CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 5

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(Continuation from Chapter 7 part 4)



Unfortunately, a few more hours later, Draco's statement that he said to himself from before became untrue, when Murphy voiced out his complaint about almost the umpteenth numerous time. "How much longer or further do we have to walk on through this?"

"Oh for the love of Merlin! You gripe and whine worse than Neville over here!" Draco snapped at him, instantly harsh and sharp like he wants the other man to stop now.

"Hey!" Neville cried out in protest as he turned to look at Draco offended when he heard him say that.

"Well, can you blame him? We've been walking for hours, and we still haven't gotten to the edge of the woods upon getting out of this place yet!" Octavia joined in with the complaining, agreeing with Murphy for once when he voiced it out, but she's keeping it to herself so that Murphy wouldn't know that Bellamy is not the only one on his side.

"Oh! Look over there! We finally made it!" Luna cried aloud, interrupting Draco when he was about to open his mouth and retort back at Octavia, and she pointed it out when they looked to the direction she's looking and pointing at, and much to the relief of all of them, they saw an abandoned-looking warehouse with a vast open field that's being surrounded with a metal-wiring fence like it is some kind of farming storage area or something of the sort.

"Oh thank goodness!" Helen said softly with relief, thankful for Luna's good timing upon stopping a possible rising argument as well as quickly spotting another possible safe place that they can hold up and stay in for the time being.

Helen is also relieved upon seeing the abandoned area as she didn't like the fact that they had to magically drug the four children to sleep again so that they'll continue on with their journey to leave these monstrous woods without any more problems.

But then the relief was short-lived when something unexpected and soon-to-be very bad kind of event is about to happen right there and then.


They abruptly turned around upon hearing the slightly loud cry and saw that their last member on the line-up, which is Helen, had seemed to have tripped over something and fell down right on her knees startled upon not seeing it on time to avoid it.

Bellamy, who is Helen's partner, quickly dropped down next to her side to check on her, as Clarke and Draco came over to also check out and help. And Bellamy handed over to Clarke to grab the sleeping little Annie from his arms into hers, which she didn't have difficultly taking hold of, as Teddy is sleeping in his carrying pack behind her back, which her travel partner Draco didn't mind letting her carry him as he set it up for her.

"Are you all right?!" Bellamy demanded as he moved his hands to check Helen's body for any injuries or wounds she might have gotten from her tripping and falling over.

Helen sighed, and smiled shyly, looking embarrassed. "I'm fine. I believe my ego and pride are the only ones hurt. I think I tripped over something that caught my right ankle down here."

"Odd. I made sure that all our feet are enchanted to tread lightly over snow and walk over anything," Draco murmured softly as he went over to look where Helen is indicating as he told Bellamy. "Hey, look after her and keep her upright. I'll check it out myself and see."

Bellamy nodded and held on to Helen tenderly with both strong and gentle hands as Draco kneels down and brushes the snow off from covering Helen's right foot and see what caused her to trip, and when he found it, his brow furrowed more in confusion upon seeing the puzzling object that caught Helen and made her fall.

It turned out to be worn but not very loose kite string, as it somehow entangled around Helen's ankle tightly like it was a trap intended for someone like her to be caught in it but Draco easily cuts it off when he used the sword after unsheathing it from his cane and brought it out to use it on getting the string off of Helen.

After he did that and patted Helen's leg for good measure that she's now fine and free of it, Draco thought to pull on the string to see where it leads to, but he didn't know that it became his very grave mistake.

When Draco pulled on the tangling kite string and it didn't budge under his lightweight kind of pulling, so he yanked it on it strongly and the kite string revealed, much to their stunned shock and then horror, that the kite string had small bells attached the long line of it until its tied up end part against one of the trees, and from the force of Draco's yanking pull, all the bells rang loudly almost high pitch shrill, amidst the silence of the surroundings in the very spot of the area they're standing in. 

A shocked and very tense silence...and...


Draco, Helen, and Bellamy--as well as the others slowly looked up upon hearing those foreboding chilling sounds of animal growling, there was also the sounds of chitters and crackles too like it's coming from a very BIG insect-kind of monster.

And it turned out to be true, for there reveals an albino-white kind of gigantic towering Praying Mantis insect monster coming out from the cover of the snowy dark tall trees like its white skin is mutated to blend in similarly to the surroundings of that very snowy forest area they're on.

"Run...RUN!" Draco instantly yelled, pushing Bellamy and Helen back on their feet, and his shouts sparked up and encouraged the others to run for their lives before the monster notices them, but it was already too late.

"KEEP RUNNING! DON'T STOP!" Neville shouted loud as he and Murphy were lingering behind the three girls, making sure that the women and still sleeping drugged children went on first before the others.

"WAIT! DON'T--!" Helen cried out in warning.

And again she was too late to give out her warning when Bellamy tried to move her forward to catch up with the others, and then the monster bug suddenly jumps in the air and crashed right into the way and blocking the path of Helen, Bellamy, and Draco--much to the others' horror and fear upon seeing this.

Octavia tried to run back for her brother, but Neville quickly grabbed hold of her, stopping her with arms strongly wrapping around her waist and pinning her arms, along with slapping one free hand to shut her mouth closed when she was about to cry out for him.

Neville hissed lowly, whispering to the girl's ear, trying to comfort and reassure her that the others will be fine without them. "Don't worry about them! They'll catch up! We need to go to that building--now!"

It took a few seconds for Octavia to be convinced to move on without the others who were trapped under the monster's shadow and Murphy had to trust Neville on this as he, Neville, and Octavia quickly followed right after Clarke when she went through a broken opening in the wire-metal fence and she reached into the building first. Just as she got there and made it first as she placed the two children to lie in a corner side on the warehouse building inside, and then she moved to stand on the doorway, waving at the others to direct them where she is. 


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