CHAPTER 8 - New Safe Place, More New Survivors - part 5

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(Continuation from Chapter 8 part 4)


"Should we help them?" Clarke asked, looking instantly worried for the new survivors with the way how they're having trouble against these small monstrous beings, even though they don't look menacingly intimidating enough to bring trouble for them unless you're dealing with a very large kind of monster like the praying mantis monsters still loose back in the forests they came from before.

Draco was about to protest that they should not take in any more survivors because they still don't know whether they're good people or not but then Neville said something first that instantly changed his mind, right on cue of sorts, just when he was about to speak.

"Well, I can definitely tell you that these new survivors are the good kinds of people because--there are KIDS in there!" Neville exclaimed aloud with wide eyes through the binoculars he's looking through and gotten it back from Octavia as he is seeing this.

With that, Draco instantly made his decision on what he's going to do with these new strangers that are heading towards the direction of the new temporary safe place they are staying in right there and then, once he heard Neville state that.

Without hesitation--or warning for the surprised Neville and the two startled girls, Draco abruptly went downstairs to get to one of the doors that lead outside and swiftly moved to get out there and get their attention before the monster giants back in the forests notice them.

It didn't take long for Neville, Clarke, and Octavia to try to run fast and catch up to Draco when he abruptly left the guard post like that and didn't hesitate into going out there to help the survivors without backup.

And when they got there, Draco had already opened the garage door for the Winnebago trailer to drive through and park on the inside, when they managed to step on the gas, speed up, and outrun the horde of Night-Sky Terrors.

Unfortunately, whoever their companions were on the last vehicle, was overtaken by the small horde as they all focused onto the SUV van and use their united strength to throw against the front or sides to make them tip over and cause them to crash.

And that's what the Night-Sky Terrors did.

With Draco looking calm and the others watched in horror as the van had swerved to the side blindly, one of the tires hit something on the road, making it fly and flip around until it lands right on its roof with broken windows but not shattered enough to let the small flying monsters swoop in and feast on their upside-down fallen prey in there.

It was suddenly eerily quiet after the SUV van crashed onto its roof down with slightly broken windows and front glass pane as well as battered almost very badly from being attacked by the creatures and was flipping over until it crash-landed to a stop.

After a minute or two, when in reality, it was only seconds, Draco turned to the others and told them to stay behind, look after the new survivors, and stand guard at the garage door to be ready to shut it once he comes back with the remaining survivors that might be still alive inside the SUV as he goes out there and gets them. Neville nodded, following his orders, and the blond mage instantly left before one or both girls were about to protest into going with him.

"Wait! Oh my gosh--is he crazy?!" Octavia exclaimed incredulously when Draco left just like that.

Clarke asked anxiously, "Is he going to be alright alone out there!?"

"Don't worry, he's going to be just fine!" Neville reassured them after he quickly checked on the new survivors when they hesitantly came out of the trailer vehicle to meet with the other survivors and their saviors. "In fact--you're going to see Draco in full action when he's out there!"

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