CHAPTER 1 - The Beginning

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Helen Potter--now renamed as Helen Evans-Black--had enough of the Wizarding world and she left England to get away from all the fame-hungering and greedy kinds of magical people when they were obsessed with their 'Heroine' after the Great War is over and Voldemort was gone for good and all the Death Eaters have been dealt with.

She also had company along, being joined by her new best friends Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, and Luna Lovegood, when Helen had a falling out with her old ones Hermione and Ron as they couldn't understand the kind of struggles Helen has gone through because of her 'fame' after the war ended and everything else.

Helen and Draco had already settled their differences and became friends after the War when Helen ensured the freedom for Draco and his parents from being prosecuted as Death Eaters. Then Draco, Neville, and Luna also changed their surnames to Black after dealing with their loose ends at Gringotts Bank, withdrawing all their accounts and packing up all their necessities, stuff, and money before they finally left the magical world and move to another one where they'll live their normal lives there.

Helen didn't mind that Draco is bringing his parents along for their journey upon leaving the magical world as she is also bringing along the old Andromeda Tonks and her adopted god-son Teddy Lupin when she asked them to join them. The old witch instantly agreed because Teddy needed more family besides his old grandmother taking care of him and loving him. Teddy was instantly delighted to be sticking with and staying permanently with his godmother Helen, that he started viewing her as his own mother, even though his real biological passed away along with his father. Helen didn't mind at all upon being viewed as Teddy's foster mother for she loved children and hoped that one day she'll have some of her own to be Teddy's play-mates and extended family siblings and such.

Draco's parents changed their last names to Black as well as Andromeda when she didn't mind changing her last name back to her maiden one as Black and also renaming her grandson so that the magical people won't even think of being able to search for them once they find out that their famous 'hero' has left the Wizarding world by the time they did and also find out that Helen has consorted herself in the company of 'outcasts' or Death Eaters and such. They deserved to have a place out there somewhere and have a new home to live their new lives peacefully from now and then on after the Great War ended, yet the prejudices and bigotry still continued on in the magical world.

It was considered fortunate that the former Malfoy family decided to discard their prejudices and bias so that they'll also be allowed to have normal peaceful lives as Helen and her other friends and family aim to have that too as their life's goals.

It didn't take long for them to magically travel into another dimension, in some kind of parallel universe with a similar planet Earth as they landed and appeared there, at the same spot where they had disappeared from their former world, that is in England. Then they move to another country from their landing spot, which is America, and for almost about a year or so, they were living peaceful and content lives, while hiding in plain sight among the Mundane people there, and thought that their new lives as the Black family would continue on as normal as it would be for them.

But they didn't think that after their third year living in America in that other world of Earth, where there are still magical beings and creatures there, and to the dimensional travelers, they were fortunate that there aren't any similar people from their former one--something had happened that changed their lives and upended it in an unexpected way.

And that would be a sudden meteorite falling from the sky...crash-landing into their planet and then...changing all manners of creatures into mutated monsters, as well as the magical ones--sending the entire world into a big Monster Apocalypse.

This is the beginning of a whole new chapter of their story...a whole new journey of their lives to survive through this horrific monstrous-infected worldwide sudden outbreak.




Another new story with its first chapter! I hope you like it!

I promise there will be more for this story very soon, I promise!

I started writing this new story when I got inspired by something and then it came right into my head and had me imagining it. I really hope you like it!

Enjoy Readers!



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