Chapter 5

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I loved my nan more than anything but I can't deny how excited I was when she left

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I loved my nan more than anything but I can't deny how excited I was when she left. She had left pretty shortly after dinner. The only reason I had desired her departure was that she had never liked Elijah or me to leave the family while she was still here to do our own things, she claimed that she wanted to spend as much time with her grandchildren before she died. As much as I understood her reasoning, I didn't really want to sit next to a squirming Elijah and listen to all the grownups talk about politics or what was best for the economy.

I was sprawled out across my bed cuddled up to Nala while reading 'The Handmaids Tale'. I had only begun it a couple of days ago but I had already loved it.

I was so invested in the story when I heard something hit my window. Figuring it was just the wind I ignored the sound and continued to read. The sound got louder and more frequent, and pretty soon I wasn't able to ignore it. I groaned and put my book face down on the bed, Nala continued to sleep peacefully, perking up when she saw me open my window.

I had just gotten out of the shower and worn the same Pajamas as I had yesterday, this time I had kept my bra on though and I was thankful for that when I opened my window only to be faced with a smirking Aiden. He was sitting on his window seal comfortably, throwing small pieces of scrunched paper at my window, no doubt being the cause of the noise.

"Hey Collins" Aiden smirks at my annoyed face.

I don't reply and just look at him expectantly, it's now that Nala decides to stop being lazy and she stands beside me curiously looking at who I'm talking to.

"Oh hey that's a cute dog" Aiden smiles, it was the first time I had ever seen him genuinely smile and I was almost swooning. I knew his smirk was attractive but his smile was something else entirely. For once he actually seemed genuine, and the fact that it was even possible that Aiden Black could be genuine shocked me.

"Yeah, this is Nala" I smile at him, the first time I had directed a genuine smile to Aiden, and he seemed pleased.

"Anyways" he continues, "I just wanted to apologize for before, I shouldn't have tried that on you, and I actually want to be friends, for Toby's sake as well as mine" he finishes smirking.

I mean it would definitely be nice to be friends with Aiden instead of detesting him, if we were gonna be window buddies then it would be better for the both of us. It would also be great if our mothers get along to have a friend my age around when they were together instead of continuing to hang out with Elijah.

"I'd like that" I smile in reply, happy with my choice. Who knows, the bad boy may even be nice.

"I heard you were coming to my house tomorrow" he smirks.

"Unfortunately" I laugh lightly, Aiden laughs with me.

"What was the good girl doing before I interrupted?" Aiden continues to smirk, it was nice to have a genuine conversation with him, even the light teasing wasn't the worst thing in the world.

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