CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 3

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(Continuation from Chapter 9 part 2)


After the shared revelation about the hidden existence of the Magicals, the four of them all agreed that they will teach the young mages, which they also agreed to dub them as 'Sparks' to call the young ones of children and teenagers, and they'll help them with everything they need to learn and know upon honing their magic and harnessing it to advanced levels so that they'll be able to protect themselves and also defend for their group.

And--needless to say--the young magical teens were all delighted and happy upon the other three mages revealing that they also have the same kind of powerful magic, just as Helen does, and are willing to teach them everything to harnessing their special skills as well as using it wisely to protect and defend for the survival of their whole group.

However, they were not pleased with the fact that their Mundane friends also know about the Mages and everything about Magicals, but they were relieved upon being reassured of the fact that they're truly good people and not of the prejudiced kind at all, just like how Charlotte, little Lou, Madi, and Jordan are upon discovering about magic and they were okay and alright with it when they found out. In fact, it comforted them that upon being told of their histories and family stories of their race of Magicals and what they've gone through from the Witch Hunts and everything, they all empathized with them on the kinds of harrowing ordeals they went through and they all became close friends and family once the Mundane group was accepted into the Mage's group.

After those recent matters have been settled, besides prioritizing their food and water, taking care of supplies and each other, as well as preparing for their week's coming deadline into leaving the temporary safe place again, the Mages took the spare time whenever they can to teach the new young mages for what they need to learn and know upon harnessing the magic.

And it won't take long for them to harness and hone their special skills well and good until they reached the same advanced levels as Helen and her three magical friends have too.


It seemed too fast and quick as the time passed on and it's now the fifth day by then, only two more days before the week's deadline as they plan and prepare to leave their temporary safe place and journey out there onto the monster-infected world again to another safe place out there in the unknown.

And the young 'Spark' mages took to learning and harnessing the magic from their older and wiser magic-advanced teachers similar to how fledgling ducks easily take to swimming on the water.

For the four experienced and wiser mages, it was refreshing and also amusing to teach the young ones into wielding and using magic wisely and very well so that they'll be able to protect and defend themselves, even for their group, for their necessity of survival throughout this monster apocalypse.

And the reason being why it's also amusing upon teaching them through their magic lessons, was because Jake was the only one who seemed to have problems upon honing his special magic skills into growing for the next levels, but it's like the magical energy within him is combating against his desires and switching to other negative results more than he intended to.

Neville, who used to have similar problems like Jake in the past, took over into comforting and reassuring him that he'll be able to get it right and use magic as well as they do, but he tried to stop Jake from getting too frustrated and might end up harming himself even more if he pushed too hard in wielding his magic for better results or something.

Thus, that's what he's doing on that very fifth day into avoiding Jake from getting too frustrated and annoyed when he and his 'Spark' friends and sister were learning and practicing the summoning spell by a silent gesture.

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