CHAPTER 7 - Braving The Monstrous Woods - part 6

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(Continuation from Chapter 7 part 5)


The only ones left, at some kind of standing still stand-off with the giant bug beast looming over them, were Draco, who's standing tensely still, and Bellamy, who's hovering over Helen like a protective covering shield. Bellamy turned to Draco and was about to ask him what to do but Helen quickly stopped him from making a sound and did quick meaningful gestures and signing about the great big monster that seemed to be sniffing out for them, searching for its prey.

(No! Don't speak! Or make any sound--that thing can hear us!) Helen signed vigorously. (It's actually blind--but its greatest strength is hearing and touching with its feelers. So we need to stay very still until it thinks that we're not here and then leaves!)

It's a good thing that Bellamy knows a little about sign language, including some kind of charade movements Helen is making, from one of his part-time jobs before the monster apocalypse, back when his mother had become too neglectful into taking care of him and his sister in the past, that he had to take more than two jobs to keep them alive and have a home still.

Draco looked like he also knows sign language too as he waved to get the two others' attention and he also signed meaningfully for them to understand what he's telling them. (In case you haven't noticed--it already knows we're here! So, I do hope that you know its weakness--so we can get out and away from this gigantic bugger!)

(Sorry--it's another unknown monster that I caught a glimpse of, back when I sneaked out to satisfy my pregnancy cravings before. I didn't get the chance to take a look closely and study it to find out what its bloody weakness is!) Helen signed back at Draco with an apologetic look that made the blond man almost threw up his hands in frustration with a look that obviously says 'Figures!'

But then Bellamy suddenly remembered something like a light bulb just turned on in his head, as he remembered when Helen mentioned the 'unknown' kind of monsters. He caught sight and studied the very picture Helen had drawn before at the tent when she showed him her copy of the Monster guide book him. And he remembered a single part that Helen had written and added the info about the monster insect beast towering over them, now bending over to search and feel for the three tense prey that tried to keep still upon its incoming approach near towards them.

And the fact he had remembered upon seeing it first glance, even though Helen had placed a question mark next to it--is that the giant Praying Mantis monster had smaller feelers from beside the bigger longer ones, that are sensitive.

Thus, Bellamy instantly thinks that sensitive feelers could work as possibly a weakness.

Once, Bellamy had this idea on his head, he gestured at Draco. (Give me your sword!)

Draco looked at him as if he's gone mad or completely crazy.

Bellamy gestured again in a furious movement and gave a meaningful pleading look on his face that he's serious about asking for Draco's sword.

Draco stared at Bellamy with a blank face for a moment before his lips pursed upon deciding that he'll trust this mundane man just this once at this very time, so he swiftly but carefully unsheathed the sword out from his cane as silent like the wind itself and then he deftly threw it at Bellamy's way which he gracefully caught the hilt in expert ease.

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