CHAPTER 6 - Unexpected Situation - part 5

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(Continuation from Chapter 6 part 4)


Draco just simply pulled out a magically-modified big triple-barreled hunting-type shotgun and Murphy stared at it wide-eyed and grinning widely like he really appreciates the kind of weapon he'll be wielding when the blond wizard showed it and handed it over to him, along with a bullet box filled with specially made magic bullets as he told and explained what they are for. "Each bullet are color-coded and specifically made to shoot at different kinds of monsters, along with added featured bullets of a flare-gun kind in case you need to call out for help or send out a location signal for us to find you, as well as a loud noise decoy bullets for distracting monsters away from you as most of them are attracted by noise and movement, and rarely rely on sight. Now there are written instructions on what each group of the other color-coded bullets is for the shotgun so remember them well and memorize them both in heart and mind, so that you'll---OY!"

Draco suddenly grabbed the shotgun by its barrel part and lifted it up to point high in the air as he snapped at Murphy indignantly when he was testing the feeling and aiming it at somewhere in front of his sight. "What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?! Don't just point it at something or someone like that!"

Murphy scoffed at him and said, "Relax, man. It's not loaded. I was just trying to get used to the feeling of wielding the gun, you know?"

Draco just glared and snapped at him more, "Just be very mindful and aware of what or who you're pointing it at--or else, I won't hesitate to magically turn that shotgun into a mini toy gun for you!"

With that said, Draco lets go of the barrel and turn on Bellamy last before he might explode in annoyed anger or something. He took one more deep breath for good measure to calm himself down and then nodded dimly at the last man and pulled out the kind of weapon he's using, which is another gun--a handgun to be precise, with an attached scope and sniping laser-tracker on top of it. Bellamy tried to stop his disappointment from showing on his slightly upset face but then Draco instructed, ordering him to do what he said, "Mr. Blake, hold your gun up and look through the scope like how you look through a sniper rifle gun."

Bellamy was confused but he did what Draco told him to do and suddenly, the small gun held by both his hands instantly transformed magically into a modified enchanted sniper rifle gun with the scope growing longer and bigger for him to use and see through it. Bellamy was happy at his firearm weapon but Draco wasn't done as he handed over another box filled with enchanted magic bullets. "Similar to the enchanted arrows like your sister Octavia Blake has and the kind of bullets your friend John Murphy has gotten, these bullets are magically charmed to do the same concepts on zeroing in your target with your mind, even by looking at blind spots, missing the shot, or shooting at a faraway distance. They're also color-coded for each kind of monsters they are made to hurt or kill for, so read and remember the written instructions inside the bullet box well about them, as well as memorize them by heart and mind on their usage."

Draco thought he was done giving the four Mundane survivors their weapons but he had to grab hold and lift up the gun's barrel up high in the air again when Bellamy tried to do the same thing as his friend Murphy did to get used to and test the feeling on wielding the rifle firearm gun. He said in a slightly dangerous warning tone of voice at him, "I forgot to mention--and also tell it to your friend as well--that these guns do not have 'Safety' features, so you need to be really careful and be aware on what or who you're pointing those guns at!"

Bellamy would have retorted back at the blond man that he knows how to handle guns and tell him that he used to go to a firing range as one of his unique hobbies but then a familiar voice cleared her throat soundly to get their attention and they turned and saw Helen standing by the doorway, looking relaxed yet also amused at Draco when he finished handing their new group members their weapons and tried to intimidate them on using them well with his glaring.

"Are you done with your tasks, Draco? Or were you about to incite another silly fight with our new friends?" Helen said with a pointed but knowing look.

Draco swiftly lets go of the barrel that he held Bellamy's new rifle gun and shook his head in a negative as he walked right up to her side. "No, I'm done and finished. How about you? Are the children securely bundled up and you all prepared and ready to go?"

Helen nodded and said, "We just need to work on our line-up after we take down the tent and then walk on through the woods and getting out of them, also--"

Draco immediately finished the last sentence for her like he knows what she's going to say. "--We need to work on who's holding which kid, hm? Already made up my mind over that. I will be the one carrying Teddy, Neville will take Faith, Luna offers to hold and care for Andy, and last and finally, you will be carrying Annie."

But unexpectedly Bellamy butts into their conversation and offered, "How about I hold little Annie while Helen stays beside me on the line-up?"

"Hey now! Don't you--!" Draco was about to snap at him for interfering but much to his shock and sudden protest, Helen smiled and thanked him, instantly accepting his volunteering kind act. "Helen!"

Helen just glared at him, rendering the blond silent under her pointed gaze before she gave a stern warning to him. "Draco...I know that you're worried but don't push it. Bellamy is being nice so I'm trusting him to hold Annie for me and I don't mind walking beside him when we leave here and travel walking in the straight line-up. Stop being so overprotective. I'll be fine."

Draco would have protested more but it looks like Helen had already made up her mind and decided to stick by Bellamy's side, also noticing his triumphant hidden grin by the look on his face so he huffed and then left to help Luna and Helen take down the tent.

Then Bellamy's sister and his two friends nodded at him that they're all packed up and ready and will go outside the tent to wait for them to come out, Octavia instantly knowing with a slyness that her older brother and Helen needed to be alone together and clued Clarke and Murphy in on it, which they are a little surprised and amused upon finding out Bellamy's romantic interest with Helen. So they immediately left while trying to be nonchalant and discreet so that Helen would notice and catch on why they're acting this way and then Bellamy turned to her and asked over something he's suddenly worrying about for her.

"But--are you sure that you're going to be okay...?" Bellamy had to ask, looking at Helen concerned with eyes sweeping over her delicate pregnant condition.

Helen sighed like she had known that this was coming and was a little exasperated and slightly annoyed over it. "Don't worry about me. I'm only in the middle of my second trimester. The reason I look big because I ate more than two people to feed my little baby inside me."

"Still...are you sure you'll be able to move and travel far and such a long one? What if...?"

Helen quickly stopped him from protesting more in an abrupt tone that sounds almost like a cutting sword as she snapped at him in a firm and strong voice. "Mister Bellamy Blake...if you do not stop hovering over me like an overprotective fussy mother-hen because of my state of condition--I will not hesitate to curse you into eternal silence, understood?"

Bellamy instantly shuts up and meekly obeys her as he knew that she will do just that if he tries to speak up against this more. He was suddenly glad that the others left because he won't like the teasing from his sister and two friends if they noticed how he's almost completely whipped over Helen, his sudden new love interest. 


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