CHAPTER 10 - More Surprises - part 5

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(Continuation from Chapter 10 part 4)



Hours ago, after Draco was rescued and pulled out from being pinned and about to be crushed on that broken vehicle from before, he and the others returned swiftly back to the campsite as the snowstorm blizzard rages on and they'll be waiting for it to pass as they got back there and getting inside the vehicle for safety and such.

Helen and the others turned to them when they returned and came into and inside the vehicle to be safe and secure from the furious snowstorm out there, and all looked relieved on seeing that Draco is fine and alright. But then it didn't take long in a split-second for them all, except the oblivious children, to realize that something is wrong and Draco's face was still blackened in dark expressions of guilt, shame, and anger upon himself when he stomped and climbed up to the second deck of the enchanted vehicle to vent his frustration and wrath on something, and he did not offer an explanation or any word to the others who are confused and worried for the blond mage as he got up there.

They turned with questioning concerned looks at the other three boys but they exchanged silent negative looks at them that they'll talk and tell them later without the children hearing and worrying about it too, as it's too grave and bad of a situation that the little ones must not know about.

They instantly thought the worst upon thinking that their missing member Charlotte is dead when they knew that she's not among them when Neville, Bellamy, and Murphy went to look for her and Draco as they were gone longer than normal from the plant-foraging run the others went before just for a short time only. And when the children are tucked into bed and fell asleep easily deep after being tired from playing games with their little playmates and such, and fortunately, they didn't notice the grim tension from their older guardians and caretakers as they were settled into their designated children's big bed, the others were instantly reassured and relieved but they became more concerned when the three guys admitted the truth on what Fate has befallen on their missing group mate.

"Charlotte's lost out there in the woods and caught in the blizzard. Draco forced her to try to go back to the campsite to get help from us when he got stuck and trapped but something must have happened that veered her off course from her intended destination by the time we noticed them missing, going out to look for them, and then found only Draco there," Bellamy stated gravely.

Neville added in just as Clarke and Helen gasped together in unison, sounding regretful and guilty. "Draco blames himself and was very furious for pushing Charlotte to go out on her own alone to get help from coming back to us and he tried to run off to look for her but we stopped him from doing so and reasoned with him that he will just get lost too out there with the blizzard raging on and on."

Octavia, Jane, and Jill slightly jumped when they thought they heard sharp but faint crashing from the upper second deck above them and they and the others knew that Draco must be using magic to try to mute the noises so that he wouldn't frighten or scare the children upon his venting rampage in his self-blaming.

"That's an understatement of the Mage's vast century, Neville," Luna intoned sagely calm and wise but her eyes also show her concern for Draco's emotional being.

They can hear the still faint but recognizable clear frustrated yells, cries, and crashing sounds up above, and it took about an hour and a few more minutes until Bellamy and Murphy decided to try to come up there and calm Draco down but Helen and Neville quickly stopped them before they try to do so as Helen shook her head negatively vigorous and told them. "Don''ll only make it worse if you try to calm or comfort Draco from his emotional tempered state. Let him vent...he'll stop soon. Trust me."

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