Chapter 37

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Song - Don't Stop The Music by Rhianna
Status - Chapter song

Song - Don't Stop The Music by RhiannaStatus - Chapter song

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We pull up to Ryan's house, which was more of a mansion really. We get out of the car and walk towards the entrance, everyone turns to look at us and for once I enjoy the attention, tonight was about forgetting. I make sure to ignore all the red cups littering the driveway and the couples making out, this party was obviously already in full swing.

If I thought the attention was bad outside, it was nothing compared to what we got inside. It seemed as though the whole party watched us walk by and the familiar uncomfortable feeling from all the attention returned. I see Jordan and smile at him, knowing that he wasn't looking at me the same way all the other guys seemed to, instead his attention was on Dale.

"Hi babes," Jordan smiles appreciatively at Charlie and I. "Hi hot friend," he smirks at Dale. Dale says nothing and I know it's because he was trying to keep his cover.

"Hey Jordan," I laugh, Charlie hugs him.

"How you feeling sexy?" Jordan asks me, obviously referring to getting Charlie when I was upset.

"Better, thank you for getting Charlie." I smile.

"I wouldn't have even known if Aiden didn't ask me to get her, well more like demand aggressively," Jordan replies shrugging. My heart stops.

Aiden made him get Charlie? I look at Charlie and see the same confused expression on her face that I was sure was on mine, why would he make me upset and then get someone to cheer me up. Dale smirked and I had no idea why, but I didn't get time to ask because Charlie spoke; "Aiden made you get me?"

"Yeah, I was with Lindsay who's my best friend and he stormed over to us. I thought maybe he was mad at Lindsay or something because they've slept together on multiple occasions but she looked just as shocked I was. Apparently Aiden isn't really one to speak during his hookups." He began, I realized he was a little drunk but he seemed okay, "Anyways, he came and demanded I got Charlie because Em was crying in the classroom, I didn't know you's even fought until I heard about it. The whole school is buzzing about your fight, apparently shit went down. I don't really get why Aiden made me get Charlie if the reason you were upset was because of him, but Aiden doesn't seem like the type to talk to people like me generally," Jordan finishes.

Charlie looks shocked, I'm sure my expression matches hers, but Dale looked at ease. Before we can say anything more, Jordan grabs Charlie and drags her to the dance floor, giving me a quick hug.

"He's kind of hot," Dale whispers in my ear, I laugh at him.

"Go and talk to him," I suggest.

"I'm not really into the stereotypical gay guy. I'm usually the gayest one in the relationship," Dale winks. I laugh again.

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