Chapter 74

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Song - Secret Love Song by Little Mix
Status - chapter song.

Quick A/N
Hey guys!! I had no intention to publish the next chapter until the 12 day mark but you guys can thank @RhymeMcAdams703 for this update. Her comments always make me smile so this chapter is dedicated to her!! Keep commenting guys because it's literally what encourages me to keep writing!!


"Dale and I are dating."

5 words.

5 single words that had my head spinning and me feeling faint.

Dale and I are dating.

They couldn't be, Miles wasn't gay, he loved Maddi.

Dale and I are dating.

I stare at them in shock, not knowing what to say.

Dale and I are dating.

"Um, I think I'm going to go and find anywhere else to be," Dale says awkwardly, standing up and disappearing quickly into the darkness.

I don't move, not only was I speechless but I was also immobile.

Dale and I are dating.

"Come and sit little E," Miles says gently, patting the spot beside him that Dale occupied just a few short seconds ago.

My feet move before my mind catches up and suddenly I'm sitting beside Miles, staring at him as he stares at the pond.

Dale and I are dating.

My brain still spins erratically and I still cannot find my voice.

What did he mean that he and Dale were dating? I must have heard wrong.

I don't speak, I wasn't sure what to say.

Dale and I are dating.

If Miles was gay then does that mean that everything he had with Maddi was nothing but a lie, a story?

Maddi was such a good person that I wouldn't be surprised if she knew and played along for Miles's sake, but I knew that she loved him and I thought that he loved her too.

"Maddi and I were soulmates, she was the light of my life and everything good and pure in this world, I never thought I could love someone again after she passed," Miles begins softly, his eyes filling up with unshed tears and his voice breaking.

"And you found that with Dale?" I whisper, not even realizing that I had found my voice again.

Miles looks at me as a single tear falls down his face, he nods; "I know what you're thinking and I'm not gay, what Maddi and I had was so real and so pure but when she died a part of me died with her. I could never look at another girl the way that I looked at Maddi, all they did was remind me of her and maybe that's why I started feeling that way towards guys. Maddi was everything for me and when she died I had nothing left but I don't want to die alone Em, and no girl will ever compare to Maddi. No girl will look like her, no girl will laugh like her, no girl will smile like her, no girl's eyes will sparkle like hers, no girl will look at me the way she did, no girl will ever be her, no girl will ever even compare to her. I will never be able to love someone the way I loved Maddi and I know that, I'm so fucking aware of it every time I look at someone else and it fucking sucks but I really don't want to be alone, I'm done being lonely. If no girl will ever be good enough for me after Maddi died, then maybe a guy can be half as good as she was. Dale knows that a part of me will never love him and he's okay with that, he understands that all of me belonged to Maddi and while some of me died when she did, maybe I can give him other parts of me, I think the word is bisexual but I wasn't always. That came when I realized that if I didn't do something, I would die alone. I want you to know Em, I never looked at anyone else, guy or girl, when I was with Maddi, I wasn't even bi back then."

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