Chapter 25

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"Anyways, before Mr. Black decided to grace us with his presence, we were about to discuss the field trip further," miss begins, sending a look to Aiden who just smirks, "so the trip will go from Tuesday morning until Friday midday a few weeks from now. We will meet at school and leave at around 8:30 as the trip will take up most of the day. I need your permission slips in by the end of next week, if not then early the week after. The camping ground will need numbers and if you don't get names, you won't be able to come. Our school is also not the only one attending this trip, I'm not sure how many other schools but I know at least one will be joining us."

The whole class once again begin talking excitedly, 3 whole night away from school?! I had to admit I was really looking forward to it. I had always loved the ocean, it seemed to be a place where I was just me, not someone who lost their sister or got disowned by her father, just plain old me. I was especially excited though to miss 4 days of school but to be still on school business technically.

"So each campsite will have a different amount of tents, when we get there you'll be organized onto campsites depending on your group size. Mr. Reid's class will also be joining obviously but we will have further meetings later on in the week and next week." Miss Wilson smiles, you could tell that even she was excited.

"Mr. Reid?" I turn to ask Charlie, I wasn't even aware there was more than 1 bio class to be completely honest.

"Yeah, he's the other bio teacher, he's a real dick though. It's a real bet choosing bio because you can either get Miss Wilson who is hands down the best teacher at the school or Mr. Reid who is probably one of the worst." Charlie explains.

I nod in understanding, by the sounds of it I was extremely grateful to be put in this class and not the other one.

"Yeah, Mr. Reid is an ass," Toby chimes in, obviously having listened to our conversation. "But how fucking awesome does this sound?!"

"I'm so excited, I wonder if we'll see dolphins and turtles," I squeal to Toby, my excitement finally coming through.

His eyes widen, probably not having thought about the probability, "I hope we don't, dolphins are terrifying, they're like sharks" Toby shivers.

He is scared of dolphins?! No way.

"How are you scared of Dolphins?!" I ask astounded, "they're beautiful and so timid!!"

"When I was young I swear one tried to kidnap me," Toby shivers again, "We were boating and I was swimming with my cousin and then we saw Dolphins and one bit my swimming costume and tried dragging me under, my cousin had to save me. Lucky he was older."

"That's amazing!!" I yell excitedly, I wish I was in his position, being that close to a dolphin.

"It was the worst, mom said it was because my swimmers was a Dolphin costume but I think it was just evil," Toby continues.

Charlie and I burst into laughter, of course Toby once owned a full-blown dolphin costume.

"Okay everyone, I know we're all excited and because of that I arranged a game for the rest of the lesson," Miss Wilson got all of our attention again, "So I made a slide show with sea life and as a group, you first have to diagnose the creature and then give me at least 1 scientific fact about it."

Everyone nods encouragingly, a competitive silence quickly filling the once loud and excited classroom.

"Okay ready, set, go," Miss calls before she goes to the first slide.

"Jellyfish," Aiden calls instantly, "they have no common organs or bones," he finishes easily, a smirk still present on his face.

I roll my eyes, everyone knows that. Okay so maybe I was just a little annoyed at him still but whatever.

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