Chapter 40

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Song - She Will Be Loved By Maroon 5
Status - Chapter song

Hi guys!! This chapter is dedicated to @123stranger123 so you can thank them for this bonus update!! I have absolutely adored reading all their comments so I wanted to thank them as well as anyone else who comments on a regular basis

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Hi guys!! This chapter is dedicated to @123stranger123 so you can thank them for this bonus update!! I have absolutely adored reading all their comments so I wanted to thank them as well as anyone else who comments on a regular basis. Commenting and voting really does mean a lot to the author, more than you guys probably think so I just wanted to thank 123stranger123 for making my day a little better every time I read one of their many comments :)))

Back to Emily POV:

"Sup love birds!!" A loud voice shouts enthusiastically. My eyes shoot open and I see a smirking Toby at my door.

I hear a groan next to me and turn around to see a sleepy Aiden stirring. He sits up and the blanket falls off him, leaving his chest bare.

When did he get changed?!

"Fuck off Toby," Aiden replies, falling back down, his hands covering his face.

"Mills is happy to see me at least, aren't you!?" Toby continues excitedly, walking over to the bed and practically jumping on the other side of me.

"Sorry babe, I tried to stop him." Dale says guiltily from the door, I see Charlie beside him laughing.

Toby reaches to my bedside table and picks up the Harry Potter book I had been up to.

Aiden just groans again, and I fall back down so I was lying beside him. Right now I was in the middle of two extremely attractive boys in my bed; Pearlacre's biggest heartache/badboy and his cheeky best friend. Most girls would probably jump at the opportunity but I was just upset Toby had woken me up from my amazing dream.

"Little E!!!" I hear the familiar voice of one of my other best friends before I see him. He runs past Dale and a still laughing Charlie and also joins us on the bed.

For fuck sake.

"Miles?" I question smiling, sitting back up. I was really glad he was here but I was surprised that 1, he was out of bed, and 2, he was invited.

"Luke said something terrible happened last night and thought that me coming to your little pool day would make you feel better," Miles replies shrugging, obviously having no idea what actually happened.

Miles's words make the carefree atmosphere turn into a tense one quicker than Aiden can get a girl in bed. Aiden jolts up, almost as of waking up from a nightmare. Toby drops my book, Charlie stops laughing and Dale looks horrified again.

"Something I said?" Miles asks quietly, obviously registering the atmosphere.

I quickly shake my thoughts away from last nights events and use all my strength to push Miles of the bed. He lands with a thud.

"I have to get ready, everyone out!!" I say, in what I hope seems like a joking tone. It seems to work because Miles crosses his arms childishly and leaves followed by a protesting Toby. Dale winks at me and also walks out and Charlie walks towards my bathroom.

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