CHAPTER 14 - Knowing All The 'Monstrous' Dangers - part 3

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(Continuation from Chapter 14 part 2)


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It didn't take long for something unexpected to happen that confirmed the Bull Drover's an explosive way.



Draco nearly jumped in surprise from his hiding place when sudden flash bombs exploded suddenly, surprising the guard bulls and the grazing cows completely and when more of those mundane bombs exploded as well as firework crackers, the herd reacted into running away as the male Bull Drovers were helpless and confused upon fighting against some invisible enemy, that they decided to run away from the shocking exploding sounds and herd their females away from the loud threats.

It seemed that the firecrackers and bomb explosions continued on like they're trying to cause chaos and panic among the herd and separate a few of them, which Draco saw and instantly figured out whoever is doing this in action. The blond mage figured that there are survivors out there but he can't seem to spot them, no matter how sharp his senses are, even with the aura search magic spell he spreads out to find them but there's nothing and he can't find anything at all.

When one or two cows had separated from the herd and gotten themselves lost, flying nets came appearing out of nowhere besides the explosions and it caught the cows by surprise before they could react and run. Once caught, the cows tipped over and were rendered helpless on their sides, mooing loudly like calling for help but their herd is too far away now to return and rescue their separated lost ones.

Draco waited tensely as if expecting the new survivors to come out and get their prey, which he believed they hunted and caught these cows with the nets for a good reason, and he wanted to know what methods they used to capture them.

Unfortunately for him, he didn't know that he's been watched the whole time--and this is the very stalker that was actually observing Nathan and his group from before--thus it wasn't the Mole Burrower monster as the sole culprit.

Before Draco could even react, flying entangling ropes appeared right into his direction and before he could cry out to conjure a defensive spell, the ropes entangled and tied him up fast like the wind and wrapped him up almost like a mummy as he fell right on his back against the dirt, wriggling furiously as a worm caught on a hook.

Slowly, the survivors came out from wherever they were hiding but shockingly, they came out from under the ground itself as they turned themselves into underground diggers of the sorts, and they're dressed up completely in underground mining kind of gear and have their faces obscured by gas masks, which almost made them look intimidating and terrifying in a way.

There are two of them as they popped out of the ground from the holes that Draco couldn't figure out how he could not have spotted them. And slowly, they moved to check on their capture of Draco instead of going for the trapped netted cows and then abandoning him there.

"He looks familiar, brother," said one of the two survivors, his voice sounding slightly muffled underneath the gas mask.

"You're right, in fact, I think he looks like-- (gasp!) Malfoy!?" said the second one, sounding very surprised.

Upon hearing his former family name, Draco instantly tensed, frozen like a statue, and thought the worst when these two survivors knew him and that they're from the same world they were previously from. It took a split-second upon hearing one of them utter his family name to realizing that they're Mages too--but he can't tell whether they're the good ones--or the bad ones who won't hesitate to kill him out of revenge or spite because of his past life.

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