Chapter 76

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Aiden POV:

The stars gleamed upon the stunning girl standing in front of me while I spread out the blanket. I had to admit that everything about this place was stunning but it didn't even compare to Em. I had fallen so fucking hard for that girl and I didn't know how to go back.

When I saw her on the roof I almost left her alone, but as soon as I saw she was upset my body wouldn't have let me leave even if I wanted to, which I didn't. I hated seeing her cry, she was such an amazing person and she didn't deserve anything that had happened to her. I was surprised when she agreed to come here with me though, I mean I didn't really give her any time to reject my offer but I fully expected her to either not show up or messaging me to tell me she refused to come.

Seeing her with Justin and knowing what they did left me feeling an emotion I had never felt before. I was so fucking hurt even though I had no right whatsoever to be, I had fucked countless girls in the time between when we kissed and when she slept with Justin but knowing what she did, did something to me that I couldn't explain. I wasn't even sure it was anger, I think the emotion could have been called desperation.

I had said some things to her that I regretted that night, I had called her easy and I had told her that I was in love with her and I wasn't sure which one I regretted more. I know that she heard what I said but I wasn't sure she comprehended it but now the whole fucking school knew I was in love with her and she hadn't given me the same signs back. I dreaded Monday, people talking about what I said, I couldn't even deny it because it was true. It was way too fucking true.

"Em?" I interrupt her, she had been staring at the view for a while now and I wondered so much exactly what it was that she was thinking.

I watch her shake her head, probably to free her thoughts, and then she sits beside me. Her presence alone made my heart beat 100 times faster and the reality was that she wasn't even that close to me.

"How are you feeling?" I question, passing her the pizza and hoping she'll eat, I didn't want her to starve.

"Better, thank you for bringing me here and thinking to bring a picnic blanket and one to keep us warm," she replies with a genuine smile that makes me fall in love with her all over again.

She was perfect, I would do anything for her, even bring a fucking picnic blanket for her.

She looks at me curiously; "what?"

Embarrassment floods me as I realize I said that out loud and I was thankful she couldn't see my facial expression in this dark; "nothing."

She continues to stare out at the view and I continue to stare at her, how was it even possible to feel this strongly about someone? If this was love then it fucking sucked.

My mind buzzes with what I said about her last night and the guilt I had felt since I said it sits in its same comfortable position; "I'm sorry about what I said last night, I didn't mean it."

Em looks at me, obviously once again being interrupted from her staring; "you mean calling me a whore?"

I flinch visibly and nod, "when I said you were easy, you're not, I was just upset about seeing you with Justin and knowing what you guys had done."

Em stares at me, trying to decipher something, I see her mind whirling and I know she's trying to figure something out, maybe remember something? She nods hesitantly before turning back to the view.

"Collins" I question, she once again looks at me, I take it as my queue to continue. "That day after we kissed on the field trip and you saw me with Katherine, we didn't have sex."

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