CHAPTER 3 - The New Survivors - part 1

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"I still can't believe you sneaked out, went out there all alone--just to satisfy your pregnancy cravings of all things!" ranted Draco as he tried to be angry about this sudden situation that Helen got herself into but couldn't because of her recent delicate condition.

Both Draco and Helen are walking and trekking through the dark deep forestry woods to get to wherever their safe place is in there.

"I can't help it, Draco! I wanted to have one of you to get it for me, but I couldn't stop my body from reacting on its own and I realized too late as I've already gone that far," Helen protested as she tried to catch up behind him, a little grateful that he slows down in his marching angry stride-like walk for her to catch up.

"Sometimes I wonder whether your accidental injection upon yourself--is really an accident at all," Draco muttered as he glanced back at her suspiciously even though he didn't mean it.

Helen didn't fake the tears as they welled up in her eyes as she cried, "How was I supposed to know that the nutrition potion I'm supposed to take--was a magical pregnancy artificial-insemination potion instead when I had it? I told you time and time again--I mixed up the potion vials when I got it and injected it into myself back then!"

Draco took a deep breath and sighed, calming himself down, and looked at Helen, a little perturbed that he's comforting his former enemy long ago, and they're now friends and family from then on when they left their former world.

"Alright, alright...I'm sorry, okay? Here, have some chocolate. But only a small piece," Draco offered Helen as she sniffled and wiped her tears, and then she smiled as she took the little bit of chocolate Draco is giving her. "We don't want to turn your own baby into a sweet tooth!"

"Much as I hate to admit it--but it's already too late on that," Helen said wryly as she eats the chocolate whole, savoring it upon being in the middle of the monster apocalypse. "Between you, Luna, and baby is going to be completely spoilt by her favorite godfather and uncle and aunt!"

Draco rolled his eyes at that before he gently ushered Helen and escorted her back to their camping ground, wherever it is hidden and safely secure in the Canadian deep thick forests there.

But what these two didn't that they've been spotted by something--or rather someone.

Specifically...a new group of survivors, who managed to survive and live through the monster apocalypse.


At another point of view, almost far away from where Helen and the other three Magicals including the four children of the group, as they are safely secured in their temporary safe place in those deep thick forests somewhere in Canada, there is another group that are trying to stay alive and survive through this on-going hellish monster apocalypse and they decided to hike and trek through the forests in hopes of finding another place to keep them safe and secure from any dangers and threats such as the mutated monsters or evolved creatures that now ruled over mostly the entire world and became the top of the food chain, replacing the human race since then and right now, or even the hostile living survivors that are scarcely spread out somewhere.

This particular surviving group consists of two men and two women, and they had survived one of those major monstrous waves from the meteor outbreak of that 'Monster Fallout' --as they call it at the time long ago--which is at New York, America. Somehow, with all their normal mundane strength, power, and might, they managed to survive and escaped those horrific times when the major cities were struck first and decimated upon the monster outbreak as they waved through them like massive storms, and for years they wandered by vehicle and foot to finding safe places but haven't found one until they heard rumors or whispers from other survivors they have passed by and met, that there is safety and hope somewhere in Canada.

MONSTERS, MAGIC, AND LOVE (Harry Potter x The 100 TV - crossover Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora