CHAPTER 8 - New Safe Place, More New Survivors - part 3

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(Continuation from Chapter 8 part 2)


Meanwhile, when the four people of their group have left and went to do their task of searching around and checking the whole perimeter, the others are just trying to relax and patiently wait for them to return but in Draco's case, it looks like he's instantly antsy and anxious even after only an hour had just gone and passed by. Helen and Octavia were the only ones who noticed this as Clarke watched over the sleeping children with small concerned glances like she's worried that too much of the magical drug they've been dosed with for two times back then and now, might have affected their health and well-being, even though Helen and Luna reassured her before that it won't hurt or harm them. Clarke trusts the two witches' word over it but she can't help but be concerned when it comes to her friends, both old and new, of all their health, despite that in truth only to herself, she had never wanted to become a doctor in the first place back then, for it was her mother's dream and not hers.

But now, after the monster apocalypse happened, Clarke Griffin was very glad that she was forced to take the medical route instead of her dream to be an artist, to please her mother, and that she could be able to help all her friends and any people who needed it with the kind of knowledge she knew much of all the medical studies and training she went through before.

When another half hour has passed by after that first hour, Draco got a little too impatient and tried to stand up back on his feet to check on them but then the magic drain is still in effect upon his very being when he suddenly swayed a little and his whole world seemed to be spinning as he's going into sudden dizzy vertigo.

"Draco!" Helen scolded him a little sharply but minding the volume of her voice so that she wouldn't abruptly wake the still-sleeping children. "Didn't Luna tell you to rest?! Stop that and sit back down!"

"It will just be a quick check and I'll be back up on my feet once I take a Pepper-Up potion and--!" Draco protested but then he almost squawked out loud when Helen deftly grabbed his wrist and pulled him back to sit down beside her.

After Helen pulled him down, she gave him a stern pointed look for good measure, glaring him down and intimidating him to stay put and behave like a 'good boy', which made Octavia and Clarke stifle their snickers upon witnessing this and the two girls almost burst out laughing when they saw that Draco flinched from her firm stare down and then slumped with defeat, instantly behaving like the good boy that he should be.

When the amusement died down after a few more minutes going on then, the four of them were silent as they watch over the children sleeping on peacefully, even though it seems that the magic drug dosed upon them seemed to have worn off but they continued on with their content dreaming slumber as they can somehow sense in tune with their adult guardians' exhaustion and fatigue and that they deserved their rest, which the adults should be doing too. However, they're still on guard until the others came back with an 'all clear' or not, so they'll wait and be ready for anything until they return.

To pass the time, Octavia decided to make some conversation, on getting to know more about their new friends in the group. "So...I can't believe that you were aiming to be a children's daycare worker and wet-nurse before the monster apocalypse happened. You love children that much?" she asked Helen.

Helen smiled warmly, rubbing her pregnant belly and then glancing at her sleeping kids. "Yes, I do. In the past, I had lived--well, let's just say, I went through the harshest bad kind of life that no one should live through and for. So I thought that maybe, having kids would make me feel better into proving myself that I'm a better person than who I was before."

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