CHAPTER 4 - Meeting The Magical Survivors - part 2

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(Continuation from Chapter 4 - part 1)


"...I'll tell Uncle Draco to go be with you. Be careful, mom," Teddy mumbled, reluctantly giving in with defeat as he took his sister's hand and gently nudged Faith to get back to where the children's quarters are.

Helen just dimly nodded and watched her children leave as Faith waved goodbye cutely to the new people and let her brother Teddy hold her hand and lead her out of there, leaving Helen and the four others alone again. Helen knew that she doesn't have enough time left to talk to the new survivors upon getting to know them better since Draco will soon be coming back and was about to put it off but Bellamy suddenly asked her aloud, "You have more little ones?"

Helen already knew that he was going to ask that and was a little surprised that he didn't look disturbed or concerned that they have children in their group. "Yes. Two more actually. Little Andy's three and Annie's two. And if you're wondering who they are. Andy's African while Annie is Russian."

"They're not really yours...are they?" Octavia tentatively asked, didn't want to sound rude as she clued in and figured out the same just as her brother did, even with Helen confessing the children's heritages and such.

Helen nodded in confirmation and explained. "Faith, Annie, and Andy were orphans after the Monster apocalypse first started. I rescued them, much to my brother Draco's displeasure, when I nearly endangered my own life too on those dangerous past times. But we all took them as our own, same as Teddy, who used to be my godson but I decided to make him mine when I promised his dying grandmother that I'll take care of him."

"We?" Murphy asked warily when he suddenly had a thought that Helen and Draco might not be the only survivors here, besides the kids despite they only just saw and met two of them.

"Luna and Neville. Another two people that I consider as my family too, even though Luna can be a little...odd at times and Neville can be funny as he's clumsy on his feet. But they're good people that I wouldn't trade anybody for as siblings," Helen told them honestly about the others.

"Where are they?" Clarke asked, looking around as if expecting them to come out along with that haughty snobby-like blond man Draco.

"Luna and Neville went out on a scouting run awhile ago today to look for another good shelter or scavenge for more supplies. Draco was very much displeased when he found out that they left without notifying him except me," Helen replied. Then she added upon having a self after-thought or something. "But then again--I went and sneaked out to get something only for a short moment, and he got more displeased at that when I left him a little note that I was going to come back but he went after me anyway. That must have been the time you guys must have spotted us back then."

Clarke rolled her eyes at the mention of Draco after Helen told them this, "Is there nothing else that displeases that guy? And are you sure that Draco is your brother or something?"

Helen giggled like she had expected that. "Draco wasn't always like that. He wears that kind of 'cold' persona just to intimidate others. And I know that he can be a bit much on the...overprotective and alertness thing."

Murphy snorted at that. "If the guy is like that--then I don't want to know what he's like when he's all snarky or something. The way he acted--it's almost as if he's one of those rich snobs like the ones in New York!" he remarked.

Helen managed to stop her face from turning her face into looking like knowing amusement and kept it blank, as she knew very well that Draco still had those past tendencies upon being a former noble and aristocrat back then. He tries his best to get past that but he maintained the cold-like prince-type attitude, just so others wouldn't underestimate him or something, even though it makes others judge him instantly upon appearing like that kind of attitude and way.

They heard noises coming from outside and the four of them tensed just as the two men Bellamy and Murphy wished that they still had their weapons which Helen had to let Draco confiscate all of them before they entered their 'safe zone' and then the magical tent.

Helen turned with a knowing look like she already knew and expected who's returning home, and then a fair long blonde-haired woman and a slightly chubby but muscular man came in and took off their winter coats while putting down the bags of supplies they managed to forage and scavenge in the wilderness or somewhere else.

And it looked like they didn't seem to mind the cold drafty weather that might be breezing into the inside of the 'big' spacious tent, but the four new Mundane survivors didn't know that it's magically temperature-maintained inside their safe home as they were still wearing their thick clothing and jackets to stave off the cold.

The four people instantly figured out that the other two that came in must be Luna and Neville that Helen had mentioned and talked about and the two almost froze in surprise upon finally noticing and seeing the strangers inside their magical tent. 

Helen quickly introduced their new guests and explained to the two of them how they came to be accepted into here on their safe place and it was seconds later that Neville and Luna were smiling friendly and greeting them just as Draco came back into the dining area and instantly frowned with disapproval upon seeing how the other two are accepting the new arrivals so easily.

Helen saw this and teased him with a smile. "Looks like you've been out-voted, Draco. Guess this means they can stay, right?"

When Draco looked at Helen, he can easily see that in her face, she was determined to let the new group stay with them for she believed that they are truly good people and he threw his hands up in frustration. He snapped, "Fine! But if any one of them stabs us in our sleep--at least I know who to blame for bringing them in and haunt them in the afterlife for all eternity!" 


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