But to think of why he had an ability like this. Every Ability user has the ability for a reason, it was always decided, wether one gets an ability or not, however is only being decided wich one, in early childhood and it will awaken once it's needed. Every ability had a reason. For example, Yosano, she must have gotten badly injured once, when she was very little, maybe a car accident, not bad enough to be vital, but enough to cause and ability like this.

But I didn't know anything about Dazais childhood, I knew he had been raped, beaten and cut by the people he was with. But i also knew, that a lot more had happened before any of us had ever met him, that he never told anyone about. Twenty more minutes past, then finally we saw Dr. Jackson walk up to us

///// I'm really sorry, I don't know why I added random people, instead of going on with the story. I'm gonna return to the original writing style from now on, I promise

Bungou stray dogs: Dazai overdose Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα