CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 2

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(Continuation from Chapter 7 part 1)


It confused the four normal Mundane people upon seeing that Helen brought out some kind of glass ball of sorts, which is almost the size of her hand as she held it in her palm and when Draco and Neville saw it, they exchanged looks of understanding like they knew what Helen is going to do and nodded with approval upon accepting the kind of idea that Helen had in mind.

It turns out that Helen's idea was to make a decoy light-flash magic bomb and she enchanted to it softly which the glass ball gave out a dim glow in response to her magic and then she handed the magicked ball to Bellamy and told him to throw it at the right direction but when Bellamy was about to throw the enchanted glass ball off, Draco instantly stopped him with a light slap to his arm to instantly get his attention back at the blond man.

"She meant your right--not the other right!" Draco snapped at him softly with a frown.

Bellamy blushed a little embarrassed and this time he correctly aimed and threw the ball in the exact direction Helen told him to do.

Once the ball was thrown off and landed softly into the snowy bed at the right place, almost far away in a few meters distance from the others, and when it touches the ground, the enchanted ball swiftly flashed brightly and explodes upon impact, shooting off like a massive firework in display.

And when the light show happened, the monsters instantly came out of hiding in reaction to it, but fortunately, they didn't come at the group of survivors, instead, they lunge straight at the light show like it's their gourmet buffet, ready to serve them.

Clarke and Octavia managed to stifle their shouts from screaming in fright upon the sudden appearance of the monsters that were the type to have some sort of very dark black fur to blend into the darkness of the shadows itself, but there's no mistaking their large figures, the size almost similar to the grizzly bears, but they have no eyes under their black fur, except they obviously have long limbs with very sharp claws at the ends of all four of their paws on each monster, including very sharp numerous fangs and teeth inside the large snapping jaws of their slightly big long snouts.

Once the black-furred shadow-type monsters lunged at the brightening exploding light-show from the enchanted ball, trying to engulf it like they wanted to devour the light until it's gone, Draco instantly pushed the others into moving on, just right when these snarling creatures got distracted.

"Go, go! Move!" Draco hissed at them, nearly pushing and shoving the girls to go and run first before the other boys followed after them, guarding them behind their backs when they did.

It didn't take long for about a few meters or so that their running in a straight direction was veered off when Luna suddenly points out the glowing moss shining dimly amidst the snow through the deep dark forests they're running in and they started following that path as she explained shortly to the four confused normal survivors on the reason why they're following that very path, with the glowing moss they're following at, as it turns out that the mutated magic-like glowing moss is their guide upon the path that will lead straight to their way out of these forests.

Though the Mundane survivors decided to trust the Magical ones by now ever since they first met and grouped together, one of them had to ask, concerning the kind of doubts they still have on their minds and running rampant in fear within their guts after nearly missing another monster encounter like the recent one right there and then.

"Are you sure we can't fire up torches or use flashlights or magic to light our way?" Clarke whispered softly, not liking the fact that they're all traveling blindly on foot literally in the dark, and the only thing that they're trying to follow and trek through, are the faintly glowing moss that will show them the path to their way out of these creepy scary forests.

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