Chapter 69

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Song - S&M by Rhianna.
Status - I want to say summery song.


The stars shone brightly on the asphalt as Aiden stood beside me protectively whilst he spoke to the maintenance guy. I had messaged Amy to let her know I was coming tonight and she said she would be here, I was actually so excited to see her. I had also considered inviting James but I knew better than that and I also knew that he and I would plan something really soon because I actually missed the boy.

"Alright, you're free to go," the maintenance man says to Aiden, I see his eyes linger on me for a little longer than necessary and don't miss it when Aiden puts his arm around my shoulder in response.

I get back into Aiden's car as he drives the short drive to where the races left their cars. We get out and head to the boys who had just arrived according to Toby's message.

"Hey Mills!!" Toby grins, pulling me in to a tight bare hug.

I laugh in his arms; "hey Tobes."

Carter opens his arms for a hug and I smile at him before taking his invitation easily, Carter gave very warm hugs for someone who was so tall. "Hey Em," he smiles, I smile back.

"What about me!?" Blake pouts.

I laugh at him before stepping into his embrace as well, I really did like these boys.

As soon as Blake releases me, I hear my name being called by a very excited and very femine voice, I grin as soon as I realise that it was Amy.

"Hello beautiful," Amy grins, wrapping her arms around my waist, for a small woman, Amy had a very tight grip.

Of course Alex, Liam and Cooper follow behind her, they all wave to me when they see me and I smile at them all, as much as I liked Amy's guys, I wasn't nearly as close to them as I was to my guys and I think it was pretty obvious.

"So, how you been babe?" Amy smiles at me. I go to respond but then realise I wasn't exactly sure what I should be saying, Amy obviously notices this because she nods at me subtly.

"Alright boys, we are going to have some girl time before Aiden starts racing and before you have a panic attack Aiden, we are just going to sit in Liam's car which, before you ask, is right there." Amy grins.

Aiden stays silent, eyeing me and trying to anticipate my reaction but when he doesn't see any negative reaction, he nods hesitantly, walking us to Liam's car which was literally less than 30 ft away.

Liam opens the car from where the boys were standing and we climb in the back seat before Aiden walks back to the boys.

"You know girly, it's sweet how much he cares for you," Amy grins, she doesn't have to say anything else for me to instantly know who the HE she was talking about was.

"I don't think so, a fair bit has happened since our kiss on the beach," I admit.

"I fucking knew it from your reaction, you know I was expecting a message from you a few days ago saying that you's were official and when it never came, I knew something had happened."

I sigh, "we were going to go to a place together to talk on the Friday but instead I saw him making out with his first love."

"You mean Katherine?" Amy questions.

My head snaps to hers, "yeah, how did you know?"

Amy laughs, "you know, for a while there me and Toby had a thing."

I look at her in shock, her and Toby?!

"We met once at some event, I don't even remember what event when we were like 14 and stayed in contact, my 18-year-old boyfriend had just cheated on me and stupid little 14 year old me stayed with him, Toby helped through a lot of shit and actually was the one who showed me my self-worth which encouraged me to break up with him but after the breakup, I was in a really bad place. This guy was my first everything and I was completely in love with him. After a while, Toby and I started talking when we were like 15 after he had helped me get through that really tough stage, he had always told me about this girl his best friend was in love with called Katherine, and even when we were 14, he used to tell me how much he hated her, he thought Aiden could do better. He used to speak to me about her all the time, I think I was the only person who would listen because Aiden was far too in love to see what Toby thought he did. So when we were 15 we had a thing, it didn't last very long because, in all honesty, I was a hoe, and Toby wanted something real so we decided to end things mutually, no hard feelings at all. I adore Toby and still do but I think a part of him resents me for sleeping around when he and I sort of had a thing, I would take it back if I could but then I'd never have met Liam and Liam is the best thing that has ever happened to me," Amy explains.

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