CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 6

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(Continuation from Chapter 6 part 5)



After taking down the magical tent and then packing it up into Neville's magic trunk that he'll be carrying without problems, they all lined up in a straight one and ensured that each of them are close to one another with each of their chosen paired partner by their sides as well as carefully and gently holding the kids from each of their respective guardians.

The very first in line and will be the front-line into watching over and looking out for any threats or dangers ahead and both of them have very good and sharp eyesight that can see from far away, are Helen Black and Bellamy Blake, with the little girl Annie still sleeping in his arms. Helen also has a weapon to protect and defend herself and the two of them already discussed that they'll take turns holding Annie despite that Bellamy doesn't mind holding the little girl for the entire trip but Helen convinced him to let her hold her child and take turns too so that he won't get tired and that he needs his hands free to wield his weapon if danger comes. She can't be the one doing it because of her obvious pregnancy so Bellamy had to reluctantly relent in defeat at her firm statement and agreed on it, which satisfied Helen for his response.

The second next in the line-up behind Helen and Bellamy, is Octavia Blake and Neville Black, whose child he's holding is Faith, and Octavia smiled and gently wipes away the drool leaking from her slightly open lips in her cutely dreaming face as she sleeps within the hold of her guardian. Neville trusted Octavia to also watch and be on the lookout for any dangers and be the one wielding the weapon to fight and protect as he's still not used with the weaponry to fight back and defend himself and protect his group, which he's doing his best to learn to do so.

The third in the line-up are Murphy and Luna, as the blond girl hummed a little lullaby to Andy she's carrying in her embracing arms, nice and tight, despite Andy's drugged sleeping. Murphy was glad that he got the chance to impress 'his girl' to defending and protecting their group if ever that monsters will come out and attack them and he had memorized the paper instructions on his gun's bullets already by heart and was loaded and ready to shoot when the time comes. Luna seemed to have known this as she hid a knowing grin upon lowering her face a little down in the pretense to continue humming the lullaby for Andy so that Murphy wouldn't notice the rising blush showing on her pale fair face and let him know that she also has a romantic interest on him.

The last and final two in the group's line-up, much to these particular couple's slight displeasure and most of the amusement of the others, are Draco Black and Clarke Griffin. These two decided to agree on a temporary truce upon exchanging tense silent looks at one another and ignoring how each side of their friends are looking at them with amusement still, and then both of them nodded and turned away from looking at one another but both are on guard and on the alert to protect and defend their group at the back of the line and watching their backs if something happens and monsters or any other enemies lurking in wait and in hiding might come out and attack them from behind. Draco was the one who decided that he'll be holding and carrying Teddy for the entire trip and he can't trust Clarke to look after and care for him because he still doesn't trust her, even for one bit or moment--not even when desperate times call for desperate measures if it happens or not.

Draco is ready to fight back and protect his charge and his group when that something happens or not. Clarke looked like she's thinking about how to win the blond man's trust because she knew that he and his little charge will be in danger if something happens to them, so during their walk on their long travel, she will be thinking deeply about how to do that while multi-tasking into looking out for any hidden dangers or monstrous threats that might come out and attack them.

After they were done packing up, getting ready, and then lining themselves up together and banding their group closely, they managed to leave and get away from their former safe place and area about fifty meters or so before the magic barrier they left behind had finally broken down entirely and was completely gone, and they thought they heard monster growls or snarls coming from their former home like they had finally gotten their chance and were getting ready in position to pounce. But it looks like their patience had all been in vain once the monsters that were hiding over there, will soon realize that their prey were gone and has long left away from this place, getting far away and distant from them.

But they knew very well that it won't take long for the monsters to try to sniff out and catch up on them when they can, even though the four Magicals had enchanted and magically shielded their whole group invisible by sight, smell, and sound, but they're not taking any chances as they walk on and trek as fast as they can to get out of the thick Canadian forests they're trying to hike and travel through upon leaving it entirely.

Hopefully, this sudden unexpected situation of another harrowing journey they're in for a long scary travel is not very dire or grave enough for them to be worried about as they walk on and trek silently, traveling through the deep and soon to be darkening thick forests as nighttime had come, and all of them were determined to get out before monsters come out at night and lurk about or hiding in wait until they pounce on their tense anxious prey that's walking in a straight line and banding together closely to not be separated.

Helen prayed that their on-foot traveling won't take so long to get out of these terrifying monster-infested forests as she tried to calm herself down and rub her hands on her pregnant belly underneath her thick winter coat like she's comforting herself with the feel of her babies moving light or vigorously inside her. And she didn't notice that Bellamy was walking and moving closer by her side to give her more comfort and reassure her that he'll protect her and their whole group as he held the sleeping little girl Annie within the embracing hold of one strong arm as he freed the other one to boldly reach out and wrap it around Helen's waist as added reassurance and more comfort. Helen relaxed upon sensing the touch and realizing the gesture and she glanced at him, giving a thankful appreciative look for his gesture, almost making Bellamy blush a little under her gaze.

As they walked on, they almost stopped in their tracks or tense frozen in their walking steps upon hearing many kinds of eerie frightening sounds, ranging from an eerie silence with shadows seeming to reach out at them with claw-like shaped-hands for grabbing their prey or something, up to a few night crickets chirping sounding softly and then unknown creatures responding back with slightly loud croaking or moaning calls and chattering clicks and growls, that nearly got some of them to speed up their pace to get away from those scary noises and put distance away from them before they might come out and then spot them.

They all prayed that their traveling won't be very long upon hiking through the deep dark forests, but they are prepared to fight when that foreboding ominous time comes.




Whew! I'm finally done and finished with this chapter for the story!

I hope you enjoyed it and really liked it!

I am sorry about another suspense cliff-hanger but the next chapter will be done soon!

There will be more suspense, excitement, and thrilling adventures very soon, I promise!

Enjoy Readers!



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