Chapter 19

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Ranpo pov
I was currently sitting in the office with the rest of the members, when my phone rang. It was Yosano. I immediantly jumped up. She was visiting Dazai. There could only be two reasons, why she'd call. One Mori was there and she didn't want to be alone. Two something happened to Dazai.
THe rest of the agency was staring at me, they had taken the hint. I answered

''Hey Yosano, what's the matter?'' I asked after I put her on speaker.
''They're gonna send him into another surgery. I just wanted to inform you. It's gonna start in fifteen minutes. they're gonna use the same anesthetics as last time, if he makes it out allive, he might regain consciousness within the next few weeks.''
''Do you think it's a good idea?'' Fukuzawa, who was suddenly standing behind me, asked
''Sending Someone in such a condition in surgery is nevver a good idea, but it's the best option they have right now. If they don't, his condition is only gonna get worse. So I agree with the decision.''
''Very well. I trust your judgement'' Fukuzawa said.

We decided, that I was gonna head over and not let Yosano sit there alone. I didn't get, why I had to go, but I didn't complain. It ment getting out of work early and that's never wrong. So we met up in the waiting hall and waited. We sat there for quite a while, when we saw Chuuya and Akutagawa enter. They walked up to us, after they saw us.

''What a coincidence to meet you two here'' Mori said ''Why are you down here?'' He added without giving anyone a chance to talk.
''He is in his probably last surgery for now, if he gets out fine, he should wake up in the next coupple of weeks.'' I answered in a for me unusual cold tone.
They nodded and sat down a couple of seats away from us, not interested in a conversation either.

four hours later, we were slowly getting nerveos, as it didn't take that long last time. ''how much longer is this gonna take?'' Yosano asked nervously.
''They should be done by now'' She added.
''I don't know, but this is taking way too long.'' I replied. I was getting impatient, something wasn't right. I could feel it.

Finally one hour later. It had been five and a half hours now. A doctor walked up to us. This time it wasn't Dr. Jackson, but some other surgeon.
''You two are here for Osamu Dazai, right?''
''Yes, how'd it go?'' Yosano asked more than impatient.
''We had some....complications-''
''Form the sentence the way you wanted and spare us the some complication embellishment and say it in the right words'' Yosano interrupted, rudely as her temper and eyhaustion from waiting took over.
the doctor sighed

''Alright, we had many problematic complications, wich is why it took so long. But we managed to get rid of almost everything. So thanks to his resistent body, the remainings of the pills should dispose themselves without harming his body further.''
''And why did it take so damn long?!'' Yosano asked, just getting warm in her mood of screaming at others.
''Well, we had problems, to get his body to accept the medication and had to use several different ones and then there was an issue with his heart and breathing rythsm. But good news is, if we're lucky, he'll regain consciousness within the next two weeks. ''

Yosano didn't seem to find any further complains, so she just nodded and in an almost cammonding tone, asked the doctor to lead us to the room. Even though we already knew where he was being treadet.
After we entered we sat down in the chairs next to his bed.

Yosano pov
I looked at the monitors. His brainwaves seemed normal as ever. His heart was still slow, but is was slightly more even than before. His breathing was still low and uneven, but better than before. It seemed the surgery, though it had taken a lot longer, than I had expected, acctually helped to improve his condition by a lot.

Still there was no sign of consciousness. It had been over two weeks, since we've last heard his voice. Two weeks since Kunikida had found him inside his bathroom, unconsciouss with blood around him, with fifteen pills of schrinustat inside him. A medicine used for terminal care, to numb the mind ad stretch out the life time, to a cost of a good amount of pain. It's use was controversial, a patient had to give permmission for it. It had many sideeffects, painful sideeffects And it was making even less sence. Dazai always said he wanted to die but didn't want to die in pain. Was he really that desperate, that he would now even accept pain, as long as it would lead to his death.

