CHAPTER 8 - New Safe Place, More New Survivors - part 4

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(Continuation from Chapter 8 part 3)


"So did you guys find anything else?" Helen asked, turning their attention away from Neville, to ease him from his embarrassing predicament, and Neville looked at her gratefully on having their focus averted from him.

Bellamy nodded at her, "We did. Just a few canned food left behind and some abandoned medical jars that Neville and Luna got them all magically packed into their bags. It's not much but adding the new ones into our supply stock on hand, we have enough to last more than a week or two."

"That's good to hear. And I presume that the entire perimeter is completely clear of anything when you checked around?" Draco inquired seriously about this so that he wouldn't feel any more wary and tense than he already is, and they relaxed when the four of them confirmed that everything is all clear and it's truly safe and secure for them to stay in this abandoned building. "Oh, good. By tomorrow, I think we should all discuss and plan about hunting out there back in the woods again, for food in case we need to or not."

"Wait--go back out there?!" Neville cried incredulously.

Draco glared at him like he's completely turned into an idiot. "I said plan--I'm not saying we're going back out there and try to face against those giant mantis monsters again anytime soon."

"Oh..." Neville said and sheepishly blushed again in embarrassment upon overreacting from Draco's statement when he heard it.

Draco shook his head with a soft sigh then he turned to look at Bellamy and Murphy seriously and asked, "Did you find any transport for us as well?"

Bellamy and Murphy disappointed the blond mage and the others when they shook their heads in a negative as Murphy said, "No, we didn't find any abandoned vehicle or anything that could help us get out of here when we need to leave again after a week. And I used to work in these kinds of warehouses part-time back in the past at my time, so I hate to admit but I'm surprised that there weren't any truck or trailer left behind."

"Well, obviously it was because the monster apocalypse happened, didn't it?" Octavia dryly said to Murphy with a raised sardonic brow at him. "I'm pretty sure all the people who used to work here, had to use all the vehicles to get home to their families or use them to escape, right?"

Murphy would have snapped and retorted back at her sardonically too but surprisingly, he held his temper because he knew how overprotective his friend Bellamy could be, when it concerns his family, especially with his only sister sibling.

Draco sighed and refrained from throwing his hands up in the air with frustration. "Well, that's just bloody great!"

"Maybe we'll get lucky if we try to scout around outside the perimeter later to check if there were any abandoned vehicles?" Luna offered her idea.

Draco looked at her like she's gone mad or went even crazier this time and asked incredulously, "Outside? With those monster mantis giants still on the loose out there? What makes you think that's a bloody brilliant idea?!"

Luna shrugged as she explained, "Since the monster apocalypse had happened before--chances are, some of them might have gotten caught by the monsters, and we, mages, might be able to repair them back to normal once we find one and use it for transport in the future."

Draco would have argued more against this but then he considered Luna's idea more thoughtfully and also thought that this also has good merits and such. " might be right on that one."

"I'm always right, Draco," Luna smiled knowingly and said smugly, even though she tried to not mean it.

"Alright then, now that we settled these matters into being. I think it's time for all of us to rest for the night and then deal with the other matters tomorrow then as the morning comes," Helen said.

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