Chapter 11

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Chuuya pov
When they asked me, for how long I had been there I lied and said, that it was only half an hour, when in reality, I had been sitting there for two hours, just staring at him, thinking about what would happen, if this was it for him. I had been there since 9 am.

We now sat in silents for a while until suddenly two alarms went off at the same time. One that signaled, that his heart had stopped again, and the other one was unknown to me. The doctor, that had previously entered and a woman came, running into the room. I watched Fukuzawa pull Kunikida outside the room. I however just stayed there until Fukuzawa came back and pulled me outside as well. it happened so fast there was nothing I could do about it.

Another man rushed inside the room. I heard a defibrillatore, once, twice, 3 times and a fourth time. Then there was silents. Kunikida and Fukuzawa, who looked like he was about to collapse from exhaustion, were sitting on one of the benches. I just stood there, not knowing, what I was supposed to do. It was then I heard a familiar voice. I turned around and saw the boss walking towards me. His face immediantly darkened, once he saw my expression, then he seemed to notice Kunikida and Fukuzawa sitting on the bench.

Mori pov
I had just returned to the level, that Dazai was in, the first thing I saw, was Chuuya standing in the hallway, completely lost. Something happened. Then I noticed my old friend Fukuzawa and his subordinate,Dazais current partner, who's name I never bothered to learn, sitting on a bench. I don't think I've seen Fukuzawa so freaked out and exhausted before. I walked up to Chuuya and lead him to the bench next to them.

''What happened?'' I asked him, but he didn't really respond with anything, there were a bounch of words, that made less sense, than the talk of a baby.
''His heart stopped and his organs gave in with it'' I heard Fukuzawa say without emotions, like he was in shok or something.
''Again?'' I asked, trying not to sound, like I cared as much as Fukuzawa did, he wasn't the only one, who had known him since he was a kid. That was the mere reason I took him to the port mafia. Because I felt pity for him. I would never admit it, but no matter what he did, I would never have him executed by anyone. And that not only because of his ability.
''What is taking them so long?'' Kunikida asked, like as if we were having a conversation between normal people.
''It's been five minutes and not a single person has told us anything'' He added
''I don't know, but I'm really growing tired of it'' Chuuya answered as if it was the most normal thing in the world to talk to each other. Fukuzawa sighed.

If we weren't in the current situation, we'd be full on fighting, or most likely not, because a specific someone would have interfered. Five more minutes went by and there were still no news about him. We watched a fourth doctor enter his room, but no one came out. Altough that was somehow a good sign, if he were to be dead, then we would know already.

So as long as there is no news, it's good news. I sighed. I really wanted to wait, until a doctor comes outside and get information, and if he was unwilling to tell me, I would make him talk, but on the other hand, I had no interest in staying in this constilation of people. It just doesn't seem right. As I was about to leave, Fukuzawa grabed the end of my coat stopping me from going further. I looked at him.

''Why did you bring him into the mafia back then? He would have eventually been fine living in the orphanage, so why would you take him away from there and make a 14 year old kill people?'' He asked. Kunikida looked at him completely lost to the connection, between me, him and Dazai.
''Because I pitied him and an orphanage isn't a real home, not to everyone at least. There are children who see it that way, but to him it was a prison. He didn't talk only observed the others. He was ashamed of his many scars, hidding his body and his right eye, had trouble socializing and no one there acctually wanted such a mentally damaged child. He would just bring the others down as well, like any child in an orphanage acctually had a happy past. So one day I decided to take him with me.''
''You realize, that all this is partly, if not completely, your fault. He took such strong pills, because your training on him made him immune to poison. Thanks to that, his body is rejecting most medication. And you pulled him emotiionelly even more through the mud than he had been before.''
''In case you haven't noticed, everone in the port mafia, who joined after I took over, is immune to poison and stuff like that and besides that, you could have taken him to your little organization as well, not like you give anything about age limits. You knew what kind of genius he was, you've repeatenly lost to him in chess, Go and Makruk. Also did you know about his abillity, that is surpirior to all other abilities. It was just a matter of time before one of us snatched him. I was just faster.''
He let go of my coat, he knew I was right
''Also it was you who let him rot on the graveyard, you knew he was there at least five days a week.''
''Ok I feel like I'm missing something here'' Kunikida now interrupted. Chuuya however didn't seem so surprised, Dazai must have told him in one of their rare short 'get along' moments. ''I'll tell you later, when we're alone'' He said and with that I walked away, not that I was going anywhere, I was just gonna go get food and then return, in the hopes to get usefull information then.

Kunikida pov
It has now been ten minutes and 36 seconds at a total count, and still no one came out the room. However I was being destracted, by a very interesting conversation, between the head of the port mafia and the Boss. They were fighting about the so called Mori, the boss of the mafia, taking Dazai from an orphanage into the mafia and how the whole situation was his fault. From the way it sounded, they had seemingly been friend or acquaintances int the past. Not only that, it sounded as if they had known Dazai back then, when he was a fourteen year old as well, probably ,according to how they talked about him, longer. I was being overwhelmed with a million informations, I had never heard of. I amused myself with the childish behavior, of two grown men for a moment, until I remembered, that this situation is everything, but amusing.

My head shifted and locked onto Dazais door. It was less than 42 hours ago, that him and I had argued about, him never showing up to work on time, because he always had to attempt and fail suicide. I told him, he should get it together and that if he didn't show up on time, I was gonna rip his head of. I smiled at the memory of it. I didn't really know, what to feel anymore, because the truth no one wanted to admit was, that Dazai was gonna die. His body was giving in already, it had severe previous damage and about six of the pills, that are usually used to numb the mind and gain more a little more lifetime, by killing of billions of sick cells per minute, for people in terminal care. Now these pills were killing him from inside, by destroying the completely healty cells of his organs, wich was probalby, why he was coughing up blood. He was so unstable, that his system was starting to reject itself. He was attached to so many machines it looked like he was a sience experiment, yet he wasn't breathing and his heart kept stopping. Aside from that he had a high fever, making his condition even worse.

////And that's it for today. I originally didn't plan to put that many details in it, but I love writing so many details and I'm trying hard, to keep the personality of the characters.

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