CHAPTER 5 - The Calm Before The Storm - part 3

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(Continuation from Chapter 5 part 2)


It didn't take long for them to call out shouting and yelling and trying to see clearly through the raging blizzard for Bellamy and Murphy to finally spot Draco and Neville amidst the snowstorm and they saw that they're bending over like they're trying to pick up or lift something on the ground, trying with all their might to pull it up but their efforts are in vain.

"HEY! WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING!? WE NEED TO GET BACK INSIDE--THE STORM IS REALLY GETTING WORSE BY THE MINUTE!!!" Murphy hollered out yelling, being careful not to catch any falling snow into his mouth, despite the stormy wind is blowing the snow in another direction.

"THAT'S WHAT I TOLD HIM BUT--DRACO IS BEING INSISTENT THAT WE MOVE THIS!" Neville cried, looking relieved that they came and hoped that they'll talk Draco out of whatever he's making them do.

"WHAT?!" Bellamy yelled like he couldn't hear him clearly because of the storm howling loudly too, almost deafening Neville's voice.

"HEY! BLOODY GOOD TIMING! HELP US MOVE THIS BRANCH OUT OF HERE NOW! HURRY!" Draco shouted at them as he strained with heavy grunts and lifting with all his strength and the added use of his own magic to try to pull a large tree branch out of the way, revealing that it was the source of the crashing sound and must have fallen from whatever tree it came from as the lightning struck at it.

"FORGET IT! IT'S TOO HEAVY! DRACO--STOP BEING SO STUBBORN! WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Neville yelled at him, sounding concerned about why Draco is being so desperate like this.

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! IF WE DON'T MOVE THIS RIGHT NOW--!" Draco yelled back loud as he can but his words cut off when another lightning bolt struck at a tree and there was another sharp snapping noise.


Murphy shouted as he and Neville saw with horrified wide eyes that another branch is about to come falling down and crash right on top of Draco. But Bellamy reacted on time to save him as he tackled Draco out of the way and the blond cried out upon being bodily shoved like a bulldozer just ran right at him, just as another smoking tree branch crash-landed right down from where he was standing.

"Oh, Merlin--ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" Neville cried as he and Murphy ran to their friends, quickly checking to see if they're okay.

Draco grunted and pushed Bellamy off him with a curse. "Get off me, you bloody--!"

"Draco! You should be thanking him for saving your life!" Neville snapped at him, scolding firmly. "That other branch could have killed you when it was about to fall right on your bloody stupid head!"

"You're the ones who are stupid! If we don't get those branches out of the way now--our entire group is going to DIE out here!" Draco yelled at him, almost looking like he's gone mad or something, and that made Neville suddenly decide to do something about it.

"I'm sorry, Draco but--{STUPEFY}!"

Draco was instantly cursed unconscious by the spell cast from Neville's striking hand gesture and both Bellamy and Murphy nearly jumped in surprise as the blond man fell down on the snowy ground like a rock.

"What did you do?!" Bellamy and Murphy exclaimed in unison at Neville when he lowered his hand as it glowed a bit magically upon casting the spell like some sort of glowing body marking or tattoo. Though Murphy sounded more approving and impressed than Bellamy's shocked and horrified one when Neville just hexed his own with magic.

Neville sighed, "Relax, I only cursed him unconscious. I don't know what the bloody hell is his problem, but I think one night's rest is enough to clear his mind. Now come on--let's get him back inside before the stormy blizzard buries us all out here in the snow."

Bellamy and Murphy helped Neville to carry the knocked-out Draco back to the magical tent, and it was fortunate that the snowstorm isn't hindering or blocking their way back there, as Murphy complimented Neville that he liked what he did upon knocking his pseudo-brother out with magic, making Neville blush in embarrassment and a little shame.

The four girls instantly turned to them after Helen had settled the children back to their rooms to sleep with Clarke helping her out kindly and they were shocked to find their three male companions carrying the fourth unconscious one back inside the tent.

"Oh, dear! What happened?" Luna cried as she instantly went over and checked all over the knocked-out blond wizard, looking for any injuries and fussing over him worriedly.

Neville blushed even darker with shame as he confessed, "Draco's fine. I was the one who Stunned him unconscious."

Luna blinked upon hearing that and stared at him looking like she's also been 'Stunned' too. "I beg your pardon?"

"You what--Neville! Why in Great Founder's name did you do that?! And to Draco!" Helen exclaimed incredulously, staring wide-eyed at Neville like she couldn't believe he just did that.

"I'm sorry! Draco just went completely mad and crazy for some reason! He was yelling at us to help him move a normal fallen tree branch of all things--saying that we're going to die if we don't move it, even under the heavy snowstorm raging down at us!" Neville cried, explaining the reason why he went and just did it to his friend and brother.

Luna looked thoughtful upon hearing Neville's explanation and thinks that there might be something to that. "Maybe there is truly a reason why Draco acted that way. Neville, did Draco explain his actions?"

Neville shook his head in a negative. "No, he was very desperate to move the lightning-struck branches that we couldn't convince him to get back inside until I knocked him out with my magic spell. And I didn't want to do it--but he left me no choice when the storm was getting worse outside."

"Well, you did the right thing, Neville," Helen said firmly, comforting him that his actions were approved. "If you had not acted--Draco and all you three would have suffered far worse than a cold if you were out there longer than a normal person should or should not be."

Clarke and Octavia also nodded in agreement at Helen's statement and Bellamy's sister was truly grateful that her brother came back unscathed and still alive and she was scowling fiercely at the unconscious blond man like she's blaming him for making her older brother go outside for him.

"Right, Luna, make sure that there aren't any life-threatening or minor injuries that are on Draco as well as check if there's something that caused his sudden strange behavior. If there aren't--when he wakes up from the spell, I'll be the one to talk to him and find out what's going on with him. And don't worry, I won't be gentle about it this time," Helen said. 


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