CHAPTER 15 - Unexpected Surprises... part 2

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(Continuation from CHAPTER 15 part 1)


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It's been an hour or two that they've been walking and hiking through the thick forestry woods so far and the group has not spotted any abandoned building or other signs of civilization at the time from then in their scouting supply run.

While they were trekking on, various kinds of conversations or talks were being exchanged among the group members, both the old and the new.

Such as...

"So when are you going to make the moves already with Helen, hm?" Neville asked slyly at Bellamy as they designate themselves to be the last ones in the line of the scouting group to watch their backs from behind.

Bellamy spluttered and stuttered like he's trying to deny it but it only confirmed Neville's suspicions about it as he was amused by his reaction.

"Don't even think of denying it, Bellamy. I've seen the way how you've been hovering so closely with Helen and being overprotective towards her, besides your sister. Except for the fact that you've also been quite a gentleman too," Neville points out glibly.

Bellamy hushed him and his head snapped around to make sure that nobody else is listening--especially Draco. "Hush! Look, I can't help it with my crush on her since Helen's all beautiful like that--not that I'm saying that her being pregnant is my type or something! I just--it's just--!" Bellamy blabbered stuttering, trying to come up with a reasonable excuse but his efforts are in vain since it's plain to see that he truly likes Helen in a romantic way.

Neville chuckled and patted Bellamy in the reassurance that he understands. "Don't worry about it. Helen can get to you just as she did with all of us, pregnant or not. And don't worry about Draco. It's true that he can be overprotective for Helen too but he's oblivious when it comes to someone having an interest in her in a special way. Rest assured, your secret's safe with me."

Bellamy was relieved that he had Neville in his side to let this budding relationship between him and Helen continue to progress, even though he thinks that it's one-sided feelings still but was unaware of Helen's reciprocation of her interested feelings towards him too. Neville and Luna were the only ones who noticed and knew about this but kept it quiet because they felt like they wanted to watch this amusing show on how Bellamy and Helen's relationship is going to turn out in the midst of the apocalypse.

As for Draco, true he may be sharp and keen on almost noticing and knowing everything but he's really blind and oblivious when it comes to other people's relationships, especially when he was taken by surprise upon not noticing Drew and Anthony Goldstein's starting relationship before and was still unaware of something going on between Helen and Bellamy.

Speaking of Draco...

He's busy trying to ignore the antics of the Creevey brothers when they try their best to mimic another set of familiar brothers who has a great sense of humor and make a good comedy to lighten the mood and their audience but it seems that the Creevey's efforts are failing a bit badly.

"And thus the wizard says--I'm not putting them on! I'd like a healthy breeze round my privates, thanks!" Colin said like he's retelling a funny joke that happened in reality back from their former life.

A few of the others chuckled or laughed like they're humoring Colin and Draco shook his head like he knew that joke was going to fail since he already knew about it long ago.

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