Chapter 25

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Kyouka pov
It had been a week since Dazai had first opened his eyes. Ever since then his condition has changed, slowly, he had started to recover. Although visibly there was no real difference, he was still in intensive care, with an oxygen mask and he hasn't talked yet either, but Yosanos guess is, he just doesn't want to, because it hurts him, however his fever went down. The whole week he kept coughing up blood, but luckily never much. Yosano was there with him a lot these days.

She said, that the most important thing right now is, to give him a reason to live. So she and Kunikida spend most of their time in the hospital.
Fukuzawa and Atsushi came by once a day.

''So how do you think it'll go?'' Atsushi asked.
''Don't know, I hope he's finally ready to talk to us. That's what I'm hoping for at least.'' Fukuzawa replied, he had been getting softer with us lately.
I sat in the back seat and listened to the on gong conversation. Despite, that I acctually liked Dazai as colleague and brother/father figure, I still had to find out, who he really is.

We arrived at the hospital and made our way to Dazais room, where Kunikida and Yosano were alredy waiting. We entered the room, Yosano immediantly signaled us to be quiet. Dazai was lying on the bed, sleeping. He had been doing that a lot lately.

''He just fell asleep'' Kunikida informed us. We nodded and sat down. All of us looked at Yosano, waiting for her to start talking.
She took the hint and began to tell. ''He was awake for a couple of hours, about six. It's been gettting more, everyytime he wakes up, so I think he'll be able to stay awake and sleep more or less normally within about two to three weeks. He has said a couple of words, but it wasn't more than, 'yeah', 'no', and 'thanks' and...'' She paused and swallowed hard '' 'I'm sorry' '' She looked down at his face.

''He apologiesed for no reason at all. I think he ment being stuck in this whole situation, but...'' Kunikida added to her explaination.

''I see, so he does realize, what's going on, where he is and why he is here, huh? '' Fukuzawa mumbled.

Yosano and Kunikida got up and left after saying, that they would be back in a couple of hours. Now it was just us three- us four. Atsushi and I were plaing cards and Fukuzawa was doing, well I'm not entirely sure, but he was busy as well. WHen suddenly we heard a ragged cough.

We immediantly brought our attention to Dazai, who was in the middle of a coughing fit. Fukuzawa lifted him up, the way Yosano had previously explained it. Once he was done Fukuzawa lay him back down. Just as he was about to turn away, back to his previous attention point, Dazais eyes sllid open.

He looked the president in the eyes. ''W-wa..t-e...r'' He croaked out with a raspy voice and a pained expression in his face.
I jumped up. ''I'll be right back, I'll get you water and tell Dr. Jackson to come'' I said and quickly left the room. first I went to find Dr. Jackson, by now we knew where his office was, so It didn't take long.

''Sorry, sir, ehm Dazai has woken up  and asked for water?'' I said, after I knocked.
The door was immediantly opened.

Dr. Jackson had been incredibly worried about Dazai from the first time he saw him. Not only about his physical health, but also his mental health, after seeing a body that had more scars, than acctual skin. And the expression, Dazai had had in his eyes had proven his worries.

''Sure of course, I'll be right there, go and get a glass of water, but take tab water without carbonic acid. I'll meet you at the room.'' he said. I nodded and went to get water.

Shortly after I returned to the room, where the dr. was already waiting. Dazai had been sat up slightly. He was being held up by the president, while Atsushi stood next to them, possible holding his hand. Dazai looked tired and weak, but still slightly better, than a week ago.

''Ah there you are'' Dr. Jackson said and I came over. Before he took the glass he strated talking again.
''I'm gonna have to take of the oxygen mask, in order for you to drink correctly, it might be a little harder to breath, but we will put it back on afterwards.''

He took the glass from my hands and took the mask of of Dazai. He visibly gasped for air for a moment, until he semmed to have regained how to use them by himself. The glass was putt infront of his mouth and he took a small sip and then another one. He couldn't drink much, before he began to cough again.

Dr. Jackson took the glass away and put it on the couter.
''It's alright, he hasn't taken in water or food through his mouth in over a mounth, I'm impressed he didn't throw it back up. Many patients do that after being out for a while.'' He said, when he noticed the worried looks on our faces.

He put the oxygen mask back on Dazai, we all stepped back a little to let him do his job.

''Alright....How are you feeling now?'' He asked obviously only half expectoing any kind of response. However.....

''b-bt...r'' He mumbled, trying his hardest to form a correct word. Still it was enough to visibly light up both Atsushis and Fukuzawa's faces, he was starting to talk again, what a relieve.

''That's good, if you want you can later try to drink a little more, for now rest.'' Dr. Jackson said, turning towards us, giving a silent goodbye and then left.
We sat back down next to the bed and the president helped Dazai lie back down and sat down nearest to his head.

''I'm glad you have started to recover'' Fukuzawa said and took his hands once more.
A few minutes later he was visibly fighting sleep.
''It's alright Dazai, go to sleep.'' The president said and so his eyes fell shut.

///I'm sorry I'm no longer updating that much, I have a lot to do with school (5 presentations this week) and so there's very little time to write

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