25: yours if you want her

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it was another lovely morning of waking up next to gus, i don't think anything else could start a day better. gus rolled over sleepily, pulling me back closer to him. "everyone else is already up babe, we should get going. especially if you want breakfast" i told him. his head perked up at the sound of 'breakfast', classic. "let's go lazy bones" i said, pulling him out of bed.

we got sort of ready, but i stayed in my pajamas. it was just my parents house after all. "oh good morning guys! breakfast spread is out. help yourself" she told us, as we joined everyone else at the table. "your mom is the sweetest ever" gus whispered to me as we sat down. "she likes you" i said. somehow i would probably end up being the least favourite at the table, and gus wasn't even their kid.

i couldn't help but occasionally glance over at gus, smiling. he just made me so happy, and he'd been accepted as part of the family now. "oh shoot i left my phone in my room, i'll be right back" i said, excusing myself. i quickly went to go retrieve my forgotten phone.

i could just barely hear my dad saying something to gus. "son, i can see the way she looks at you. she loves you and you make her very happy. if you ever wanna marry her she's yours if you want her" i overheard him say. "well, thank you sir. i could definitely see us having a future together. i love her too" gus told him. i stood at the top of the stairs, unable to stop smiling. i tried to look half normal as i re entered the kitchen, not wanting them to think i overheard.

"how's everything tasting?" my mom asked. "really good" everyone said at the same time. "so gus, what do you do for work?" my mom asked. "i'm a musician" he told them. that was a better way to put it than rapper i suppose. not that they'd even care at this point, my dad was basically planning our wedding. "no way! that's incredible, and to actually make a steady career out of it. your family must be so proud" my mom said. i could see gus flinch and his eyes widen at the mention of his family, i guess i should have told my mom that wasn't really a topic up for discussion.

she must have noticed his reaction as well, moving on to a new topic. "how'd you guys meet?" my sister asked. "gus had an ad posted for a room for rent, i'd just gotten to la and was desperate for housing so i texted him. now here we are months later plus a few best friends" i said. "nice" cynthia said, i could tell she didn't really care but was just trying to make conversation.

"what time are you guys flying back to los angeles at?" my dad asked. "2pm" i said. "what time is it now?" he asked. "um—9am" i said. we'd have to be at the airport around noon, so we still had a few hours to spare. "oh good, you guys can hang around a little longer" my dad said.

"can we show him her baby photos?" cynthia asked, just trying to embarrass me. "no" i said sternly. "yes" gus nudged me. "cmon it'll be funny" my mom said, itching at any chance she could get to show people her photo albums. "fine" i sighed, knowing i'd be outvoted "nothing super embarrassing though" i said. "aspen were you're parents it's our job to embarrass you" my dad said.

my mom brought us downstairs, immediately pulling out a few photo albums and going through each photo with gus. i sat in the corner of the couch, my face was probably blood fucking red so i tried to keep it covered as my mom showed gus every photo of me from ages 0-18.

"you were so cute" gus said, pointing at a baby photo, "no i wasn't. i looked like a baked potato" i said, making him laugh. "cutest baked potato i've ever seen" gus said. i brought myself to sit closer to him now, accepting that this was what's happening.

"did you know aspen used to—" cynthia began to speak. "shut the fuck up cynthia" i cursed at her, there was so many things she could end that sentence with that didn't need to be heard. "language" my mom said. "sorry" i said.

"embarrass aspen" time went on a lot longer than it needed to. "oh look at that" i said, looking at the time on my phone. "we've got to get going for our flight" i put my hand on gus' back. "well, i'll take you two back to the airport" my mom said. i hugged my dad and cynthia bye. my dad brought gus in for a hug as well. "take care gus, hope to see you soon" he said. "you as well" gus said. "bye c, congrats again by the way" i waved bye to my sister. "yeah, congratulations on the grad again" gus said. "thanks"she smiled at him.

my mom drove us back to the airport. "bye mom, i'll see you later" i said, hugging her. "bye honey. safe travels home" she said. "bye gus, it was so lovely to meet you. come back anytime, you guys will always have a spot at the house." my mom told gus. "thank you mrs. delgado, it was nice to meet you. thank you for having me" gus smiled. my mom hugged both of us bye and we set off to go catch the plane.

"your family is so nice" gus said. "meh, they aren't always like that. they just really like you" i said. "yeah i was surprised, i was expecting a bit more interrogation and judging to go on" gus said. "well they've basically accepted you as their own so guess i can never leave you now. well, not that i was ever planning on it" i told him. "better not be, i couldn't live without you" gus told me.


we made it home fine, gus crashed on the couch right away, exhausted from a busy two days. "how'd the big event go?" ben asked me. "really really good. they love him" i told ben. "that's happy" he said.

i sat down next to gus on the couch, not wanting to go hang out upstairs alone. i guess i must have fallen asleep there too because i woke up in the same spot a few hours later as the sun was going down.


i am going to bed pce. hope u enjoyed the 10000 chapters today ily all

gus and aspen, thoughts ? now that we're a little farther in.

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