Chapter 63

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Emily POV:

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Emily POV:

The smile falls off of my face momentarily, "my sister died of brain cancer 4 years ago today."

"I'm so sorry dear girl, I had a child who died of cancer also when he was 12." Carol says sadly, a tear falling out of her eye.

"What was his name?" I ask, it seemed like I actually understood what this woman was going through, and she understood what I had been through.

"His name was Ian and he was the happiest child you would ever meet, we knew he would die young," Carol smiles sadly. My heart breaks for her.

"I'm sorry," I reply softly.

"I know it's hard now dear, but it does get better. There will always be hard days but time does heal," Carol says, smiling at me.

"Was he your only child?" I ask.

"No, he had a sister named Elizabeth. Liz had my 3 grandchildren that are here now, her son is named after Ian." Carol smiles.

I smile back.

"Turn the page," she encourages.

We go through the whole album, it was astounding how all the pictures of Maddi made me smile instead of cry. It was so nice being in Carol's presence.

"Would you like to look around the house? See how it is now?" Carol offers. I nod straight away, I would love to see everything now.

I follow Carol as she takes me around the familiar house. Everything is the same except for the furniture and we finally get to the last room of the house, Maddi's old room.

I sigh, opening up the door. I see a child sleeping on a single bed, she looked to be around 4. I look around the room, the walls were still painteded the purple color that Maddi and I had picked out for her, the small drawing on the wall in the corner of the room was still there. If you didn't know it was there, then you'd miss it.

Although the room brings me intense sadness, I was so happy that I had gotten the chance to see it. A tear falls down my cheek but i'm also happy.

"Was this her room?" Carol asks gently. I nod.

"Do you want a minute?" Carol offers sadly.

I shake my head, declining her offer politely before walking back down to the living room.

"Are you okay dear?" Carol asks gently as she sits across from me again. Brian had gone to sleep a little while ago.

"I will be, tell me about your grandkids," I suggest, I wanted to know as much about this sweet old woman as I could.

"Well, theirs the youngest who is only 18 months, that's Ian. Then I have the middle child who is now 3, that's Beth and then my oldest who is 4, she is Maddi."

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