CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 2

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(Continuation from Chapter 9 part 1)


It didn't take long for that to happen when the time passes on and then it seems that Jake wasn't taking care of his wounded foot so well, that Luna's warning about it came true as the next day later, two days had passed at the time, which gives five days left of the one-week deadline, his foot got a little infected from being strained too much and he also obtained a cold when he got out into the snowy weather upon accompanying with Neville in his turn of guard-shift and instantly got sick from it.

Luckily, the magical people of the group are already well-prepared with a special magic remedy to cure the normal young man of his mild illness and heal the infection too--but not so much as the reluctant Jake in accepting the brew completely once Luna made it up for him--as the new survivors didn't know about the few certain people in the group that are magical mages for they didn't reveal it to them until both groups finally trust one another.

"Hey...isn't there anything better than this?" Jake inquired meekly to the others, but his eyes are focused on gazing pleadingly at his friends, specifically at Jack and his sister Jane. "Like going to an abandoned pharmacy store and see if there are any good drugs left to stave off my cold illness and everything?"

"Just drink and finish the soup. It's not going to kill you!" Draco snapped slightly irritated at the sick African teen boy who looked very reluctant to eat and drink up the special soup Luna made for him to get better from his low-kind non-deadly illness.

Jake grimaced with disgust when he took a smelling whiff of the bowl he's gingerly holding. "Whoo--damn! It smells like it might! Ugh!"

Then Jake winced and apologized when Helen snapped at him sternly to mind his language around the children that are present.

"Oh, don't be such a baby, brother!" Jane scolded him. "Luna said that it will make you feel better and make your cold go away quickly--and I trust her word on it. So stop whining about it and just drink it, Jake!"

Jake flinched upon being scolded sternly by his own sister and looked at her with betrayal but Jane is not budging at all upon relenting for her brother's case, even under her brother's pouting at her, so it didn't take him long to slump with defeat and carefully sipping the stinky kind of stew from the hot bowl he's holding.

Jack held back his amused grin upon watching this while his sister Jill could have sworn he heard Jake mutter before he started drinking the soup reluctantly. "Bottoms up then!"

Once Jake took one mouthful of the soup and hesitantly swallowed it down, gulping soundly and his face grimaced more like he's expecting for the disgusting taste to come besides the stinky smell, but then he became a little surprised when nothing happened and the soup brew actually tasted sweet, instead of disgusting or bitter.

"Huh--it's actually pretty good!" Jake exclaimed in incredulous surprise.

Luna smiled knowingly upon hearing him as she continued with her tasks in sorting out the various herbs that Neville and she had gathered and foraged sometime long ago before Bellamy's group came and met them.

Jack chuckled and pointed out at his friend in a mocking tone. "And you were complaining and demanding at us that we get you old-fashioned medicine, that's approved by the FDA itself."

Jake blushed a bit with embarrassment when Jack stated this out loud for others to hear, even though those are not the exact words that he had said before. Still, Jake finished up the whole bowl and not missing one drop on it until it's completely empty.

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