When Kunikida had found him, he was in a simular condition as he was now, just that he now no longer coughed up blood. One pill was still inside him and even without it, I didn't understand where the doctors got the guess, that he might regain conscioussness within the next two weeks, from. We were lucky if his heartbaet and breathing rythm imrpoved within the next two weeks.

I looked at Ranpo, who had fallen asleep on the chair, his head leaning onto the bed.

Kunikida and Fukuzawa had been having a hard time, these two weeks.  Dazai ment a lot to them. Atsushi was equally out of it. I had a feeling, that Atsushi had begun to see Dazai as a brother or father figure. Dazai was the one who took him in, without much of a second thought. Atsushi was deeply greatfuk for that. From what I knew, He pulled Dazai out of a river the first time they met. In the beginning he seemed slightly concerned about it, but then he just accepted it as his thing.

I looked at his face closer. I froze. He had bog drops of sweat on his face. I thought the fever had passed, now that the last surgery was through. i quickly grabbed the thermometer from my bag and took his temperatur. I droped tha thermometer once I had looked at it. 107°F/ca.42°C. it was rising, into a dangerously high state. I went to the bathroom and wetted a towel with cold water. I put it on his head.

Ranpo looked up at me confused. ''What are you doing?'' he asked confused.
''His fever is rising, a usual person would be dead by now. And in the end he is still human, he's more resistent, but if it gets any higher or stays like this for too long, even he wont be able to take it.''

He was immediantly awake.
''I'll go get someone.'' He said and sprinted out the room.
I left the towel on his head and opened the door to the balcony wide. To let the cool air inside.
Then Ranpo came back inside with Dr. Jackson, who brought an icepack with him and immediantly put it on his head.

Then he grabbed his arm and injected something inside him. Then he stood next to him waiting for something, before he looked at me.
''Thank you so much, for noticing. If we hadn't noticed this in time, it could have had severe consequences. Although I cannot explain, why it suddenly got so high, when I checked about an hour ago I was at 102°F/39°C.''

I was slightly pissed, by the fact, that a doctor, whose only job it wwas right now, to keep Dazai save, had amost gotten him killed.
''Sure thing, that's why I'm here. Because I don't completely trust the hospital''
He looked down slightly ashamed.

About after five minutes of waiting, he checked his temperature again.
''Not good, but better.'' Before I could ask he said ''It's back to 106°F/41°C. The medicine is taking effect. It should go down further in the next hour.''
I nodded and he left. Ranpo and I sat back down and I kept checking Dazais temperature, it was slowly gowing down. After one hour, it was down to 102°/39°C.

3rd person pov
the days went by and Dazai showed no sign of regaining consciousness.

Kunikida pov
It had been three and a half weeks now and there were neither signs of worsening nor improvement. It was killing me, to see that lifeless, pale, feverish face everytime I came. But I couldn't not come. It was my duty, I should have foreseen and prevented it, so now it was my duty, to visit and wait for him. SO that I can finally bring the light back to his face. 

Lately I was feeling highly useless as both a partner and part of the agency. i had done nothing, but paper work in the past weeks. And in all honesty, I was growing tired of it. But it didn't feel right, to go on external jobs without Dazai.

I was once again sitting in the hospital, doing paperwork on the table in his room. Desperatly waiting for him to finally show any signs of life. But no matter how long I sat there, the only voice I heard, was dr. Jacksons whenever he came to check on Dazai. Fukuzawa, who had, now that Dazai was stable, returned to his usual behavior around the agency, came to visit for a couple of hours and took me home with him.

Despite, what he said. I could visibly see it in his face, that this wasn't to his pleasure at all. He was incredibly worried about Dazai. And I felt like he blamed himself more, than I did. Although he had no reason for it.

///Sorry I didn't update, I have a lot of school work to do lately. And I'm also slightly running out of ideas how to stretch the story further. So:
I wont drop it, but it's gonna come to an end soon.

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